China's IP in Foreign Eyes

  • "I used to spend one or two hours every day watching people live streaming," said Xiao Zeng, a project manager for an asset management company based in Jinan, China. "But now, I rarely watch them anymore." The reason for his changing viewing habits: Short videos are taking China by storm. "On a weekday, I would often spend two to three hours watching those 15-second short videos. Over the weekend, I can watch up to five hours a day," Zeng told CNBC. Since last year, short videos have become one of the fastest-growing trends in China. Packed with music and special effects, they are usually fun and quirky for both their makers and viewers. 

    ——The biggest trend in Chinese social media is dying, and another has already taken its place, by CNBC

    With the continuous expansion of short video industry, the problem of its intellectual property has become more and more prominent. The originators cannot work alone, but must work together to create a good short video copyright protection environment.

  • The country's manufacturers, retailers, and brand managers are increasingly sophisticated, from merchandising to product design to quality control. They know they cannot go head-to-head with, say, Louis Vuitton, but home-grown heroes such as Xiaomi and Huawei will gladly go up against the likes of Apple and Samsung. The mass market is increasingly dominated by local brands. 

    ——Is Chinese E-Commerce Moving Down Market? by Forbes


    Thanks to the huge local market, Chinese brands have risen rapidly. Xiaomi, Huawei and other Chinese independent brands, relying on independent innovation and excellent product quality, have stepped onto the international stage and shine brilliantly.

  • Companies from China once again dominate Forbes Asia's Fabulous 50 List of the big companies in the Asia-Pacific region with a record 30 listees. The list also features 17 new entrants. Once again, the two most valuable companies on the list are Tencent and Alibaba. The Chinese Internet giants boast vastly greater market capitalizations and enjoy far higher profits than any of the other companies on the list. Tencent's net profit soared 71% last year to $10.6 billion, while Alibaba's climbed 49% to $9.7 billion. 

    ——Companies From China Dominate Forbes Asia's Fabulous 50 List, Forbes


    The continuous enhancement of innovative capacity and steady improvement of IP environment become the key factors for Chinese enterprises to venture out in the world. Seizing the opportunity, the Chinese enterprises' innovative development will expand.

  • Hutchison China MediTech has won Chinese approval for a closely watched new cancer drug in a significant boost for "made in China" medicine. The medicine is the first China-discovered and developed mainstream cancer drug to win unconditional approval following a randomized clinical trial. The green light shows the country's progress in speeding up drug approvals and underlines China's emerging role in biotech, as Beijing tries to move the pharmaceutical sector up the value chain from its traditional position making cheap generic drugs.

    ——Boost for "made in China" medicine as Chi-Med wins key approval, CNBC


    As self-developed drugs is highly cost, Chinese pharmaceutical companies' capability of independent innovation develops continuously due to China's in-depth implementation of the national intellectual property strategy and enhancement of IP protection. Chinese enterprises must pay attention to IP protection to gain substantial development.

  • Like Alphabet in the U.S., Baidu is also working on a host of other technologies. Employees now have the option of registering their faces, which they can use to get through security checkpoints and even pay for things like lunch or items at vending machines. Meanwhile, a small park on its campus is used to try out autonomous vehicles. This week, Baidu announced it will work with BYD — China's leading electric car maker, which is backed by Warren Buffett — to reach mass production of autonomous cars within three years. 

    ——Baidu works on a host of other technologies, CNBC


    In recent years, Baidu's progress in scientific research and innovation has been remarkable. Many Chinese enterprises such as Baidu keep a foothold in the world through independent innovation, due to the favorable innovation environment which benefits by China's in-depth implementation of the national intellectual property strategy.

  • China's growing band of challengers to Tencent and Alibaba has added a new member to its ranks: an app that is taking aim at the messaging world dominated by WeChat. Zidan Duanxin is barely two weeks old but it has already become China's most downloaded free app in the Apple store, according to market data company App Annie. This has prompted WeChat, the Tencent-owned platform with 1bn user accounts, to improve its own voice to text translation, according to analysts.

    ——New Chinese messaging app Zidan Duanxin takes on WeChat, Financial Times


    Instant message technology is regarded as important driving force in the future, many transnational internet enterprises have launched relative research in this sector due to the huge market. Chinese companies should improve independent innovation ability in order to be competitive in the market.

  • It single-handedly created a market of coffee drinkers in a national of tea lovers, who looked to Starbucks as an aspirational brand. The country quickly became the coffee chain's second-largest market after the United States. Recently, in a bid to revitalize its China operation, the company announced what it called a strategic “new retail” partnership with the Chinese tech giant Alibaba. 

    ——Starbucks Teams Up with Alibaba on Coffee Delivery, as It Tries to Keep Its Throne in China, by the New York Times


    Thanks to its famous brand, Starbuck has become the second-largest coffee seller in China. The innovative cooperation between Alibaba and Starbuck can not only cater to Chinese market, but also consolidate both market shares in China. 


  • China hopes to become the first country to explore the dark side of the moon or the far side. The part that never faces Earth. China has a mission plan this year. One problem with exploring the dark side of the moon is that there's no easy way to communicate with whatever kind of vehicle people put there. The moon itself would block any signals coming from Earth. So to address that, China launched a satellite earlier this year that will hang out in the moon's orbit acting like a relay station between the Earth and the new rover that China's planning to send to the moon later this year. 

    ——China hopes to become the first country to explore the dark side of the moon, CNN


    The continuous success of China's lunar exploration project has been a significant achievement in implementing the innovation-driven development strategy in the aerospace sector. In recent years, China's series of innovation breakthroughs not only have boosted its national strength, but also are amazing the world.

  • China's facial recognition start-ups are attracting big investments at a time when Silicon Valley's giants are facing a backlash over their use of the technology. In the past week, Chinese facial recognition companies, according to a pair of reports, were close to raising as much as $1.6 billion. Those investments would build on billions of dollars that investors have already put into the companies. The investments reflect facial recognition's embrace by Beijing, which has created a better environment for companies to test the technology than in the West. And that could help China deploy advanced systems faster and more broadly than America.

    ——China's facial recognition start-ups are attracting big investments, by The New York Times

    Recently,thanks to its convenience and efficiency, the facial recognition technology has been well received by the public. Chinese companies enjoy the same power as some foreign giants in advanced technology, and even show muscle in some sectors. In the future, Chinese enterprises will continue to insist on innovation.

  • Top German carmakers including BMW and Volkswagen have inked a series of deals to continue developing electric and self-driving cars in China. Factories in China produced about 25 million passenger cars last year, according to the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers. China is already the top market for many global car brands, and its drivers purchase more electric vehicles than any other country.

    ——China is owning the future of cars. German automakers want in, by CNN

    China is one of the largest markets for electric vehicles, and has become the hot market of major global car-makers. China's home-made brands must seize the opportunity to attract a lot of attention.

  • It's been less than a year since Beijing cut back red tape on drug approvals and already Chinese patients can expect to get some breakthrough medicines before Americans. After decades of being starved of innovative treatments for serious conditions like cancer, diabetes and kidney disease, China's 1.4 billion people are becoming global pharma's prime target. They've got more medical insurance than ever and millions are paying out of their own pockets for western treatments that aren't covered. 

    ——To Get the Latest Drugs, Head to China, by Today


    Cutting back red tape on drug approvals is a measure of China to improve people's livelihood. As self-developed drug is highly cost, difficult and has long cycle, only strict intellectual property protection can effectively guarantee the initiative of enterprises focusing on the research and development of original drugs.

  • China has launched a pilot program to replace farmers with robots, putting millions of people at risk of losing their jobs. The seven-year pilot, which is running in Jiangsu Province, features unmanned tractors, pesticide applicators, and rice transplanters. These technologies are not yet widely used in China. Millions of unproductive, polluting farms in China could be modernized through the program. 

    ——China is moving ahead with a huge robot farming pilot,by Business Insider


    Innovation and intelligence agricultural equipment are of great importance in the course of modernization of agriculture.  At the same time, we need to accelerate the transformation of agricultural scientific and technological achievements into real productive forces.

  • The Silk Road setting feels timeless: an expanse of desert scrub below the Tianshan Mountains, where weather-beaten farmers herd flocks of sheep much as their ancestors might have done in Marco Polo's day. Rising up surreally in their midst, however, are the new landmarks of a modern development: the gleaming yellow gantries of the world's biggest dry port and the shopping mall towers of a duty-free zone the size of a city. 

    ——Follow the New Silk Road, by The Guardian


    The Silk Road has come back to life and cities have risen up. History tells us that to open the door to a better future requires the joint efforts of all parties. The "Belt and Road" initiative is a route of innovation and opening up. Only by strengthening IP cooperation can we continue to write the legend of the Silk Road.

  • Tongling, China—Officials in this old mining town knew almost nothing about electric vehicles when a startup collected funds of $535 million in land and capital to build an electric-car plant here two years ago.  There are now 487 electric-vehicle makers in China, according to the latest official tally, and most are brand new. Singulato Chief Executive Shen Haiyin estimates that just 10% of today's EV startups will survive the next five years. Some auto analysts put the figure nearer to 1%. 

    ——China Has 487 Electric-Car Makers, and Local Governments Are Clamoring for More, by The Wall Street Journal


    In recent years, China's electric vehicles industry has developed rapidly, and a number of electric car brands have sprung up. Facing the increasingly fierce competition, electric-vehicle makers should enhance independent innovation ability and build self-owned brands with international influence.

  • From PCs to smartphones, Chinese firms, such as Huawei, are outgrowing their home market and making their mark internationally. Midday naps for the workforce do not mean that Huawei is not a relentlessly aggressive competitor; it is one of a number of homegrown Chinese technology companies that are rapidly outgrowing their home market and are now seeking-or already achieving-dominance in the rest of the world. 

    ——The Chinese technology companies poised to dominate the world, by The Guardian

    In recent years, the world is impressed by more and more Chinese enterprises venturing-out. The enhancement of independent innovation ability and improvement of  IP awareness, has become one of the key factors for Chinese enterprises to keep a foothold in the world. 



  • One hundred and twenty Chinese companies have made it onto the 2018 Fortune Global 500 list, including a number of the country's big tech companies. The three countries with the most companies on the list are the US (126), China (120), and Japan (52). Companies are ranked by total revenues for their respective fiscal years. Chinese state-backed companies still show strong fiscal power, and private companies and tech giants are moving up the list fast. 

    ——Chinese tech companies climb up fast on the Fortune Global 500 list, by technode

    The rapid rise of China's enterprises' ranking benefits from the continual optimization of innovation environment and improvement of innovation ability. As the constantly rise of IP protection, more and more Chinese enterprises will step into the top 500.

  • Average prices for tea grown amid winding river valleys of Wuyi, in the north of Fujian province, have been growing at 10 per cent annually for the past decade, according to local farmers, due to rising demand for luxury tea from wealthy entrepreneurs. But this year price has accelerated to 20 percent due to a campaign by local officials to destroy illegally planted tea bushes, reflecting a general trend of increased environmental enforcement affecting commodity prices. 

    ——Wealthy Chinese consumers drive up price of luxury tea leaves, by Financial Times


    As a product of geographical indications, Wuyishan Oolong Tea saw strong market demand, which not only increased the price of luxury tea, but also caused illegal planting, seriously affecting the brand value of Wuyishan Oolong Tea. The local government stepped up enforcement efforts, cracked down on illegal planting, which safeguard the brand value of GI.

  • China joined the world's top 20 most innovative economies for the first time while the United States fell out of the five top-ranked countries, according to a report released Tuesday by one of its co-sponsors, the U.N. intellectual property agency. The Global Innovation Index 2018 keeps Switzerland in the No.1 spot. The United States fell from 4th place in 2017 to 6th this year, while China jumped from 22nd to 17th in the rankings.

    ——China joins 20 most innovative economies, by The Associated Press


    In recent years, China's progress in innovation has been remarkable. The rapid rise of China's ranking reflects China in-depth implementation of the national intellectual property strategy, and continuously strengthen the protection and application of intellectual property rights, so that the innovation environment continues to be optimized, innovation results continue to emerge, and the innovation index continues to climb.

  • China's shift from a country that copies ideas from the West to a tech and innovation powerhouse is no longer an aspiration — it's a fact. "China is changing from the so-called copycat nation to innovation nation," Jing Ulrich, managing director and vice chairman of APAC at JPMorgan Chase, told audiences at the RISE conference in Hong Kong last week. China's rise in technology has been spurred by the emergence of large companies such as Tencent, Alibaba and Baidu.

    ——China's shedding its copycat image with innovation after innovation,by CNBC


    In recent years, Chinese enterprises rise sharply due to the enhanced innovation consciousness and the improvement of innovation ability towards science and technology. With the increasingly social competition, innovation undoubtedly becomes a good way to keep youth for Chinese enterprises.


  • Baidu made the announcement after building its 100th Apolong vehicle at its factory in the country's south-eastern Fujian province. It said the vehicles would initially be put to commercial use within Chinese cities but added it was also targeting foreign markets. The company is one of several competing to sell "level-4 autonomy" buses. The classification - set by the transport engineering body SAE International - refers to highly automated driving systems.

    ——Baidu's self-drive buses enter 'mass production', by BBC


    Autonomous cars is regarded as revolutionary power of transportation. Chinese companies which develop this technology, should improve independent innovation ability and create IPRs in order to step into the world market and being competitive in the future.

  • Growing up in the Chinese port city of Dalian in the 1990s, Zhang Hongchang spent hours immersed in Japanese cartoons such as Dragon Ball and Naruto. Today, Zhang is one of China’s hottest cartoonists and at the forefront of a new wave of Chinese animation that is being driven by the country’s technology and internet giants. His latest hit comic  has been viewed 160 million times online. 

    ——Chinese anime rising as country’s tech giants engage in cartoon arms race to develop or buy Chinese characters, Reuters


    Innovation plays a vital role in formulation of good animation works. Supported by the government and capital injection, and more and more business sectors realized the dual driven role of original and S&T innovation, the Chinese animation industry is booming in recent years. 

  • American brands have long enjoyed a vaunted status in China. U.S. fast food, beverages and coffee chains are ubiquitous in China's cities, while consumers lap up U.S.-branded infant formula, designer jeans, cars and smartphones. That dominance, however, is threatened by China's push to bolster domestic brands by creating champions in certain categories and weeding out weaker players to improve quality. 

    ——Trade war or not, China Inc already reining in American brands, Reuters


    Brand represents not only an important resource for enterprises to participate in competition, but also boosts significant standard to measure national economic strength. With the continuous improvement of China's product quality and service, Chinese brands have begun to cut corners in the world market, winning more and more consumers' favor.

  • Cast your eyes down the list of the world's most valuable private technology companies and you might be put in mind of the 2008 Beijing Olympics. That's when China ran away with most of the gold medals. The same trend is evident in the list of technology "unicorns" worth $1bn or more. All lists of private companies contain degrees of subjectivity and error, but the Wikipedia ranking of unicorn start-ups by value offers a peek into the future. Of the top 50 entries, 26 are Chinese and 16 are American. There are none from Europe. The Chinese also dominate the proportion of the most valuable of these companies.

    China is winning the global tech race——by Financial Times


    The emergence of "unicorns" is closely related to the development of innovation globalization. In recent years, Chinese enterprises have been able to attract more attention on the world stage, which is inseparable from China's good innovation environment and the strengthening of IPR protection.

  • "If it can pass this test, it can fit all conditions," said Li Wu, the chairman of Shandong Pavenrgy, the company that made the plastic-covered solar panels that carpet the road. Generating electricity from highways and streets, rather than in fields and deserts packed with solar panels, could conserve a lot of land.

    Free Power From Freeways? China Is Testing Roads Paved With Solar Panels——by the New York Times


    Amid the nationwide business start-up and innovation initiative, China lands itself into the stage of full flowering. Those advantages of generating power from highway are particularly important in a place like China, a heavily populated country where demand for energy has risen rapidly.


  • China launched its Queqiao communications satellite on May 21, but unlike other communications satellites, this one isn't going into an orbit around the Earth. This new mission will mark not only the first landing on the far side of the moon, but also an opportunity to take soil samples and test them, comparing them with samples retrieved from the side of the moon that faces the Earth.

    ——What China's Moon Mission Means for the United States, by The Daily Signal


    The successful launch of Queqiao communications satellite is the result of China's efforts to implement innovation-driven development strategy and pursuit of innovation. Only by being bold in innovation, sticking to innovation and good at innovation can China become a space power.

  • The world's biggest medical device makers have been increasing sales at double-digit rates in China, the world's most lucrative healthcare market after the US. But a drive by Beijing to boost domestic companies is cutting their market share in the country, a trend analysts say will accelerate. "The trend is towards greater market share by domestic companies, domestic goods are getting better and better," said Cheng Minghe, Mindray's president.

    ——Multinationals lose ground in China's medical devices, by Financial Times


    In recent years, China's medical equipment industry is booming. Domestic enterprises should put more emphasis on improving the quality of products, meeting international standards and establishing internationally competitive brands.

  • Oceanalpha is one of a handful of companies around the globe specializing in ocean-going drones that operate on the surface. Oceanalpha's advantage is being in China, where capital is readily available and leader Xi Jinping is promoting both technology to move up the manufacturing value chain and maritime industries to enhance the nation's overseas interests. 

    ——A Maritime Revolution Is Coming, and No One's in the Wheelhouse, by Bloomberg

    Nowadays, how to improve self-innovation has increasingly become an important factor to measure the power of an enterprise. Chinese government continues to promote  the development of emerging industries and constantly raises the level of IP protection, creating a favorable social environment for the innovation of drone companies.


  • The Global Cities Outlook also increased its consideration of Chinese cities, growing from 21 in 2015 to 27 in 2018. China is seen as a growth market and getting better for urban life and work. The average annual growth rate in China's top cities is 1.8%, based on A.T. Kearney's scoring mechanisms, which include things like university education, number of Fortune 500 companies present and lifestyle, to name a few. 

    ——China Cities Getting Bigger, Better and Faster, by Forbes

    What behind Chinese cities' progress is their ability of attracting multinational companies. With the improvement of IP protection, China's business environment has become more optimized, which has strengthened the confidence of Fortune 500 companies doing business in China.


  • Autonomous cars are computers, which is why Detroit and Germany are partnering with Silicon Valley and rapidly becoming technology companies themselves. While many core driverless technologies were developed in the West, many are open source, enabling China to catch up quickly. Accelerating the pace, the government last year launched a national public-private strategy to lead the world in key fields of artificial intelligence. 

    ——Why This Country Will Be First To Adopt Driverless Cars, by Forbes

    The technology of autonomous cars has always been a hot topic, which is regarded as another major revolution in the future automobile industry. Therefore, Chinese automobile companies should make efforts to build autonomous cars with their own IPRs in order to seize the opportunity of development in the future.

  • "The American products are simply uncompetitive in the China market," said Kai-fu Lee, who is now chief executive of Sinovation Ventures, a venture capital firm focused on Chinese technology. Even if internet titans from the United States could operate in China, he said, the local competition means they would have a hard time thriving. Also, young Chinese these days would rather work for national champions like Alibaba or Tencent.

    ——Why American Tech Companies Struggle in China, by the New York Times


    China has made outstanding achievements in internet sector in recent years. The cashless payment, shared bikes and self-service store have not only changed our life dramatically, but also showcased the charm of innovation.

  • Wandering the streets of Shanghai to admire the architecture, the head of one of the largest U.S. consumer banks recently found himself surrounded by a gaggle of teenagers. Entranced by their phones, they hardly made way for the banker. The teens were messaging, shopping and sending money back and forth, all without cash. Instead, they were using Alipay and WeChat. The future of consumer payments may not be designed in New York or London but in China.

    ——Why China's Payment Apps Give U.S. Bankers Nightmares, by Bloomberg News


    Convenient operation is people's first impression of mobile payment, followed by strong social interaction and gradual improvement of security coefficient. Thanks to innovative models and products, mobile payment can quickly open up market in China and go global.

  • China's booming start-up scene has become as much a feature of its top-tier cities as traffic and smog. There are plenty of homegrown success stories to inspire them. Where Chinese youth once worshipped at the altar of Steve Jobs, now they look to emulate Jack Ma, Robin Li, and Lei Jun, the founders of e-commerce firm Alibaba, the search engine Baidu, and the phone manufacturer Xiaomi. 

    ——How China's Tech Revolution Threatens Silicon Valley, by The Atlantic

    China is home to passionate entrepreneurship. Every burgeoning company depends on lots of innovative talents with dreams. Only when we constantly deepen the reform of talent development system, optimize intellectual property system and motivate them from business operation can we keep innovative talents float.

  • For decades, Chinese consumers have prized foreign brands, thinking that products made by American or European companies indicated higher quality than domestic. Increasingly, that's no longer the case. The Chinese smartphone market is dominated by domestic companies - Huawei, Oppo, Vivo, and Xiaomi. Apple is the only foreign brand in the top five, but it has lost significant ground to the domestic brands in recent years. It is believed that the rise of domestic smartphone companies is attributable both to a closing gap in perceived quality and because smartphones serve their users better when they rely on local service, local software, local support, and local data. 

    ——Chinese consumers don't idealize American products the way they used to, by Business Insider

    In recent years, thanks to their excellent quality and service, Chinese home-grown brands have won the reputation in the market. This fully indicates that as long as we rely on innovation and put enough efforts, the Chinese brands can compete with the famous brands in the world.

  • "Anywhere they play in Bangkok, I'll be there," said Warin Nithihiranyakul, 73, a dedicated fan of the Sai Yong Hong Chinese Opera troupe for more than 10 years. They are part of a shrinking community of people that has formed around Chinese opera in Thailand. They are preserving a cornerstone of culture heritage dating to the Tang Dynasty, making it one of the oldest dramatic art forms in the world. 

    ——We Don't Perform for People, We Perform for the Gods, by the Wall Street Journal


    As an international rule and system, IP can break down many geographical limitations. Thanks to the IP protection, the intangible cultural heritage has obtained a universal amulet.

  • Xiaomi, the Chinese gadget maker that has become one of the world's largest smartphone companies, has picked Hong Kong to list its shares in what is widely expected to be a major initial public offering. The company stumbled two years ago as other Chinese companies, like Huawei and Oppo, began turning out phones at competitive prices. Since then, Xiaomi has refurbished its lineup and begun an expansion into India and other new markets. 

    ——Xiaomi, a Chinese Start-Up, Picks Hong Kong for a Major I.P.O, by the New York Times


    Amidst the changeable global market, the Chinese smartphone producer should not regard its cheap price of the products as competitive power. Instead, they should beef up R&D to build cut-edging technology on the basis of constantly innovation.

  • At its huge campus south of Beijing, JD is testing a new store that relies on computer vision and sensors on the shelves to know when items have been taken. The system tracks shopping without tagging products with chips. Payment, which for now still happens at a kiosk, is done with ficial recognition. JD and Alibaba both plan to sell their systems to other retailers and are working on additional checkout technologies. 

    ——Retailers Race Against Amazon to Automate Stores, by the New York Times


    Thanks to the innovation, our life is changing rapidly, no matter in cutting-edge aerospace technology or the retailing industry. That is the charm of innovation.

  • Chinese scientists have been testing a prototype of an ultra-high-speed train that could potentially travel faster than an aeroplane. The cutting-edge model, called 'Super Maglev', is expected to reach 1,000km/h (620mph) under ideal condition - nearly three times faster than the current bullet trains in China - according to the Chinese state media. 

    ——Inside China's lab for 'super trains': Scientists use a futuristic loop to test maglev trains that 'could travel faster than a PLANE', by Daily Mail


    The maglev trains will profoundly change people's lives. IPR plays an important role in the development of this field. Innovation will make the maglev train become China's a new name card.

  • The global race to own 5G technology is on — and China is winning. That's according to a report released Monday by CTIA, a trade association for the US wireless industry. The study found that China is most prepared to launch the next generation of super-fast wireless technology. "China holds a narrow lead in the race to 5G thanks to a combination of industry momentum and government support," the CTIA report said. 

    ——China is beating the United States in the race for 5G, by CNN

    Today, the 5G is about to enter the world's stage. The rise of 5G technology has brought the mobile Internet industry a historic opportunity. Chinese enterprises need to improve their independent innovation capability, and lay a solid foundation for the increasingly fierce market competition with the patent layout strategy.

  • China 2025 is a project announced in 2015 that sets out to invest in a number of targeted sectors to move China up the value chain in advanced manufacturing and high tech sectors. China 2025 specifically targets 10 sectors that are supposed to form part of the so called fourth industrial revolution; information technology, high-end machinery and robotics, aerospace, marine equipment and ships, advanced rail transport, new-energy vehicles, electric power, agricultural machinery, new materials, and bio-medical. In addition, China has more recently also made plans for getting ahead in machine learning and artificial intelligence.

    ——The U.S.-China race to lead the Fourth Industrial Revolution, by Seeking Alpha


    China 2025 serves an important measure to help China upgrade economic and move towards a country with innovators. The IPR-reliant products and enjoying international competitiveness will become the foundation of China's participation in the new industrial revolution. China's role in the revolution will be even brighter.

  • As biotech has gone from strength to strength over the past four decades, China has been a backwater for the industry, tending to follow the west rather than pursuing its own innovations. The Chinese companies are determined to become leaders in this. These treatments have the potential to be highly disruptive to medicine and I think they view it as a unique opportunity as new contenders to spring to the forefront of the biotech industry.

    ——Healthcare: Cancer breakthrough leads China's biotech boom, by Financial Times


    In recent years, China's innovation power has been reflected by the booming of biotech in its market. IPR protection in turn serves a strong underpinner for the upgrading of such technology.

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