
  • 2014-03-20 3,812 Last year, 3,812 people have passed the National Patent Bar Examination, up 28.5%, adding up to the total of 8,950 certified patent agents. 97 new patent agencies have been established, up 126%, adding up to a total of 1,000.
  • 2014-03-20 16,227 In 2013, the report system for patent enforcement information came into use. 16,227 IPR disputes have been handled, up 79.8%, 5,056 of which are patent disputes, up 100%.
  • 2014-03-20 1,800 Last year, China implemented the national standards for enterprise IPR administration, involving 1,800 enterprises and more than 200 IPR advisory organ. Meanwhile, 127 national IPR model companies and 771 companies with IPR advantages have been recognized.
  • 2014-03-20 355,000 In 2013, SIPO concluded 355,000 invention applications, 208,000 were granted. Patent examination period for inventions, utility model and design were 22.2 months, 4.3 months and 3.8 months respectively.
  • 2014-03-20 825,000 In 2013, SIPO has received 825,000 (34.7%) invention filings, up 26.3%. 22,924 patent applications over PCT have been received, up 15%. 
  • 2014-03-20 4.02 As of the end of 2013, each 10,000 citizens have owned 4.02 patents in China.
  • 2013-12-30 845 As of the November 2013, Yingli Group have filed 1,418 patent applications in fields of photovoltaic industry, 845 of them have been granted and 30% of the total are inventions. 
  • 2013-12-30 9,065 Statistics show that patent applications and granting in Zhengzhou Henan, have increased from 6,613 and 3,758 in 2009 to 16,254 and 9,065 in 2012, up 145.8% and 141.2% respectively. Invention application and granting increased by 126% and 166.7% during this period, the faster growth than average in China.
  • 2013-12-30 10,586 As of the end of September, Anhui province has owned 10,586 valid inventions. Invention patents possessed by each 10,000 citizens amounts to 1.77, up 53.9%.
  • 2013-12-30 11 In the first 10 months this year, Hubei province has filed 7,222 inventions, up 25.9%, 2,703 patents have been granted. As of the end of October, Wuhan has owned 11,917 valid inventions; invention patents possessed by each 10,000 citizens exceeded 11.
  • 2013-12-30 24,221 Up to now, British enterprises have filed an accumulative of 24,221 inventions in China. In the past 10 months this year, British enterprises filed 1,500 applications in China.
  • 2013-12-30 30.7% Invention patent filings represent 30.7% of the total in the third quarter this year in China, up 4.1%. This number for the first three quarter is 28.6%, up 2.7% and invention applications in 20 provinces have exceeded 30% of the total.
  • 2013-12-30 167

    According to statistics, 449 enterprizes in 2013 China top 500 manufacturing enterprises reported its patent numbers, with 278,000 patents in total, up 24.11% than that of last year. Of the 278,000 patents, 75,000 are inventions, up 20.97%, accounting for 26.98% of the total.  

    Statistics also show the average patents that the manufacturing enterprises own are 620, up 21.81%, and the average invention patents are 167, up 18.44%.

  • 2013-11-26 85 million Up to now, China has collected more than 85 million patent documentations from 104 countries, regions and organizations with patent specifications from 102 IP institutions and retrieves data from 99 institutions.
  • 2013-11-26 188.8 times In 2012, Chinese applicants filed 19,926 PCT applications, ranking the fourth in the word, up 188.8 times than that of 1994. 
  • 2013-11-26 5,432,000 As of the end of 2012, China has granted 5.432 million domestic patents, accounting for 88.9% of the total. Among the 5.432 million domestic patents, 592,000 are inventions, accounting for 53.3% of the total.
  • 2013-11-26 27 years Up to July 2012, China has cumulatively granted more than one million invention patents, the fastest growing country to achieve the number with merely 27 years.
  • 2013-11-26 8 million yuan Fujian Sanming Lianxing Renewable Resources Development Company is a environmental-friendly company engages in renewable resources development. It has secured a loan of 8 million Yuan by pledging six patents including a churn-dasher for recycling returned sodium silicate sand.
  • 2013-11-26 22 As of September of 2013, Pudong District of Shanghai housed 11,588 valid invention patents, and the number of invention patents per 10,000 heads reached 22.
  • 2013-11-26 53.9% According to the statistics, as of the end of September 2013, Anhui province housed 10,586 valid invention patents, and the number of that patent per 10,000 heads reached 1.77, up 53.9%.
  • 2013-11-26 1,000 Since this year, SIPO has 39 training programs in the field of patent examination. 1,000+ people of 200 patent bars from 22 provinces participated in the programs.
  • 2013-11-26 90,000 Recently, the 2012 China Innovative Enterprise Development Report was issued in Beijing. According to the report, as of the end of 2011, 542 innovative (pilot) enterprises had housed more than 90,000 valid invention patents, with main business revenue exceeding 21.5 trillion Yuan.
  • 2013-11-26 29.26% In 2013, the number of examinees that took the National Qualification Examination for Patent Agents reached 21,689, up 29.26% than that of last year, hitting a record-high.
  • 2013-11-26 360 billion Since the Beijing International Cultural & Creative Industry Expo first appeared in 2006, it has become a platform for international exchanges and cooperation of such activties. According to rough statistics, the first seven Expo has inked 365.4 billion Yuan.
  • 2013-11-26 87,419 In 2012, the local courts received 87,419 IP civil cases of first-instance, 2,928 IP administration cases, and concluded 12,794 IP criminal cases.
  • 2013-11-26 40 billion In recent years, China has constantly improved IPR commercialization system, and the registration of IPR pledging has maintained a rapid growth for 5 years. The pledge amount has reached 40 billion Yuan, with an annual average growth rate of 70%.
  • 2013-11-26 2,510 In recent years, the IP protection mechanism in China was improved. In 2012, the IP system all over the nation received 2,510 patent disputes and investigated 6,512 counterfeit cases.
  • 2013-11-26 7.656 million At the end of 2012, China recieved cumulatively 11.36 million trademark applications, 7.656 million of which were registered, and the number of valid trademark reached 6.4 million, ranking the first in the world.
  • 2013-11-26 435,151 At the end of 2012, China housed cumulatively 435,151 valid invention patents. In the first half of 2013, China granted 109,000 invention patents, 73,000 of which were domestic patents, accounting for 67% of the total.
  • 2013-11-26 43,787 At the end of June of 2013, 43,787 patents have been filed on LED technologies and products in Guangdong province, representing 26.29% nationwide. 9,684 of which are inventions, representing 22.12%. 
  • 2013-11-26 161 On October 25, a training session on checking legal software promotion project in Beijing state-owned enterprises was held. 30,000 computers of 161 enterprises been checked at the end of October.
  • 2013-11-26 3.3 billion The 8th EU-China Business and Technology Fair was concluded in Chengdu (Sichuan province)on October 23. Companies from two sides have reached 3.3 billion Yuan worth agreements of intention for investment cooperation.
  • 2013-11-26 883 With the 2013 winning list of Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation being unveiled, professor Pan Jianwei has been honored with the Science and Technology Achievement Award. 46 prizewinners have been granted 883 invention patents.
  • 2013-11-26 8% At of the end of 2012, China has owned 8% of the patents for new-energy automobiles worldwide, ranking third with Germany and Korea, following Japan's 60% and America's 22%.  
  • 2013-11-26 946 At of the end of September 30, there are 946 patent agencies and 8,595 patent agents in China. Quantity of patent agents has increased from 2,573 in 2009, with an annual increase of 41%.
  • 2013-11-26 889 News from the Shanghai Zhangjiang Incubator Exhibition: since 5 years ago Zhangjiang Business Incubator Management Limited was established, it has cumulatively filed 889 patent applications, 493 of which have been granted. 
  • 2013-11-26 90,891 According to statistics, in 2013 Chinese Top 500 private enterprises are holding a total of 90,891 valid domestic patents, with an increase of 33.0% over 2011; holding 11,215 valid foreign patents, with an increase of 78.5% over 2011. Up to now, Lenovo has built 46 world-class laboratories and owned 7,800 patents, more than 6,000 of which are inventions.
  • 2013-11-21 85% According to the news released from Beijing Fengtai District people's court, from January to August 2013, the mediation and withdrawal rate of IPR cases reached 85%, better than the same period of last year. But the mediation and withdrawal rate of trademark infringement cases (66.11%) dropped 14%.
  • 2013-11-21 7.8608 trillion Yuan Recently, the "Brand Watch" magazine and China Brand Research Institute jointly revealed 2013 Chinese Well-know Trademark Brand Value Top 500 list. The 500 brands on the list worth in total up to 7.8608 trillion Yuan, with an average value of 15.7 billion Yuan.
  • 2013-11-21 17.9% National Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of science and technology and Ministry of Finance lately issued "Statistical Bulletin of National Science and Technology Funding in 2012" showed that in 2012, China's R&D expenditure remained steadily growing, and the total investment in  R&D exceeded one trillion Yuan for the first time, with an increase of 17.9%.
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