China's IP in Foreign Eyes

  • In many ways, smart ride-sharing conveys the essence of China's IoT transformation: It draws on Chinese traditions while integrating advanced technologies in novel and unexpected ways. I was struck by signs all around that China is no longer a tech imitator — it has matured into a tech innovator, solidifying its place as an IoT leader.

    ——What We Can Learn From China About IoT, by Forbes


    Innovation is the primary force driving development. Based on its innovation power, China is becoming the leader in many fields around the world. As the basic guarantee of protecting innovation, IPRs effectively promote innovation and socio-economic development.

  • In December 2001 when China joined the WTO, the government was keen to transition from being a manufacturing-based economy to an innovation-based economy. This large step forward (as opposed to great leap) would be fuelled by expanding China's domestically owned intellectual property.

    ——Why China is a leader in intellectual property, The Conversation


    The Chinese government always attaches great importance to IPR protection. Thanks to a series of effective measures to protect the legitimate rights and interests of innovators, the world has witnessed China's determination in strengthening IPR protection.

  • It has been hailed for centuries in China as a cure for coughing, but Pipa Tangjiang - a sweet tasting syrup that was first discovered in the Qing dynasty - has failed to make much of an impact abroad. But now the herbal remedy is riding a wave of popularity in the United States thanks to New Yorkers' love of sharing new healthcare fads.

    ——The Chinese herbal cough syrup that has taken New York by storm, by The Daily Telegraph


    Pipa Tangjiang represents a typical traditional Chinese medicine and the crystallization of Chinese people's wisdom. In recent years, traditional Chinese medicine has successfully entered overseas market and well recieved by people all over the world. In this process, we should beef up IP protection by filing the international patent application, thus contributing to the development of global health fairs.

  • Thanks to China's digital revolution, advances in farming and billions of dollars spent on thousands of miles of new highways and railways, Chinese people away from the biggest cities are responding. Many of China's more remote areas are catching up to rich metropolises and connecting to the broader economy in ways they had not before, with potential long-term benefits for the Chinese economy and the world.

    ——China's Next Potential Boom Spot: The Places People Overlook, by The Wall Street Journal


    IPR serves as underpinner for industry upgrading in both metropolises and remote areas of China. It is indispensable to beef up IP protection and bolster agricultural innovation in the course of urbanization.

  • Amazon and two other American titans are trying to shake up health care by experimenting with their own employees' coverage. In China, technology companies like Alibaba and Tencent have made health care a priority for years, and are using China as their laboratory. After testing online medical advice and drug tracking systems, they are now focused on a more advanced tool: artificial intelligence.

    ——Amazon Wants to Disrupt Health Care in America. In China, Tech Giants Already Have, by The New York Times


    The artificial intelligence has not only facilitated the relevant industry, but also changed our life dramatically. In another words, that is the charm of innovation.

  • Haiyan Fu, nicknamed Ava, is a 32-year-old fashion influencer who used to did promotional posts for brands ranging from Louis Vuitton and Dior. Then, in 2016, she and another influencer teamed up to launch their own brand, Ava & Nikki. Fu had no design experience, but would draw pictures and ask suppliers to make the clothes. Today, the brand's clothing tends to go for $30 to $60 an item. When there's a hit piece, she says, she might sell 3,000 to 5,000 of them. Fu models many of them herself.

    ——China's Influencers Don't Just Push Brands – They Create Their Own, by Adage


    This time around, the influencers launch their own brands are nothing new.  Having an independent brand means having a consistent and stable content creation capability, thus can increasing the user's stickiness and establishing a solid business model.

  • Thanks to four big new releases over the New Year's Day holiday, the Chinese box office has grossed over $900 million last week. Four huge Chinese pictures, including three big sequels, all opened on the same-scheduled and all achieved varying levels of success.

    ——'Monster Hunt' And 'Monkey King' Pushed China Box Office To A Record-Crushing Week, by Forbes


    During the Spring Festival, watching movies has become a new fad for many families. The vigor of the outgoing Spring Festival's movie market brought nice surprises to audiences. That proves the ever-hard truth again that solid work wins box office.

  • A few short weeks after its release, a Japanese mobile game featuring a traveling frog has become a hit in China.The game is called TabiKaeru, or Travel Frog. It was created by Hit-Point, the Japanese company that released the popular game Neko Atsume, or Kitty Collector, in 2014.It is played like this: A frog sits in its stone hut, eating and reading, while you collect clover from the front yard. The clover is used to buy food, which the frog takes on a journey.

    ——China Embraces a Game About a Traveling Frog, by The New York Times


    Behind any successful game, there is tremendous power of innovation. Any game developer should launch IP protection on names, contents and technology in time in order to avoid potential disputes.

  • China brought 12.89 million rural people out of poverty in 2017, cutting its overall poverty rate to 3.1 percent (down 1.4 percent), the official Xinhua news agency said late on Thursday, citing government data. China's ruling Communist Party has been making efforts to tackle deep-rooted poverty in its countryside, and aims to raise the annual income of all its residents above the official poverty line of 2,300 yuan ($365.26) by 2020.

    ——China brings nearly 13 million people out of poverty in 2017, by Reuters


    As the basic guarantee of innovation, IPR provides new impetus for economic development and improvement of people's livelihood in poverty-struck areas. IPR plays an irreplaceable role in targeted poverty alleviation.

  • In an effort to deal with its fast-growing domestic waste problem, the Chinese government has blocked all imports of 24 types of foreign trash. The ban has left countries like Britain and the United States reeling, with few alternative destinations for mountains of old mobile phones, paper, textiles and plastics once treated in backyard operations along China's eastern coast. It has also forced recycling centers to step up their efforts to transform informal, backstreet industries into fully regulated, more technologically advanced and environmentally friendly ones.

    ——China trash town's cleanup bolstered by import ban, by Reuters


    Trash disposal has always been an important issue related to residents' life. Thanks to scientific and technological innovation, China's trash town will become a green recycling economy industrial park.

  • A train station was built in just nine hours by 1,500 workers in China. Workers were split into seven units to take on seven simultaneous tasks, according to the deputy manager at China Tiesiju Civil Engineering Group, the communist country's main railroad construction company. The high-speed Nanlong Railway line is under construction and is expected to be completed by the end of 2018. It will provide a main transport link between the south-east of the country and central China. The project is one of series of impressive infrastructure projects completed by China in recent years.

    ——Chinese workers build railway station in just nine hours, by The Independent


    With such a heavy loaded work, China has once again created an amazing "China speed" in just nine hours, and has shown its innovative charm to the world.

  • At the Detroit auto show on Monday, officials of GAC Motor, based in Guangzhou, outlined a broad plan to build up its operations in the United States and begin selling a vehicle here next year, possibly in partnership with Fiat Chrysler Automobiles. GAC also expects to open a development center in Michigan and a design center in Los Angeles in the first half of this year.

    ——Chinese Carmaker May Use Fiat Chrysler for Foothold in U.S., by the New Yorker Times


    Like food and fodder should go ahead of troops and horses, GAC attaches great importance to open R&D center before entering the market. Besides, GAC may consider including U.S. in its patenting strategy to strenghthen the competitiveness in the international market and avoid patent infringement.

  • Although the global electric car market is still tiny, it is most advanced in China, where 330,000 new energy vehicles were sold last year. China has an industrial stake in electric vehicles. While international carmakers tend to buy batteries produced by Japanese and South Korean companies, Chinese companies use Chinese suppliers including BYD and Amperex Technology. 

    ——China's Electric Cars are Chasing Volkswagen, by the Financial Times


    Guided by the Innovation-driven Development Strategy, electric car industry meets a great opportunity in China's market for it is intensive in patents. It injects new energy to the whole electric vehicle industry as well as enhances China's new energy battery development.

  • Apple is to open a research lab in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, according to Tim Cook, its chief executive, as it seeks to boost sales in the country . It will be Apple's second facility in China. It already has a new research and development facility in Beijing.

    ——Apple to Set Up Second R&D Centre in China, by The Financial Express


    With a strong innovative atmosphere, more and more foreign companies start to pay more attention to high-tech industry in China. Chinese government has been doing hard to mark a friendly IP protection environment, trying to attract foreign companies bring more high-end technology to China. 

  • Mr.Mi said that the venture should start making money within five years. In the meantime, he added, the company is serving China's flagship economic and foreign policy program-a multibillion-dollar plan launched in 2013 by the leader, to develop sea and land transport corridors through which china can export its goods to the world, particularly Europe.

    ——With City of Towers, China Puts its Economic Stamp on Caucasus, by the New York Time


    The Belt and Road countries has accumulated expertise and advanced capabilities in the field of IP. The cooperation among those countries could promote common development and prosperity and build a road towards peace and friendship by enhancing mutual understanding and trust. 

  • Singles Day in China has become the world's biggest shopping day. With clear marketing and help from an online spending boom, the Alibaba Group, in less than a decade, turn Nov.11 into a symbol of the power of the Chinese Consumer. Single Day has become a symbol of the rise of those sources: Chinese consumption.

    ——Alibaba, Amid Intense Hype, Confronts a slowdown on Singles Day, by the Wall Street Journal


    Alibaba can face challenge without failure only by protecting IPRs of brands, interests of every participant in the platform, and protecting consumers from infringing products.

  • Chinese patent filings have risen rapidly, both domestically and internationally. China is the largest growth source for filings with the World Intellectual Property Organisation, with Huawei and ZTE coming first and third in last year's figures. And the gulf between China and the advanced economies in international patents may imply less about the quality of Chinese innovation than often assumed.

    ——"Innovation in China: More Than a Fast Follower?", by The Diplomat Magazine


    When it comes to innovation, China still lags behind the West — but it is catching up. Chinese innovation is supported by the world's fastest growing R&D budget.

  • There are also signs of an imaginative China emerging. In fields from gene editing to big-data analytics to 5G mobile telephony, Chinese experts are now among the world's best. Sunway TaihuLight (pictured), a supercomputer made using only local computer chips, is five times as fast as the best American rival.

    ——"Innovation in China, out of the Master's Shadow", by the Economist


    Today, it is increasingly clear that a vanguard of world-class firms is emerging. The huge diversity of the continental-scale country forces firms to adapt nimbly. The Chinese market is becoming the world's innovation hotbed.

  • China's evolution as a hotbed of innovation is creating a pool of world-class management talent, expertise and experience in technology and e-commerce industries that will help it become a global leader in these fields. Ultimately, this might be the most profound change of all: instead of just charting its own course, China may soon be setting trends that the West will be compelled to follow.

    ——China emerges as a global innovator, by the New York Times


    Over many years, China has gained acclaim as the world's manufacturing powerhouse. But today, innovation is flourishing in the world's most populous nation, which is rapidly becoming a trendsetter with the potential to disrupt business models globally.

  • China successfully launched its first human spaceflight mission in more than three years, placing into orbit a spacecraft carrying two astronauts that will dock with a new space laboratory module. During the 30-day mission, Jing and Chen will carry out a number of medical and space science experiments, as well as test various systems on the Tiangong-2 module.

    ——China's Shenzhou 11 blasts off on space station mission, by CNN


    The successfully launching of Shenzhou 11 reflects that China is making steady progress in their manned space program. We believed that more and more IPR-reliant manned spaceship will be launched by China in the future.

  • The innovation theme is also a signal to the rest of the world that China is jockeying to join the ranks of the industrialized countries that have historically relied on innovation to drive their growth. The question on the minds of other emerging economy countries is whether they, too, can leverage innovation for development.

    ——China shows the path from emerging economy to innovation nation, by the Washington Post


    IPR is a key for China to transfer from emerging economy to innovation nation. China is now implementing innovation-driven strategy, and shows its power at the world stage.

  • Part of the push for better patent protection comes from emerging giants like Huawei Technologies Co., which compete globally and see a thick patent portfolio as crucial to selling overseas without drawing lawsuits or paying high royalties. More patents have led to more enforcement. Chinese officials said they handled 35,844 patent infringement or counterfeit cases last year, nearly four times as many as in 2012.

    ——Stronger Chinese Patent Laws Also Help U.S. Companies, by the Wall Street Journal


    In recently years, China has been intensifying punishment for patent infringement and counterfeit, improving patent protection mode characterized with both administrative law enforcement and judicial protection, which complement each other's advantages through organic coordination. These measures improve foreign companies' confidence in China.

  • The research firm Sanford Bernstein estimates that auto manufacturing capacity in China will rise 22 percent over the next two years, bringing it to 28.8 million cars, minivans and sport utility vehicles annually. That is almost equal to the American and European markets combine.

    ——Automakers Expanding in China May Soon Face Weakening Demand, by the New York Times


    Compared with foreign automakers expanding capacity in China, the domestic automakers gradually grew up by relying on independent innovation and IPRs. They had the strength which competes with foreign automakers. With the rise of national brands of automobiles, the consumers will have more choice while buying automobiles.

  • Reviews of the new iPhone 7 came out. The main problem Apple is facing at the moments is a slew of Chinese competitors that make high-quality phones. Given the new version of the iPhone doesn't boast any conspicuous upgrades, it could be that Apple's sagging fortunes in China continue in the short term.

    ——Apple's China Conundrum and Samsung's Recall Conundrum, The Wall Street Journal


    It is necessary for Apple to upgrade its iPhone. With the domestic handset makers continue to improve the capacity for innovation, Apple should further showcase its strength of creativity. Only to do this can Apple further expand market share.

  • The focus of investors in Asia-China and India in particular-reflects an increasingly decentralized reality in global technology investment. Asian banks, private equity firms, venture capital funds are willing to invest in domestic start-ups.

    ——Asian Tech Start-Ups Quietly Earn Backing, by The New York Times


    The development of start-ups cannot separate with the implementation of mass entrepreneurship and innovation. With the further improvement of China's IPR protection, the start-ups have a bright future in China.

  • The state-owned China National Chemical Corporation said on Monday that it had received clearance from a regulator in the U.S. for its $43 billion acquisition of Syngenta. The ChemChina has been an active buyer in recent years, acquiring more than a half-dozen companies in Europe, the Middle East and Australia. But if it is completed, the Syngenta purchase would be China's biggest foreign deal ever.

    ——U.S. Regulator Signs Off on ChemChina-Syngenta Deal, The New York Times


    This acquisition reflects that Chinese companies have made great progresses in product process and quality. After acquisition, ChemChina would acquire advanced seeds technologies, which would further improved its IPR capacity.

  • In fact, some of China's Internet companies, including Xiaomi, Alibaba and Cheetah Mobile, have started their international forays, which will intensify competition in the tech industry. U.S. Internet companies will learn and become more nimble in the process, which benefits consumers at the end of the day.

    ——Hugo Barra Of Xiaomi on the Company's International Plans, The Wall Street Journal


    China's Internet companies have strong ambitions in acquiring users on their platforms through many different types of innovative services. The competition environment is conducive to fast-paced innovation, increasingly providing a glimpse of how smartphones could be used by consumers in the U.S. and the entire world in the future.

  • Even as American companies like Google and Tesla work on autonomous vehicles, a number of Chinese companies are working on driverless car technology. The Internet company Leshi has a driverless car tech unit, and the Chinese carmaker Great Wall Motors has opened a research center in Silicon Valley.

    ——China's Companies Poised to Take Leap in Developing a Driverless Car, by The New York Times


    China's mass innovation and entrepreneurship is carrying out in full swing. With more and more entrepreneurs creating their own companies, they aggressively expand R&D area, and show their IPR strength on the international market.

  • Some 40% of all the e-commerce in the world takes place in China, making an e-commerce strategy for that market almost obligatory for international brands. But one of the chronic challenges in China is the problem of counterfeits and intellectual property (IP) rights. There are indications of improvement in China IP protection, but the main source of optimism is the same as the historic reason for pessimism: the role of Alibaba , China's leading e-commerce company.

    ——Alibaba Plays Pivotal Role In China's Intellectual Property Rights, Forbes


    In the past few years, more and more torts on IPR happened in e-commerce markets all over the world with the rapid development of e-commerce. For e-commerce giant like Alibaba, it is an obligation to enhance IP protection and make a health environment for e-commerce development. 

  • China needs to avoid asset bubbles and support productive and innovative firms. Similarly, policies to promote continuous technological innovation and industrial upgrading can increase productivity. And measures that increase domestic research capacity – for example, by strengthening protection of intellectual property rights – can nurture innovation.

    ——Containing China's Slowdown, by Project Syndicate


    Strengthening protection of intellectual property rights plays important role in building an innovation-oriented country. China should put more in protecting intellectual property rights and improving innovation capability, to contribute to innovation-oriented country construction.

  • The purchase this week of Uber China by Didi Chuxing after a protracted competition shows that at least domestically, Chinese players can take on the most sophisticated and largest start-ups coming out of America.

    ——China, Not Silicon Valley, Is Cutting Edge in Mobile Tech, The New York Times


    China's tech industry-particularly its mobile businesses-has in some ways pulled ahead of the United States. Some Western tech companies, even the behemoths, are turning to Chinese firms for ideas. Even so, there is still a long way for China to go in the creativity.

  • WeChat is the best riposte to the condescending, widely held belief that Chinese internet firms are merely imitators of Western ones, and cannot innovate themselves. But it is not the only example. Alibaba kick-started Chinese e-commerce with the clever trick of holding payments in escrow, helping buyers and sellers establish trust.

    ——The Western caricature of Chinese internet firms needs a reboot, the Economist


    With the popularization of mass entrepreneurship and innovation, China has becoming a global leader in innovation. Besides Chinese internet firms, other industries in China would also show their innovative strength in the future. 

  • China has entered a new era. A new generation of entrepreneurs defined by their youth and exponential growth nature has generated new energy and vigor into the country. Of course, in the process of innovation and entrepreneurial pursuits, only a few would succeed or succeed at the first try. But as long as these entrepreneurs do not break laws or defraud consumers, China's society now allows and welcomes trials and errors. This era — the era of China's entrepreneurs — is bringing forth real ground breaking times in China's long history.

    ——What Drives China's Innovation? By Forbes


    Innovation cannot be achieved merely by entrepreneurs themselves. It depends on the strength of the whole society. The campaign of mass entrepreneurship and innovation policy of China is to put in place a platform for everybody, and to create a broad space for crowd funding, crowd innovation and crowd sourcing. China is now facing the spring of innovation.

  • China has become a strong innovator in areas such as consumer electronics and construction equipment. Every year it spends more than $200 billion on research (second only to the United States), turns out close to 30,000 PhDs in science and engineering, and leads the world in patent applications (more than 820,000 in 2013).

    ——Gauging the Strength of Chinese Innovation, McKinsey Quarterly


    Following the existing technology and knowledge around the world for decades, China has been generally turning into a world innovation leader. To be a long-last champion, China shall seek more method to absorbing innovation strength. Improving patents quality more than quantity might be a bright way. 

  • China dominates a biannual ranking of the world's 500 fastest supercomputers, called the Top 500, that was published on Monday. Not only does China have the world's fastest machine for the seventh consecutive time, it has the largest number of computers among the top 500——a first for any country other than the United States.

    ——China Tops List of Fastest Computers Again, by The Wall Street Journal


    Supercomputers are viewed in scientific circles as an indicator of national technology leadership. Intellectual property had played a vital role in the R&D of supercomputers. Supported by intellectual properties, China's supercomputers become more and more competitive in global market.

  • The ARJ21-700 jet is one of a series of initiatives launched by the ruling Communist Party to transform China from the world's low-cost factory into a creator of profitable technology in aviation, clean energy and other fields. China is one of the biggest aviation markets but relies on foreign-made aircraft. Beijing wants to capture more of those sales.

    ——First made-in-China jetliner makes debut commercial flight,by The Times of India


    In recent years, the global aviation industry has grown by leaps and bounds. The ARJ21-700 jet not only reflects China's ability in innovation, but also boasts one of the sign projects of China building itself into innovative country. It brings new energy to international competition in the future. 

  • As customers became more discriminating, entrepreneurs learned to move from imitation to incremental innovation, improving their products and their processes. The "fit for purpose" pattern represents innovation driven by market necessity. But many Chinese companies have chosen a more ambitious route of innovation by choice: innovation that drives the market rather than being driven by the market.

    ——The "Three Phases" Of Chinese Innovation, by Forbes


    From copying to incremental innovation, then from followers to world standard, it has been fascinating to watch China's transformation over the past decades. It will be even more fascinating for the whole world to see China being a world innovative country and a global scientific core in 2050. 

  • China will have evolved from an "innovation sponge", absorbing and adapting existing technology and knowledge from around the world, into a global innovation leader. To date, when we have evaluated how well Chinese companies commercialize new ideas and use them to raise market share and profits and to compete around the world, the picture has been decidedly mixed. China has become a strong innovator in areas such as consumer electronics and construction equipment.

    ——Gauging the Strength of Chinese Innovation, McKinsey Quarterly


    The extent and speed of China's advances in innovation will have significant implications for the country's growth. Multinationals and Chinese companies are now using China as an R&D base for global innovation. A more innovative China ought to be good for a global economy that seeks new sources of growth. 

  • Some of its achievements are visible: a doubling of the global percentage of patents granted to Chinese inventors since 2005, for example, and the growing role of Chinese companies in the wind- and solar-power industries. Other developments—such as advances by local companies in domestically oriented consumer electronics, instant messaging, and online gaming—may well be escaping the notice of executives who aren't on the ground in China.

    ——A CEO' s Guide to Innovation in China, by McKinsey


    Chinese innovation is evolving in diverse ways and at an uneven pace across a range of different industries. Dynamic domestic players are helping China churn out a growing number of innovative products and services.

  • Governments can and do play a critical role in spurring innovation–actively creating new markets, instead of just fixing them. In China, the state-owned development bank is offering billions of dollars in loans to some of the country's most innovative companies, including Huawei and Yingli Solar. These types of public investments are critical in creating and shaping new markets.

    ——The Creative State,by Project Syndicate


    In some of the world's most famous innovation hubs, the government has played a key creator role, envisioning and financing the creation of entire new fields, from information technology to biotech, nanotech, and green tech. Especially for China's innovative companies, the goverment played a crucial role in their going abroad strategy. 

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