China's IP in Foreign Eyes

  • Didi Chuxing, the Chinese ride-hailing app, has announced a joint venture with a unit of carmaker BAIC to collaborate on new energy vehicle fleets and artificial intelligence. The companies will work together on “new energy fleet operation and AI transportation solutions to develop next-generation connected-car systems.

    ——Didi Chuxing announces JV with BAIC over new energy vehicles,Financial Times


    Such cooperation serves as a good example of integration and development of new technologies and services such as BAIC's new energy vehicles and Didi Chuxing's travel network, shared travel, and the expansion of new markets to achieve dual upgrades of both products and brands. This move will also serve as a new model for other companies in the industry.

  • Faster generation of driverless magnetic levitation trains is set to debut in China as early as 2020. It's built and developed independently in China by CRRC Zhuzhou Locomotives Co. Ltd., .The newly developed maglev prototype will run at a speed of 200 kph -- 40 kph faster than the 2.0 version and double the speed of the 1.0 version. When finished, the trains will be the fastest commercial maglevs developed and built completely by Chinese firms.

    ——China to introduce new generation of driverless trains in 2020,CNN


    In recent years, in addition to the continuous development independently of railway transportation in China, magnetic levitation system has gradually moved to research and development and innovation, which is of great significance to promote the development of magnetic levitation transportation technology in China.

  • TikTok has just crossed the 1 billion mark for worldwide installs on the App Store and Google Play, according to data from Sensor Tower. The 1 billion download figure is also only part of the story, as it does not include the number of downloads the app has received on Android in China, according to Sensor Tower, which also reported that TikTok was the No. 1 non-game app in the U.S. in January.

    ——TikTok better positions itself as a Facebook rival,USA Today


    Through the exploration of teenagers' aesthetic taste, TikTok creates a new way of video social interaction and is widely recognized. In recent years, TikTok has continuously strengthened copyright protection to ensure that its content does not flow out for the one side and attract more users into TikTok for the other side, which is also an important reason for TikTok's success in overseas market.

  • China's first big-screen adventures in outer-space will soon be landing on Netflix. The global streaming giant has picked up U.S. and international online rights to The Wandering Earth, the hit sci-fi blockbuster that has earned $610 million at Chinese cinemas since the start of February. "Netflix is committed to providing entertainment lovers with access to a wide variety of global content. With its high-quality production and storytelling, we believe that The Wandering Earth will be loved by sci-fi fans around the world," added Jerry Zhang, manager of content acquisition at Netflix.

    ——Netflix Acquires Chinese Sci-Fi Blockbuster "The Wandering Earth",the Hollywood Reporter


    The film "Wandering Earth" was successfully adapted into a sci-fi film hit at the box office and exported overseas. Besides the efforts of the creators, the success also benefited from the maturity of China's copyright trading market and the improvement of China's IP protection climate.

  • A centuries-old tradition: China's stilt. For centuries it be present at major events including New Year celebrations, important birthdays and funerals. But as China modernizes, the stilt walkers are facing a new challenge: keeping their audience interested. So troupes has gradually been working on some new moves, and for inspiration they looked to the Internet. They got this new style from these videos online showing street dance moves.

    ——China's street-dancing stilt walkers risk safety in exchange for thrills,CNN


    Innovation makes Chinese traditional cultures more dynamic. In a bid to keep national culture alive, Chinese folk artists explore the integration of Stilt Art and Pop Dance through Internet and stick to cultural inheritance and innovation during the inheritance of Chinese Stilt.

  • China is emerging as a leader in the use of legal technology, as it seeks to modernise its justice system to address the country's shortage of skilled and experienced lawyers.According to new figures from Thomson Reuters, the number of patents related to legal technology, or "lawtech", filed globally has risen more than fourfold over the past five years, from 202 in 2013 to 933 last year. More than half — 51 percent — were filed in China last year, while 23 percent were filed in the US and 11 percent in South Korea.

    ——China leads the way in legal technology patents, new figures show Financial Times


    China's leading position in filing application in "lawtech" sector proves its constantly improved IP creation capability. Through the operation of contract automation and other related patents, it is conducive for China to modernise its justice system, improve the efficiency of legal services and maximize the value of IPRs.

  • "The Wandering Earth" is a Chinese sci-fi film released on the New Year holiday which has taken the country by storm.Based on works by novelist Liu Cixin, it tells the story of a group of Chinese astronauts working to save Earth from a dying and rapidly expanding sun. Opening on February 5, the film made about $405 million ($2.7 billion yuan) in just over its first week in China alone -- putting it on track to become the country's most successful film of all time.China is likely to become the world's largest cinema market in coming years, according to industry insiders.

    ——Will smash hit "The Wandering Earth"change China's film industry? CNN


    The popular broadcast of "Wandering Earth" is a milestone in the development of Chinese sci-fi film. While Chinese domestic films are constantly moving towards the eyes of the world, it will pay more attention to the copyright of original films and the intellectual property protection of movie peripheral products to promote China's film industry.

  • Ant Financial has agreed to buy British payments group WorldFirst in a deal said to be worth about $700m, in the biggest push yet by Jack Ma's Chinese financial services group into western markets.Ant Financial said the move would allow the two companies "to reach a greater number of customers, especially in the fast-growing area of cross border ecommerce".

    ——Ant Financial agrees to buy WorldFirst in $700m deal,Financial Times


    The Ant Financial successfully acquired the British payment group WorldFirst, which became important initiatives for Chinese financial companies to enter the UK. Ant Financial's financial services with Pratt & Whitney will also help its brand to go global while promoting sustainable economic development.

  • There is also little doubt that China is a strong competitor, already having outspent the United States by $24 billion and planning $411 billion in 5G investments over the next decade. The Chinese government has also laid out multiple national plans for establishing the country as a leader in mobile technology, and the Chinese firm Huawei is poised to be the top smartphone manufacturer by 2020.

    ——Why China Is Winning the 5G War, The National Interest


    5G has become one of the key technologies many countries around the world exploring. In recent years, China has continuously encouraged enterprises to make great efforts to develop 5G technology and obtain intellectual property rights. Those Chinese enterprises with technological strengths, such as Huawei, are rising on the world stage.

  • Attending CES for the first time, Meituan is showcasing the Meituan Autonomous Delivery (MAD) solution, its intelligent dispatch system, and "Meituan Brain," an on-going project to build the world's largest knowledge map for catering and entertainment. At onsite demonstrations at CES, MAD is using a variety of intelligent delivery devices, such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and autonomous delivery vehicles and robots to meet on-demand delivery in settings such as buildings, business campuses and public roads.

    ——Meituan Teams Up With Nvidia, Valeo, Icona For Driverless Food Delivery Service, Forbes


    In recent years, Meituan has been making technological innovations around its take-out business, and its exploration of unmanned delivery technology is at the forefront of its peers. With technological innovation and intellectual property escort, the company's business landscape is showing greater imagination.

  • Traffic used to be a frequent headache for residents in Hangzhou, the eastern Chinese city that's home to Alibaba. The metropolis of 7 million people once ranked fifth among China's most congested cities, but it has now dropped to 57th on the list. Alibaba says that's because of one of its inventions, dubbed the City Brain, which uses artificial intelligence to gather information across Hangzhou, such as video from intersection cameras and GPS data on the locations of cars and buses.

    ——Alibaba's 'City Brain' is slashing congestion in its hometown, by CNN


    The successful practice of the City Brain in Hangzhou promotes Alibaba's target to make artificial intelligence pervade in the every corner of the city. The innovative project will not only bring more convenience for the residents, but also facilitate to construct a smart city.

  • Lotus, the British sports car brand, will begin manufacturing in China within three years, according to its Chinese owner Geely, making it the first prestige brand to produce in the world's largest car market. Geely is recruiting 20 engineers to join its billion-renminbi "Lotus Project" factory scheduled to be completed by 2021 in the central Chinese city of Wuhan, according to the Chinese company's online recruitment page.

    ——Lotus to start production in China under new owner Geely, by Financial Times


    Geely's goal of making Lotus the first luxury sports car brand in China will expand its influence in global manufacturing industry, thus realizing the promotion of Geely's overall brand-building.

  • China has become the first country to land a probe on the far side of the Moon. The Chang'e-4 probe, comprising a lander and a rover, touched down at 10.26 am Beijing time, according to China National Space Administration, which released images of a rocky surface around the landing site. Chang'e-4's landing "opened a new chapter in human lunar exploration”, the space administration said.

    ——China's space agency lands first probe on far side of the Moon, by Financial Times


    Lunar exploration project is an extremely challenging high-tech, requiring persistence in implementing the innovation-driven development strategy and expecting no outside help in breaching technical bottlenecks. Chang'e-4 has been a reflection of China's persistence on self-reliant innovation.

  • To understand China's transition from copycat to innovator, you need to understand Shenzhen. Forty years ago it was a fishing village bordering Hong Kong. But today, Shenzhen is China's Silicon Valley. Shenzhen is also now home to China's national technology champions —Huawei, the smartphone maker, DJI, the drone maker, and BYD, the electric vehicle company.

    ——From fishing village to the world stage: inside China's Silicon Valley, by The Sydney Morning Herald


    It is innovation that has made Shenzhen changed greatly. As a city of innovation,its business-friendly climate has been an important insurance  for development. Many domestic and overseas companies opt to operate there because of the city's stringent IP enforcement practice.

  • Apple Inc.'s biggest competitor in China isn't Xiaomi Corp. or Huawei Technologies Co. It's Tencent Holdings Ltd.Industry observers have known for a while that Tencent's WeChat, including its Mini Programs platform, has the potential to displace the App Store. Now the company seems set on building out the long tail, maximizing value beyond mainstream usage of its core products.

    ——In Tencent's Future, It Won't Be the Humans Who Chat, Bloomberg


    Development prospects of tech companies often depend on their core technology. Tencent always insists on independent innovation and constantly improves intellectual property protection of its innovative achievements, and also constantly enriches its service and connotation and expands its business imagination.

  • A study published by Elsevier, a scientific publisher, and Nikkei, a Japanese news business, on January 6th found that China published more high-impact research papers than America did in 23 out of 30 hot research fields with clear technological applications. Chinese science is a nimble giant, capable of piling in on any new field of promise with enormous, often centrally encouraged, force.

    ——Can China Become a Scientific Superpower? The Economist


    In recent years, Chinese government has vigorously implemented the innovation-driven development strategy and national intellectual property strategy. Inspired by the policy, with mounting technological outputs of Chinese universities, scientific research institutes and enterprises, China's competitiveness in global technological competition is also growing.

  • Huawei Technologies Co Ltd on Monday launched a new chipset for use in servers, the chipset - called the Kunpeng 920 and designed by subsidiary HiSilicon, its latest 7 nanometre, 64-core central processing unit (CPU) would provide much higher computing performance for data centers and slash power consumption.At a time when China is pushing to enhance its chip-making capabilities and reduce its heavy reliance on imports, Huawei aims to "drive the development of the ARM ecosystem".

    ——Huawei Launches Server Chipset as China Pushes to Cut Reliance on Imports,CNBC


    Chinese companies are entering the world ranks. The future of China's chip industry relies on independent R&D and innovation,breaking established technology barriers and winning the market gradually. The successful development of this chipset is of great significance to the formation of the computer industry loaded with self-reliant IPRs.

  • After barely a year in business, Luckin Coffee is challenging Starbucks in one of the US coffee giant's top markets. About 2,000 Luckin outlets have sprung up across China over the last year. Luckin plans to have 4,500 outlets by the end of 2019, which would take it ahead of Starbucks to become China's biggest coffee chain. It's luring customers with cheap prices and savvy use of technology, which is forcing Starbucks to up its game.

    ——This Coffee Company Thinks it Can Beat Starbucks in China,CNN


    As a startup company, Luckin Coffee is able to find a suitable market position in fierce market competition, compete in an orderly manner, and improve product quality and service experience with innovative business models, creating real value for Chinese consumers.

  • Alibaba affiliate Ant Financial is in talks to buy WorldFirst, the UK-based international payments group, for about $700m. The deal, if completed, would mark Ant Financial's first big move into the UK market, although its Alipay service is already accepted in some retailers.

    ——China's Ant Financial in Talks to Buy WorldFirst for $700m, by Financial Times


    The acquisition plan reveals Ant Financial's determination to go out, especially to enter the American and European markets. As an independent financial company, Ant Financial represents the innovation ability of Alibaba. The innovative ideas of Alibaba make it share a portion of world market while bringing more convenience for the public.

  • Ensuring there's efficient education is a tall order for China. Especially in some of the more remote parts of the country. Chinese unicorn, VIP Kid, launched the Rural Education Project in 2017, which aims to bring online education to 10,000 classrooms by live-streaming lessons. Recently, 55 million students in rural schools in China are now reachable by live-streaming classes. Technology is being developed to give students in rural China more access to education via online learning platforms.

    ——How Tech Firms Say They'll Change Rural China, by CNBC


    Chinese companies have developed online live-streaming classes’ platforms to optimize the allocation of educational resources and promote the balanced development of urban and rural education. At the same time, the companies need to protect the intellectual property in time in order to avoid the disputes.

  • China's plan to build its AI capabilities, where it aims to create "a next generation artificial intelligence development plan". The plan is broken up into three benchmarks: Keep pace with AI technologies by 2020, achieve AI breakthroughs by 2025, and to actually be the world leader in AI by 2030. Artificial intelligence has the potential to transform many industries: Cars that drive themselves, facial recognition that enhances security, or systems that could detect cancer better than a doctor.

    ——China Could Surpass the US in Artificial Intelligence Tech. Here's How, by CNBC


    In the era of AI, the role of intellectual property protection is becoming more and more important. As more and more innovative enterprises in China join in the field of AI, fully opening up the market, and AI technology will better serve humanity.

  • Recently,a consortium led by China's Anta Sports Products is closing in on a €5.6bn takeover of Finland's Amer Sports in what would be the largest outbound deal into Europe by a Chinese company this year. If successful, Anta, China's largest sportswear brand by revenue, would acquire Amer's portfolio, which includes Atomic skis, Salomon mountain sports gear, Louisville Slugger baseball bats and Wilson tennis rackets.

    ——Anta Sports close to €5.6bn Amer deal,Financial Times


    Chinese sports brand enterprises rely on independent innovation, actively promote brand upgrades, and further enhance the influence of Chinese national brands in the world, which lays a solid foundation for expanding international markets and implementing brand globalization.

  • The proposed underwater tunnel will be a part of  the 77-kilometer Yong -Zhou Railway plan (from Ningbo to Zhoushan) to boost tourism and create a two-hour-commute zone within Zhejiang Province. Yong- Zhou Railway will connect Ningbo East Station and Zhoushan connect Ningbo East Station and Zhoushan Baiquan)Station by high-speed trains that hit a maximum speed of 250 kilometers per hour. The new route, connecting to the existing vast high-speed rail network in China, will transport travelers from Hangzhou --capital city of Zhejilang--to Zhoushan in 80 minutes.

    ——China green light first underwater high-speed railway,CNN


    China's High-speed railway technology with independent intellectual property rights is  breaking through the limitation of various geographical environments. As the representative of independent intellectual property rights, China's high-speed railway will not only improve the regional economy, but also offer convenience for Chinese residents. 

  • "It is the first time in China to achieve self-service for the whole check-in process," said Mr Zhang, general manager of the ground services department for Spring Airlines, the first airline to adopt the system (facial recognition) at Hongqiao airport. Currently, only Chinese identity card holders can use the technology. Spring Airlines said Tuesday that passengers had embraced automated check-in, with 87 percent of 5,017 people who took Spring flights on Monday using the self-service kiosks, which can cut down check-in times to less than a minute and a half.

    ——USA Today, Check-in with Facial Recognition Now Possible in Shanghai


    In China, facial recognition is finding its way into daily life. Based on huge market and ever-expanding applications, China has seen its new innovation and advanced technology in the field , which enables more and more Chinese to enjoy the convenience of transportation. 

  • Retailers' practice of offering new product designs annually also plays to Yiwu's advantage. This year's best-sellers are products in the millennial-friendly colors of palepink and mint, says Ziru Christmas Crafts' Hong, and such changes require coordination among a tightly knit supply chain. Each pink mini tree with snowflakes and acorns requires three suppliers to adjust to her vision, she says. "It's not as easy as it looks to make a little tree like this. Every part is from a different factory."

    ——China's Christmas Village Isn't Worried About Trump's Trade War,by Bloomberg Businessweek


    China has been changing its image of low-tech and low-end manufactures in artware design. Yiwu's shifting toward higher-value manufacting and design makes itself become a new innovation center.

  • China's push to go fully electric would give BYD a strong domestic foundation for its ultimate ambition to become a global brand. To that end, Wang hired the actor and climate champion Leonardo DiCaprio in 2017 as a brand ambassador and began exporting its vehicles to the U.S. BYD has inked deals to supply electric buses to Facebook Inc.'s sprawling headquarters in Menlo Park, Calif., the transit authority in Long Beach, Calif., and the campuses of Stanford University and the University of California at Los Angeles.

    ——The First Quieter Megacity, Thanks to Electric Vehicles,by Bloomberg Businessweek


    At the forefront of metropolis-scale replacement of the combustion engine, BYD is using its strong and effective brand strategy to gain its international advantage. China's developing EV technology is BYD's foundation more than a goal.

  • Once a tiny fishing village in the shadow of nearby Hong Kong, Shenzhen is now a glittering metropolis of more than 12 million people. Along with other cities spread across Southern China's Pearl River Delta, it rose to prominence in the 80s and 90s as the world's factory floor, pumping out boatloads of industrial and consumer products. But today it's also widely known as China's answer to Silicon Valley, the home of tech giants like Tencent and Huawei. Shenzhen has become a magnet for ambitious young entrepreneurs seeking to take advantage of the city's position at the heart of global tech supply chains. It has produced startups like DJI.

    ——Inside China's Silicon Valley, by CNN


    After decades of development, Shenzhen has become a city of innovation. The excellent business environment has been an important guarantee for Shenzhen's development. It has attracted many domestic and foreign enterprises to settle down there because of IP protection environment.

  • Transsion, one of China's biggest smartphone makers has never sold a handset in the country. Yet thousands of miles away, it dominates markets across Africa. Unknown in the West, Transsion has left global players like Samsung and Apple trailing in its wake in a continent that's home to more than a billion people.In the 2017-2018 Brand Africa 100 report, published by African Business magazine, Tecno ranked as the 7th most admired brand in Africa.

    ——The Chinese phone giant that beat Apple to Africa,CNN


    The company took a different path to success from other top Chinese smartphone makers such as Huawei and Xiaomi, which started out in China before eventually expanding overseas. Transsion's rise reflects it's necessary for Chinese companies to explore a commercialization path that suits their own survival according to the market demand of different regions.

  • Chinese banks have started using micro-expression technology in an effort to spot the early signs of fraud in customers' facial movements. Ping An, the financial services conglomerate, has developed the technology and is using it in its lending businesses. Ping An's technology can identify 54 brief, involuntary micro-expressions, which the face often creates before the brain has a chance to control facial movements. They include eyeballs moving back and forth and rapid blinking, and often take place in only 1/15 to 1/25 of a second.

    ——Chinese banks start scanning borrowers' facial ticks, Financial times


    Applying innovative technology to traditional financial services will lead the business reform for Chinese banks. Continuously strengthening core technology research and focusing on independent intellectual property rights is the key to enhance competitiveness and create high-level platform of scientific and technological financial services.

  • China is developing a system that recognizes individuals by their body shape and walking movements. The new system, known as "gait recognition", is already being used by police on the streets of Beijing and Shanghai. The Chinese technology company Watrix developed the system. The company announced that it had raised $14.5 million to speed up the development and sale of the technology. The system works in a similar way to face recognition. Facial recognition systems identify the shapes and expressions on a person's face to identify them. Gait recognition uses a person's body shape and their way of walking to identify them.

    ——System Recognizes People From Body Shape, Walking Movements, by VOA


    With many years of independent innovation, China's scientists make China stand on the top of the world in the field of gait recognition. Innovators need timely patent layout to protect innovation with IPRs.

  • Alibaba smashed its record for the online retail blitz known as Singles Day. China's biggest e-commerce company said sales topped $30 billion over a 24-hour period Sunday, soaring past last year's record of about $24 billion. Alibaba started offering Singles Day discounts in 2009 and has since turned the day into a 24-hour bonanza of online shopping in China. Other Chinese e-commerce platforms like and regular brick-and-mortar stores also take part. International companies flock to Alibaba's celebrity-studded live telecast and its various online platform. Imported goods make up a significant amount of sales.

    ——Alibaba Singles Day sales top $30 billion, by CNN


    As China strengthened its protection on IPR, its business environment has been optimized gradually, attracting more and more foreign enterprises to participate in Singles Day. The Day already is not only a carnival of Chinese consumers, but also a global shopping festival.

  • A teacher shows a robot to children at a primary school in Japan. Remarkably, the school's robot was built by a start-up company in Shenzhen. "I like this robot because I need to activate all the brain cells," said A, an 11-year-old primary school student who is a big fan of the Chinese product. Chinese companies have expanded their business globally as demand for education robots continues to grow.

    ——China's smart robot startup opens up to western markets, financial times


    China's intelligent robot enterprises recognize that independent innovation is closely related to the rise and decline of themselves. So they insist on enhancing core competitiveness by innovation, and constantly accumulating IP resourcese, so as to lay a solid foundation for venturing out.

  • On television, in plain robes before a screen of ancient symbols, he did not move from behind his table, letting his hands, eyes and voice paint scenes, characters, emotions, even abstractions. The young loved him as much as the old, and the government declared him an Inheritor of state-level Intangible Cultural Heritage. His fans called him "an eternal electric wave" and an evergreen tree. 

    ——Shan Tianfang: Tradition's voice, The Economist


    As a cultural symbol of Chinese folk arts, Beijing Pingshu has been identified as China's Intangible Cultural Heritage by the Chinese government and well-protected. The inheritor Shan Tianfang left the world with profound memories.

  • The world is attracting talent. In China, there is a war for talent in dozens of cities. By issuing a series of "attractive" policies, they are trying not only to attract university graduates but also compete for high-end talent such as engineers, scientists and managers. This shows that more and more Chinese cities begin to value the role of talents in urban innovation and development.

    ——Some Chinese Cities Are Competing for Talent, The Wall Street Journal


    In the era of knowledge-based economy, talents are the sources of innovation and cities in China should develop a system to retain talents as a way of attracting them, thus exerting full role of them in innovation development.

  • Internet search company Baidu has become the first Chinese group to join a US-led consortium established to devise safeguards for the development of artificial intelligence. The Partnership on AI, the brainchild of a handful of big US tech companies, was set up two years ago after the potential harm caused by artificial intelligence became a subject of widespread concern. These cover the impact of AI on jobs and the economy; the potential safety risks it poses; and ways of making sure the technology is fair, transparent and accountable.

    ——Baidu joins US-led AI consortium as inaugural Chinese member, Financial Times


    The widespread development of AI warns us that it is necessary to pay attention to the potential impact of technology on society. Baidu's participation in the consortium represents the sense of responsibility of Chinese enterprises to contribute creative technologies to the society.

  • China, the world's largest mobile market by subscriber and network size, is determined to become the world leader in 5G wireless technologies, 5G networks are expected to be about 100 times faster than current wireless networks. They promise movie downloads in the blink of an eye and an explosion of new mobile services.

    ——How China Aims to Win the 5G Race, Fortune


    It is difficult to separate the achievements China has made in telecommunications from its the emphasis on patent portfolio. How to win the competition in 5G wireless markets? It is crucial to constantly strengthen R&D and improve the standard of patent portfolio.

  • Tencent Music Entertainment is aiming to raise at least $2bn in an initial public offering, a smaller amount than anticipated. The music streaming company, which is being spun out of Tencent Holdings, China's largest internet and social media group, had been expected to raise as much as $4bn, although TME never publicly stated such intentions.

    ——Tencent Music aims to raise $2bn in US IPO, by Financial Times


    In recent years, rapid rise of digital music platforms such as Tencent Music Entertainment is inseparable from the enterprise's attention to copyright protection. The firm is constantly working on copyright management as copyright climate of China digital music has been improved significantly.

  • Over the past few years, the country has been aggressively promoting TCM on the international stage both for expanding its global influence and for a share of the estimated US$50-billion global market. Medical-tourism hotspots in China are drawing tens of thousands of foreigners for TCM. Overseas, China has opened TCM centres in more than two dozen cities, including Barcelona, Budapest and Dubai in the past three years, and pumped up sales of traditional remedies.

    ——Why Chinese medicine is heading for clinics around the world, by Nature


    Backing by a history of thousands of years, TCM is proud treasure of China. Improving and strengthening protection of IPR of TCM, will provide legal protection for TCM "going out", and promote innovative development of TCM.

  • There are about 3 million electric vehicles in the world, and about two-thirds are manufactured and used in China. At present, many pilot cities in China are using incentives and policies to promote electric vehicles. If China continues to send a quarter of new license plates to electric vehicles in the next five years, the total number of electric vehicles will increase by about 25 million to 30 million in the world. Electric vehicles may become a new source of employment and export earnings in China. 

    ——The future of electric vehicles depends on China, Financial Times


    The new energy auto industry is developing with a promising market in China. New energy auto technology research and development especially battery technology breakthroughs, cannot live on without independent innovation and intellectual property protection.

  • Hong Kong, has seen a stampede, including the $3.1 billion IPO by Xiaomi Corp. and a planned offering by Meituan, the world's third- and fourth-most valuable unicorns. In the U.S., 17 Chinese startups filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission since March for a combined deal size of $3 billion; in Hong Kong, there were 27 candidates seeking an aggregate $10.5 billion, data compiled by Bloomberg show.

    ——Unicorns Are China's Innovative Cavalry in Trade War,The Washington Post


    As an innovative cavalry in China's industry, Chinese innovative enterprises are making use of independent innovation capabilities and protection of intellectual property rights to enhance their diversification market competitive advantages, which is increasing rapidly during the process of "going out".

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