
  • 2013-11-21 298

    With the increasing  IP awareness of the whole society, Bayingol Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region made remarkable achivements in patent applications.

    According to statistics, from January to August this year, the prefecture filed 298 patent applications, 79 of which were for inventions. Compared to the same period last year, the number increased sharply.

  • 2013-11-21 167

    According to statistics, 449 enterprizes in 2013 China top 500 manufacturing enterprises reported its patent numbers, with 278,000 patents in total, up 24.11% than that of last year. Of the 278,000 patents, 75,000 are inventions, up 20.97%, accounting for 26.98% of the total.  

    Statistics also show the average patents that the manufacturing enterprises own are 620, up 21.81%, and the average invention patents are 167, up 18.44%.

  • 2013-11-21 300 billion yuan

    According to the Zhongguancun Core Area Science and Technology Service Industry Development Plan (2013-2015), the total revenue of the science and technology service industry of Zhongguancun core area will increse 60 billion yuan and achieve 300 billion yuan in 2015.

    Statistics show that the total revenue of the science and technology service industry of  Zhongguancun core area (Haidian district in Beijing city) in 2012 increased 46.23 billion yuan and reached 222.35 billion yuan.

  • 2013-11-21 30 billion yuan

    In recent years, the R&D expenditure of Suzhou city continues to grow. In 2012, the expenditure reached nearly 30 billion yuan , accounting for 2.6% of the local GDP.

    In 2012, Suzhou city filed 139,965 patent applications, with 98,276 granted, up  37.0% and 27.2% respectively and both ranking No. 1 for two consecutive years in the country.

  • 2013-11-21 2446

    Recently, Shandong Province issued a White Paper on Standardization Devlopment, which shows that the province is making and revising 57 international standards, 2,446 national standards, ranking the third in the country.

    According to statistics, as of the end of September, there are 3 international standardization agencies and 37 National Standardization Technical Committees as well as 40 provincial Standardization Technical Committees settled in Shandong province.

  • 2013-11-21 150 kilometer China's first RX1E Ruixiang two-seat electric light aircraft was performed an air show in the Second 2013 Shenyang Faku international flight convention recently. RX1E's takeoff weight up to 480 Kg and designed to fly at 150 kilometer per hour, with 3000 meters service ceiling.
  • 2013-11-21 12 million yuan

    On September 24, as one of important measures in promoting licensed software, Beijing state-owned enterprises held contract signing ceremony on purchasing authorized software.

    These enterprises have spent 12 million yuan in purchasing authorized software including Microsoft and Kingsoft through the online group-buying platform established by Beijing Software and Information Service Exchanges (which is 30% cheaper than that in the market) there is a 30% discount on it.

  • 2013-11-21 41

    Recently, SIPO has issued the second group of national IPR model city, and Xiamen, Ningbo, Changchun and other 15 cities received this honor.

    As of now, China has cumulatively 41 IPR model cities, including 14 sub-provincial cities, 25 prefecture-level cities and 2 county-level cities.

  • 2013-10-21 10,829 As of the end of 2012, each 10,000 citizens in Suzhou High-Tech Zone hold 16.44 patents. 10,829 patents have been filed and 5,767 were granted. Invention application and granting witnessed an increased of 48.79% and 39.41% respectively.
  • 2013-10-21 100,000 According to a conference for distance IPR education held in Hubei province, 100,000 people have registered as the students, and 77.36% of them have passed the examination.
  • 2013-10-21 49.66% Latest statistics from SIPO reveals that, 5,398 inventions have been filed in Guangxi province in the past eight months this year, up 88.02%. 877 inventions have been granted, up 49.66%, the fastest growth in China.
  • 2013-10-21 6,666 Days ago, Changsha County in Hunan province was selected with other 21 counties as the IPR model county. From March 2009 until now, 6,666 patents with an annual growth rate of 46.47% have been filed in Changsha. Patent applications and invention applications both remain the top in the province.
  • 2013-10-21 1,800 China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently released a paper encouraging promoting IPR development among industrial firms, medium and small business. SIPO actively coordinate and jointly promote implementation of related policies with other ministries. Up to now, more than 1,800 enterprises have been involved standards effectuating.
  • 2013-10-09 11,123 According to latest statistics the State Intellectual Property Office released, in the first half of this year, Xi'an filed 9,036 patent applications, up 19% than that of last year. Among the patent applications, there were 4,455 inventions,  3,960 utility models and 621 designs. Meanwhile, 9,869 patents were granted, 1,842 of which were inventions, up 6% than that of last year. As of the end of June, Xi'an had housed cumulatively 11,123 valid invention patents, up 35% than that of last year.
  • 2013-10-09 16,716 According to the report Shanghai Education Committee released, in 2012, Shanghai universities filed a total of 8,670 patent applications, up 9.7%, and obtained 6,228 patents, up 33.5%. As of the end of 2012, Shanghai universities have owned 16,716 patents, up 19.3%than that of last year.
  • 2013-08-09 41,948 SIPO's recent news reveals that Huawei has filed an accumulated 41,948 patents, 30,240 of which have been granted. Also, through have filed 12,453 patents over PCT.
  • 2013-08-09 30,770 Since 2008, new patent applications in Yunnan province achieved 30,770, representing 51.6% of the total. 18,822 were granted, representing 51.2% of the total.
  • 2013-08-09 3,566 2011 and 2012 witnessed fast growth of invention filings in Guangxi. Also it has got a fruitful season for the first half, invention patent filings amounted to 3,566, up 80%, ranking the second nationwide.
  • 2013-08-09 10 million Latest statistics shows that car sales and manufactures in Chinese market have both surpassed 10 million in the first half of 2013, up 10% respectively. Giving the credit to the innovation strategy and IPR-driving strategy, domestic brand cars grow steadily.
  • 2013-08-09 1.39 trillion yuan According to the statistics released by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), software revenue in the first quarter this year amounted to 1.39 trillion yuan, up 24.5%. However, the growth rate down 1.7%.
  • 2013-08-09 1.012 million In the first half of 2013, SIPO received 1.012 million patents of three kinds, up 18.1%. It received 316,000 invention patent applications, 397,000 utility models, and 299,000 designs, up 22.5%, 25.6% and 5.7% respectively.
  • 2013-08-09 16 National Science and Technology Major Projects for "Major New Drugs Innovation and Development" filed around a hundred patent applications in China; 16 products have obtained Chinese new drug certificates; 24  products have filed for new drugs registration.
  • 2013-08-09 92.3% From January to April in 2013, the monthly rate of E-filings for patent application of Yunnan province has reached 92.3%; E-filings has been popularized among all patent agents in the province.
  • 2013-08-09 35 Recently, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) released the 2013 Global Innovation Index, in which Switzerland, Sweden, The United Kingdom, The Netherlands, and the United States obtained the top 5 rankings respectively; China ranked the 35th.
  • 2013-08-09 21,689 As of June 24th, a total of 21,689 examinees had signed up for the China Patent Agent Qualification Exam. The number of candidates who have registered for exam  increased by 29.26%.
  • 2013-08-09 17,970 As of the end of June in 2013, a total of 17,970 have become qualified patent agents; 8,595 have been granted licenses and work in 946 patent agencies.
  • 2013-08-09 659,900 According to the statistics announced by China's State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC), in the first half of 2013, SAIC  have examined 659,900 trademark applications and 21,300 trademark assessment cases; investigated and punished 22,800 trademark infringements, with a total value of 230 million yuan.
  • 2013-08-09 2.9 billion yuan In 2012, 387 invention patent applications were filed from 229 key projects, and 75 implemented projects earned 2.9 billion yuan and paid taxes of 560 million yuan, according to Chinese Academy of Sciences.
  • 2013-08-09 1,000 As of the end of 2012, the applications of China's forest new plant varieties totaled 1,000, 500 of which were granted, sources from China's State Forestry Administration.
  • 2013-08-09 41,266 The courts of all levels around the nation heard 41,266 trademark civil cases, 5,943 trademark administration cases and 3,391 unfair competition cases, according to the Supreme People's Court.
  • 2013-08-09 1.94 billion yuan Recently, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine and the Ministry of Public Security jointly announced the 10 typical cases in the field of building materials during the campaign against IP infringement and fake goods. They announced that some counterfeit building materials with a value of 1.94 billion yuan were seized.
  • 2013-08-09 34,182 From January to October this year, 34,182 patents were granted in Sichuan Province, up 50.03%, 18,706 of which were from the enterprises, up 50.95%.
  • 2013-08-09 20,347 From January to October this year, Heilongjiang Province filed 20,347 patents, 4,814 of which were from colleges and universities, up 66.9%.
  • 2013-08-09 30 billion yuan Up to now, Chinese SME IPR pledge financing has amounted to more than 30 billion yuan, which greatly promotes the innovation and transformation of these SMEs.
  • 2013-08-09 35.7 million yuan On December 1, the High-Level Forum on IPR Value Transformation, one of the activities during the 6th China (Nanjing) Patent Week, is held on schedule, with 35.7 million yuan patent licensing agreement signed.
  • 2013-08-09 3.09 As of the end of October this year, the number of invention patents owned per 10 thousand heads in China has reached 3.09, up 30.4% compared with 2.37 in the last year.
  • 2013-08-09 30 million yuan At the opening ceremony of the 6th China (Hainan) Patent Week, Hainan Province showed more than 100 patented technology and products, three of which were successfully made deals, with the transaction amount up to more than 30 million yuan and the signing ceremony held.
  • 2013-08-09 2.35 million yuan At the opening ceremony of the 6th China (Henan) Patent Week, Henan Province awarded 2.35 million yuan to eight enterprises in accordance with relevant provisions and organized a series of activities, such as the outstanding patent project tour and seminars, etc.
  • 2013-08-09 31 At the opening ceremony of the 6th China (Liaoning) Patent Week, an official from Liaoning Intellectual Property Office announced 31 companies including Anshan Iron and Steel Group Corporation as 2012 Liaoning IPR dominant enterprises and awarded plaques to these enterprises.
  • 2013-08-09 15,000 During the 6th China (Nanjing) Patent Week, 2012 China (Nanjing) Patent Fair opens. The fair covers 15,000 square meters with 15,000 patents from more than 30 cities, 50 enterprises, 150 universities and research institutes in China.
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