China's IP in Foreign Eyes

  • Chinese virtual key opinion leader (KOL) Ling made her world online debut Monday, leading the latest Chinese internet trend among positive influencers and cultural inheritors and showcasing China's soft power and culture. Bearing a close resemblance to humans, Ling was co-created by Chinese artificial intelligence (AI) start-up Shanghai Xmov Information Technology and Beijing Cishi Culture Media Company. 

    ——XMOV Unveils China's First AI Virtual Influencer, PR Newswire


    Backed by China's younger generation, the emerging virtual technology has been on the fast development track, which has attracted increasing investment in research and development and innovation from more internet firms.

  • China State Construction Engineering Corporation (CSCEC) attaches equal importance to fostering a strong company culture and promoting the corporate brand. The company calls for hard work, fine craftsmanship, and the spirit of construction exemplified in its work to build the Huoshenshan and Leishenshan hospitals, in order to elevate employees' values and behavior standards and further develop the soft power of its brand culture matching the world's first-class enterprises. 

    ——CSCEC's brand value ranks first again in construction industry, PR Newswire


    Chinese enterprises attach importance to R & D and innovation, firmly establish brand awareness, optimize brand strategy, and have the courage to participate in international market competition to build the brand power of Chinese manufacturing, which demonstrates the vitality of Chinese brands.

  • On May 11, Goodbaby Group held the 60th trade show in Kunshan. Adhering to the innovative spirit and indigenous research and development, Goodbaby Group successfully transformed from manufacturing Chinese products into building a global parenting life-style brand, establishing itself in three major markets, China, America and Germany, with established a mature end-end operation platform with multiple brands, abundant categories and omni channels. Its brand influence was estimated to reach 14.535 billion yuan at China Brand Day 2020. 

    ——Goodbaby Group launches new products at 60th trade show, by Yahoo


    As a company of the juvenile product industry, Goodbaby Group develops its brand through constant innovation. The company's efforts in brand building are of importance for its brand value promotion in the global market.

  • IQIYI recently announced that it has launched a virtual tour of Mt.Everest via its QIYU all-in-one VR headset in partnership with Xinhua News Agency. Through its partnership with Xinhua News Agency, iQIYI has leveraged its innovative technology to live stream the 2020 Mt.Everest Survey in 5G+VR+4K format, enabling iQIYI users to witness this significant event in human history through the iQIYI App and QIYU all-in-one VR headset. The QIYU all-in-one VR head set supports 4K resolution and 360-degree free conversion of viewing angles, giving users a more immersive VR viewing experience. 

    ——iQIYI Launches Virtual Tour of Mt. Everest via QIYU All-in-one VR Headset, by PR Newswire


    IQIYI has been providing high-quality experience for users through the development of innovative technologies and the strategy of IP portfolio. The launch of the virtual tour presents its outstanding innovative capability.

  • ByteDance was founded by a Chinese computer scientist, Zhang Yiming, in 2011, it is now the world's biggest unlisted technology "unicorn", recently valued at between $90bn and $100bn. ByteDance has built its empire by making products that appeal beyond China. It is China's first global software giant. It has also courted foreign investors. 

    ——ByteDance attracts American attention, by The Economist


    Only by paying attention to IPRs and doing well in the creation and protection of IPRs, can ByteDance develop continuously and healthily, and go to the global market, winning a place in the fierce market competition.

  • Rural live-streaming had existed before but hadn't truly taken off. Farmers were desperate to try new sales channels, and consumers were being forced to shop online. Taobao now has over 50,000 rural live-streamers and aims for at least 200,000 more within the year. Growers who had once sold 90% of their products offline have now flipped to selling 90% online. Live-streaming has not only helped the industry weather the crisis—it's forged an entirely new way of business that is likely to continue long after the pandemic is over. 

    ——Live-streaming helped China's farmers survive the pandemic, by MIT Technology Review


    The live-streaming has helped the farmers sale their farm goods. Especially to deserve to be mentioned, we should improve the quality of agricultural products and create a number of GI brands with local characteristics.

  • The robots, some of which are more humanoid than others, can clean and disinfect, deliver medicine to patients and measure patients' temperature. CloudMinds donated robots to several medical facilities in China, including the Wuhan Wuchang Smart Field Hospital, which was converted from the Hong Shan Sports Center.

    ——Look inside the hospital in China where coronavirus patients were treated by robots, CNBC


    Under the China's policy on IP utilization and promotion, the self-designed robot technology by Chinese companies has been widely used in the epidemic control, which has greatly freed medical staff and limited the possibility of virus spread.

  • Tencent Holdings Limited, announced today to deepen collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO). As part of the agreement, Tencent will provide technology support to combat the pandemic and open-sources another AI-powered tool today to assist the global fight against the coronavirus outbreak. The COVID-19 self-triage assistant, which is now available on Github for developers around the world, enables preliminary self-evaluation regarding infection of the disease and provides tips on its prevention. Prior to this tool, Tencentopen-sourced a COVID-19 live updates module last Friday that has answered six billion pandemic-related queries in China over the past two months.

    ——Tencent Open-sources Another AI-powered Tool to Help Conduct Preliminary Self-evaluation Regarding COVID-19 Infection, CNN


    Relying on China's IP protection and innocation-driven environment, opening source code of self-developed artificial intelligence system by Chinese developers, has showed their confidence and determination to provide more valuable technical support in the fight against the epidemic around the world.

  • PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Mobile, the popular game by Chinese internet giant Tencent Holdings, recorded a threefold increase in revenue in March compared to the same time last year to become the highest-grossing mobile game worldwide.

    PUBG Mobile and its Chinese mainland version Peacekeeper Elite raked in a combined US$232 million of sales in March, topping the global mobile games chart by revenue as many people turned to online entertainment amid the global health crisis, according to data from app analytics firm Sensor Tower.

    ——Tencent's PUBG Mobile was the world's highest-grossing game in March amid coronavirus crisis,south china morning post


    In recent years, game revenues has increasingly become an important source of revenues for Tencent. Tencent's mobile game has won the popularity of game players at home and abroad, which is inseparable from Tencent's lasting technological innovation and perfect copyright operation.

  • It has been a pattern for decades that China uses models of Western and international legal and regulatory frameworks and content to establish its own protocols. During all of the years, now decades, China itself has been quietly building its capability to not only protect IP in China, but to "build a court and patent system that is pro-innovator.""China is the new IP super-power," said LexisNexis experts.

    ——China Is Taking Patents Seriously,The World Should Take Notice,The Diplomat


    The Chinese government has always adhered to the equal protection of IPRs of innovators at home and abroad. With the continuous improvement of China's IP laws system and the level of IP protection, more domestic and foreign innovators  will benefit from IP.

  • China's Tencent Holdings launched a co-innovation lab with Huawei to develop a cloud game platform, the world's biggest game company said in a statement recently. The collaboration will tap the computing power of Huawei's Kunpeng processor to build Tencent's GameMatrix cloud game platform, and the two sides will explore more possibilities in areas such as artificial intelligence and augmented reality in games, Tencent said in the statement. 

    ——Tencent to develop cloud game platform with Huawei, Reuters


    In recent years, Tencent has been developing its game platform through technological innovation and IP protection. The cooperation with Huawei will bring more chances for the company's development of cloud game.

  • IQIYI launches the animated film Nezha exclusively across nine Southeast Asian countries on April 5. The Film, which was released in 2019, follows the story of Nezha as he grows up fighting against his fate as a "demon". The Film was the second highest-ever grossing film in China with a total box office of RMB 5 billion.VIP subscribers of iQIYI in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Brunei and Cambodia will be able to enjoy the animated blockbuster with high-definition dolby sound and subtitles in six languages, including Chinese, English, Malay, Vietnamese, Bahasa Indonesia and Thai. 

    ——iQIYI Launches Chinese Animated Blockbuster "Nezha" Exclusively Across Nine Southeast Asian Countries, PR Newswire


    As online entertainment demand has grown since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, iQIYI continues to expand content supply through original production and copyright acquisition. What iQIYI has done contributes to the expansion of overseas market.

  • Many Chinese companies have already moved beyond crisis response to recovery and post-recovery planning. For example, Kuaishou, a social video platform valued at $28 billion, promoted online education offerings to compensate for school and university closures. The company and other video platforms partnered with the Ministry of Education to open a national online cloud classroom to serve students. 

    ——How Chinese Companies Have Responded to Coronavirus, Harvard Business Review


    When threatened by crisis, many companies are focused on defensive moves, but some Chinese companies like Kuaishou boldly innovated around emerging opportunities. Looking for innovation opportunity amid adversity is China's experience pointing to the scenario that companies should prepare for.

  • Beijing Aeonmed Co. has been working around the clock since Jan. 20. After meeting the country's needs two weeks ago, its factory lines have been working flat out on orders from overseas for its lifesaving ventilators. Unlike face masks or thermometers, where companies can quickly ramp up production, ventilators have a higher barrier to entry, making a rapid expansion of production more difficult. "The global fight against the pandemic is a test of made-in-China speed and quality." said Li.

    ——China's Factories Work 24/7 to Build Ventilators for Milan, New York, Bloomberg


    The epidemic is not a problem of just one country. Chinese ventilator factories have reached their maximum capacity, occupied fully by foreign demand. “Made-in-China” is saving the world.

  • Baidu is giving an algorithm it calls "LinerFold" for free to gene testing agencies, epidemic control centers and research institutions globally. The algorithm is able to help scientists understand the genetic make up of the coronavirus, and could help efforts to develop a vaccine. "The special situation of the epidemic has created huge demand for online medical services and information," Yang Minglu, general manager of Baidu's health-care business unit told CNBC.

    ——China's giants from Alibaba to Tencent ramp up health tech efforts to battle coronavirus, CNBC


    The analysis of  coronavirus RNA can be shortened from 55 minutes to 27 seconds by the "LinearFold" algorithm of Baidu. It will help to accelerate scientists'  pace on coronavirus study that Baidu chose to open  the algorithm and related IPRs to research institutions globally for free.

  • In China's major cities, groceries and other items purchased online can be delivered to the home within as little as 20 minutes following a purchase.  This is largely down to the deployment of digital technology.  Alibaba's  Cainiao network, for example, supports the supply chains of the merchants it serves via an AI-enabled digital inventory system that links the online and offline shopping worlds, in which merchants' physical stores serve an extended distribution network.  Almost as soon as the lockdown was declared in Wuhan, Alibaba was shipping medical and food supplies into the province.

    ——Delivery Technology Is Keeping Chinese Cities Afloat Through Coronavirus,Harvard Business Review


    Cainiao upgrates delivery technologies by using AI and self-reliant IPRs to support merchants' online sales. Delivery technologies accumulated for a long time has played an important role in maintaining the operation of Chinese cities through coronavirus.

  • The country's tech giants have responded to the outbreak by deploying autonomous vehicles to bring supplies to medical workers, fitting drones with thermal cameras to improve detection of the virus and lending their computing power to help develop a vaccine. The focus on tech has worked. China was home to nine of the world's 20 most valuable tech companies in 2018 - a big leap over the two it claimed five years earlier, according to a report by venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins. 

    ——Drones. Disinfecting robots. Supercomputers. The coronavirus outbreak s a test for China's tech industry, CNN


    China's efforts to focus on protection of intellectual property rights has created a better business environment for Chinese technology companies, and saw the evolving technological advances, which helped them to play a role in fighting the coronavirus epidemic.

  • "If connected to a temperature sensor, it can measure body temperature while identifying the person's name, and then the system would process the result, say, if it detects a temperature over 38 degrees," Hanwang Vice President Huang Lei told Reuters in an interview. The Beijing-based firm said a team of 20 staff used core technology developed over the past 10 years, a sample database of about 6 million unmasked faces and a much smaller database of masked faces to develop the technology.

    ——Chinese facial recognition firm says they can ID people wearing face masks, Reuters


    In response to the severe coronavirus epidemic, Chinese companies have carried out technological innovation in the facial recognition, developed advantages in more fields such as temperature sensing equipment and body temperature detection systems, safeguarding to fight against the epidemic.

  • Geely is aiming to become the first Chinese carmaker to design and build satellites to support its autonomous driving programme. Geely Group will invest Rmb2.27 bn  in a new development centre and factory to manufacture satellites this year, the company said recently. The centre will design, test and manufacture low-orbit communication satellites, which will be purpose-built to improve geolocation of vehicles and to support their connected functions, Geely said. 

    ——China's Geely looks to build own satellites for autonomous driving, by Financial Times


    In the fierce market competition, Geely has launched many new products through technological innovation and IP strategy. The satellite program represents the company's commitment to innovation.

  • China's tech giants are accelerating their efforts in the field of health-care technology using cloud computing and artificial intelligence, as the country looks to contain the fast-spreading new coronavirus. While the U.S. technology firms from Apple to Microsoft have spoken publicly about their push into health tech, China's companies have been quietly working in the background. Alibaba, Baidu, Tencent, Huawei and DiDi have all launched new health tech features aimed at diagnosing cases and finding a vaccine for the coronavirus. 

    ——China's giants from Alibaba to Tencent ramp up health tech efforts to battle coronavirus, by CNBC


    In a bid to strengthen innovation capacity, Chinese companies have been investing more in scientific and technological research and strengthening IP protection in recent years. These measures are helpful for combating against the virus.

  • The company took a different path to success from other top Chinese smartphone makers such as Huawei and Xiaomi, which started out in China before eventually expanding overseas. Transsion built its business in Africa. From the start, the company's motto was "think global, act local," which meant making phones that met Africans' specific needs. In the 2017-2018 Brand Africa 100 report, published by African Business magazine, Tecno ranked as the 7th most admired brand in Africa.

    ——The Chinese phone giant that beat Apple to Africa, by CNN


    Chinese brands now play a wider role in providing African people smart life-style. Innovations tailored to local customs would make Chinese-based brands worldwide.

  • Amid the recent coronavirus outbreak, has committed itself to providing aid to those affected in multiple capacities. In late January's healthcare subsidiary JD Health introduced a free online consultation platform on its app. In early February JD Health expanded the scope of the app to include all diseases. In addition to its consultation app, JD has worked with the local Wuhan government to integrate its smart assistant technology into the WeChat account of the mayor's office. Based on JD Cloud and AI's universal smart conversion platform, it can understand semantics and anlyze syntax to get a quick and accurate understanding of the user's questions. 

    ——Liu Qiangdong's Employing E-Commerce Technology for Coronavirus Aid, by Yahoo


    In a bid to compete in the global market, JD has been developing innovative technologies and making meticulous IP strategies. Its efforts over these years will also help to fight against the virus.

  • IQIYI recently finished airing its original trend experience reality show FOURTRY. Since its release, the show has established itself as a valuable IP-based production as iQIYI partnered with more than 70 fashions and consumer brands to produce more than 300 products made in collaboration with the show. The show has been recognized by viewers engagement achieved through technology-driven features such as interactive video segments, VR content, the AI radar feature and the interactive chatroom function. 

    ——iQIYI Maximizes IP Value of Original Reality Show "Fourtry", by PR Newswire


    As an innovative market-leading online entertainment service in China, iQIYi has been exploring to combine IP with innovative technologies. The release of the original reality show this time is a typical example for the attempt. 

  • The country's leading search engine Baidu has open-sourced an AI model to detect people not wearing face masks. The companies said it had trained the model on more than 100,000 images to achieve prediction accuracy of 96.5%. As many factories and businesses in China have resumed work after the Lunar New Year holiday, it's important for companies to identify people not wearing masks to limit the spread of the virus. 

    ——Baidu open sources AI to identify people without face masks, The Next Web


    In recent years, Baidu has developed plenty of face detection models and protected its innovation achievements through a meticulous IP strategy. The open-sourced decision made by the company will help curb the spread of the virus.

  • A new AI-powered diagnosis system promises to detect new coronavirus cases with an accuracy rate of up to 96% via computerized tomography scans, Chinese tech outlet Sina Tech News reported. The diagnosis algorithm was developed by Alibaba's research  institute Damo Academy. Researchers at the academy said they had trained the AI models with sample data from more than 5,000 confirmed cases, adding that the system could identify differences in CT scans between patients infected with the novel virus and those with ordinary viral pneumonia with an accuracy of up to 96%.

    ——Alibaba says AI can identify coronavirus infections with 96% accuracy,NIKKEI


    Since its establishment in 2017, Alibaba's Damo Academy has been generating innovative technologies to secure IPRs under its firm control. Such innovation will contribute to turning the table against the virus.

  • The Great Ruler, a drama currently being released by iQIYI, has achieved domestic and international acclaim following its premiere on January 30, adding to the string of success achieved by its comic and animation counterparts. The novel itself has developed a substantial fanbase as it has regularly topped Baidu's online novel rankings since its publication. IQIYI has created IP-based franchise around it by adapting it into an original drama series, a comic series and an animation series.

    ——iQIYI Original Drama Series '"The Great Ruler" Release Met with Acclaim in Overseas and Domestic Markets, PR Newswire


    IQIYI is committed to the development of its IP supply chain through its capabilities in animation, comics and etc. Going forward, iQIYI will continue releasing more IP-based works to help unleash the full potential of creative IPs based on the success of the drama.

  • In coronavirus-hit China, demand for virtual office tools from Alibaba and Tencent is surging as the world's largest work-from-home experiment gets into full swing. Alibaba's DingTalk is the most download free app in China's iOS App store, followed by Tencent Conference. DingTalk has been particularly swift in spotting the emerging need in the education sector. Last week, it rolled out a slew of new features for classroom settings, including live-streaming lessons that can have as many as 302 participants and an online testing and grading system.

    ——Tencent, Alibaba Apps Find Fans in Virus-Affected Schools, Bloomberg


    Tencent and Alibaba have in past years steadily built out their office apps with self-independent IP. The development of the office apps will help to fight against the virus in China's Schools.

  • While there are now more cases from the novel coronavirus that started in the city of Wuhan, where most of the cases and deaths are happening, it's not going to stop a billion Chinese people from eating, shopping or playing games online. Craig Botham, an emerging markets economist for Schroders, pointed out on his Twitter feed today that China's GDP growth is not coming from travel and transportation. Services, including financial services, and retail are where it's at for China's economy. The big China e-commerce names outperformed by a lot.

    ——These China Companies Can Survive The Wuhan Coronavirus, Forbes


    Chinese e-commerce companies and rural e-commerce service platforms have collaborated with branded merchants to develop intelligent distribution and online-working models. The blessing of new technologies helps enterprises to telecommute and work with each other efficiently, secure circulation of goods, and eventually defeat the coronavirus.

  • Super Bowl LIV will be televised live in more than 180 countries, including China. Super Bowl LIII had seven million total viewers in China across both digital and TV platforms last year. Nearly 80% of viewership came from the digital side, and more that 60% of that digital traffic comes via Tencent, the largest streaming platform in China.It is reported that,Tencent, which has an exclusive live digital agreement with the NFL.

    ——Millions In China Will Watch Super Bowl LIV Via Mobile Devices,Forbes


    In recent years, Tencent has invested a load of money in R&D in the field of live broadcasting, and has cached numerous IPRs. The exclusive cooperation with the NFL in entertainment and sports enables its users to access many popular, original contents and contents of other forms, vaulting Chinese streaming media platforms to the global market.

  • As companies around the globe explore new uses for blockchain, China is quickly outpacing the rest of the world in patent applications for blockchain-related technology. According to Tokyo-based research firm Astamuse, China filed around three times as many such patents (7,600) as the U.S. between 2009 and 2018, while data compiled by Japanese legal services firm NGB reveals that Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba, which uses block chain technology to power its Alipay e-payment platform, has filed more than 500 patent applications over the same timeframe.

    ——Moving Ahead on Blockchain Innovation, Reach Further


    Blockchain is an important breakthrough in independent innovation of core technologies. While accelerating the development of blockchain and industrial innovation, the protection of IPRs is crucial for enterprises. It is necessary for Alibaba to file hundreds of related patents to protect its achievements.

  • Today, Chinese e-commerce, search and social media platforms greatly outperform their Western counterparts in view of the audience reach and loyalty in China. The global success of the Tik Tok short video app by ByteDance also reveals that Chinese tech giants are able to conquer foreign audiences too. Others will probably follow, as whether we like it or not, China's tech companies are not only proliferating, but also bubbling with new ideas and an uncanny enthusiasm for innovation.

    ——Chinese tech companies are leading the new global innovation revolution, the Drum


    Shooting and watching short videos has become a lifestyle for many people. Interesting content and unique model are the reasons why this new social media is so popular. The success of ByteDance is not an accident, the passion for innovation and the protection of IPRs are the determining factors.

  • Her life looks like one straight out of a fairy tale. Li Ziqi impresses millions with her videos, where she makes seemingly everything from scratch with her two hands, from dying a dress with fresh grape juice to fashioning traditional lipstick from roses in her garden to foraging on horseback in order to prepare one exquisite meal after another. She has some 50 million fans in China and another 8 million overseas, but she remains a mystery to many of them. 

    ——Netred Li Ziqi reveals the difficulties behind the video production for the first time, by Goldthread


    Li Ziqi showed the Chinese culture to the world and was loved by many people. With the rapid increase of popularity, Content creators like Li Ziqi should improve their awareness of IPRs, launch trademark layout in time, and actively maintain their own trademark rights. 


  • Of college students graduating in 2017, 3 percent started their own businesses within half a year, almost double the rate in 2011. A survey released by a few dozen colleges at the beginning of 2018 showed that close to 90 percent of college students in China have considered creating their own company. Recently,there is the newly awakening entrepreneurship drive among the young Chinese students. There's a reason students are so passionate about entrepreneurship. 

    ——China Is Winning the Race for Young Entrepreneurs, by Foreign Policy 


    In recent years, Chinese college students' enthusiasm for entrepreneurship is at all-time high. China has constantly taken a series of measures to strengthen the protection of IPRs, optimize the business environment, providing a solid guarantee for entrepreneurship.

  • A consortium led by Chinese internet giant Tencent has agreed to buy 10% of Universal Music Group (UMG) from French firm Vivendi, valuing the music label at 30 billion euros. Prior to the deal, Tencent struck music distribution deals with companies such as Sony Music Entertainment, Warner Music Group, and South Korea's YG Entertainment, which manages K-pop artists such as Blackpink and Big Bang.

    ——Tencent acquires 10% stake in Universal Music Group,Tech In Asia


    It has become a mainstream consumption trend to pay for copyright in China. Tencent and other music platforms have increased the investment for music copyright. Becoming a shareholder in music companies and holding more copyright reserves have become a feasible strategy for Tencent.

  • Robin Li, the billionaire founder of Chinese search giant Baidu, has made his first visit to India, a market increasingly seen as the next frontier for Chinese tech companies, thanks to its nearly half a billion internet users. Li said Baidu was keen to partner with local institutions for innovation, according to a transcript of his comments provided by the company.

    ——Baidu CEO calls for innovation partnerships on first trip to India,Tech In Asia


    In recent years, Baidu has invested a lot in AI R&D and reserved a lot of IPRs. If Baidu and Indian organizations carry out innovation cooperation in consumption, education, transportation and other fields, which will be conducive to making IPRs benefit more people.

  • IQIYI announced its 2020 strategy for the iQIYI Knowledge App on December 18th, 2019. Based on iQIYI's leading IP content works such as The Golden Eyes, iQIYI Knowledge has developed a series of IP-based courses aimed at fulfilling both the users' entertainment demands and educational demands. With the arrival of the 5G+AI era, iQIYI Knowledge will not only continue to cultivate IP-based courses, but also focus on the development of educational interactive and short-form videos.

    ——iQIYI Announces its 2020 Strategy of the iQIYI Knowledge App, Focusing on Educational Videos and IP-based Content, PR Newswire


    In recent years, iQIYI has constantly improved IP protection awareness and provided popular original and other forms of contents. Going forward, the company will continue to promote the development of the paid knowledge market.

  • Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi Corp will invest more than 50 billion yuan ($7.18 billion) in artificial intelligence and fifth generation Internet technologies over the next five years, as competition in the sector grows. Xiaomi Chief Executive Lei Jun made the announcement on Thursday. "We need to turn our continuous advantage we have in AloT and intelligent life into absolute victory in intelligent full scene, and completely cement our king status in the smart area," said Lei.

    ——Xiaomi to invest $7 billion in 5G, AI and IoT over next 5 years, Reuters


    Xiaomi has been taking IP an important impetus for innovative development in the fierce market competition. The company's investment in 5G and AI represents its determination in original innovation.

  • It (TESLA) has started electric vehicle production in China ahead of some foreign rivals, and its Shanghai factory could push its production costs lower. Success means grabbing a bigger slice of the world's largest car market. Investors, at least, are optimistic about the company's plans: After falling as much as 46% earlier this year, Tesla's (TSLA) stock hit an all-time high this week. 

    ——How Tesla's risky bet on making cars in China could pay off, CNN


    China has further strengthened the protection of intellectual property rights and created a good business environment, making China the world's largest automotive market, which in turn has attracted the attention of more investors of auto-industry worldwide.

  • China announced the successful launch of the Long March 5 rocket on Friday, sending a communication satellite into Earth's high orbit, according to Chinese state media CCTV. The successful launch of the rocket on its third attempt could pave the way for more ambitious space projects such as missions to the Moon and Mars, along with a manned space station. China developed the powerful rocket, which is designed to carry 25 tons of payloads into low orbit, with the aim of launching a Mars probe in 2020. 

    ——China successfully launches Long March 5 rocket, paving way for more ambitious space projects, CNN


    Since the reform and opening up, China has fully implemented its innovation-driven development strategy and intellectual property strategy. China's space industry has relied on independent research and development to obtain independent intellectual property rights,and China's space industry has achieved world-renowned achievements.

  • The Konka Group, a leading digital home entertainment manufacturer and one of the top five TV brands in China, today announced a major brand expansion into the North American market. As a vertically integrated prime manufacturer with over 5,000 TV patents, Konka sells products in over 100 countries worldwide, specifically tailoring its products for each market. Named one of the "Top 10 most valuable brands in China," Konka's extensive product range includes Television, Audio, Smart Home, Appliances and Mobile. 

    ——Konka Group, A China TV Technology Powerhouse, Announces Brand Expansion into the United States and Canada, PR Newswire


    Konka Group has been building its brand through technical innovation for many years. The company's IP protection measures put its products on the map globally.

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