
  • 2013-07-17 22 A UNESCO meeting on September 30 agreed on 76 living arts and traditions to be safeguarded as humanity's "intangible cultural heritage".  Some 22 Chinese customs including the Dragon Boat Festival were honored.
  • 2013-07-17 200,000 Shijiazhuang (Hebei) promulgates a policy to support original creation of cartoons and animations: those wining international awards to be rewarded 50,000 yuan to 150,000 yuan; those winning nationals to be rewarded 30,000 yuan to 100,000 yuan; those gaming products authorized for street sale to be rewarded 50,000 yuan to 200,000 yuan.
  • 2013-07-17 20 billion Local branches of China Construction Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Everbright Bank, Merchants' Bank in Guangzhou and Guangzhou Commerce Bank, September 25, signed an agreement with Guangzhou IP authority, agreeing to offer a credit line of 20 billion yuan in the next three years for IPR pledging, helping companies in the city in financing.
  • 2013-07-17 1.52% According to a report released by the China National Bureau of Statistics, China's R&D expenditure of GDP is 1.52% in 2008, up 0.87% from 1991, making China sixth in the world after United States, Japan, Germany, France and United Kingdom.
  • 2013-07-17 110,000 According to the official white Cover book on China's ethnic policies released on September 27, China strives to rescue and protect cultural heritage of ethic minorities.  As of the end of 2008, several millions of antique ethnic books had been collected, 110,000 of which were fixed.
  • 2013-07-17 80 SIPO launched its second round of high-level talent selection on September 23.  Some 80 specialists with expertise in six areas, patent examination, IPR education, international affairs, legal affairs, strategy and policy research and IPR-related IT, are selected.
  • 2013-07-17 1,376 The adjustment and revitalization action plan of eight industries in Sichuan was issued.  The southwest province aims to bolster IPR capacity in the eight industries, namely, steel, automobile, petrochemical, textile, light industry, non-ferrous metals, equipment manufacturing, and electronic information.  The plan includes 1,376 technical upgrade projects which require 415.9 billion yuan.
  • 2013-07-17 52,167 In the first eight months, Jiangsu filed 91,828 patent applications, up 34.87% and continuing its lead in the country; obtained 52,167 patents, up 76.64 and ranking top in the country for the first time.
  • 2013-07-17 185 The candidate winners of the 11th Chinese Patent Award were announced for public review on September 16.  Under pertaining rules, jurors will eventually select 185 projects, 15 of which are gold and 170 are excellence.
  • 2013-07-17 3.52 million Since launch of the third round of nationwide campaign against pornographic and illegal publications late August, China has seized 4.35 million illegal publications, 3.52 million of which are pirated ones and shut down 100,000 shops.
  • 2013-07-17 50 billion The Third Northeast China Culture Fair opened in Liaoning Industrial Museum in Shenyang.  The fair displays 451 cultural projects worth 50 billion yuan from Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Yunan and Inner Mongolia.
  • 2013-07-17 12 Among the recently-announced second group of 111 state-level innovative companies, three are from Hunan.  The province now boasts 12 such companies.
  • 2013-07-17 10 million Jiangsu Department of Finance and Intellectual Property Office earmarked 10 million yuan to support corporate implementation of IP strategy for 2009.
  • 2013-07-17 800,000 Longyan (Fujian) Huajie Machinery Trading Company obtained a project fund of 800,000 yuan from the SME Innovation Fund of the Ministry of Science and Technology.  The company is the one of the first IP pilot companies authorized by Longyan city, specializing in garbage compressor and environment equipments.
  • 2013-07-17 130 Guangdong announced September 8 its inaugural list of 130 domestically innovated products 2009 including 3G mobile telecommunication station from Comba Inc.  Among all the products, 119 are cleared for government procurement of the province in 2009.
  • 2013-07-17 11,916 According to SIPO statistics, Hubei filed 11,916 patent applications in the first half, climbing to the 10-thousand plateau for the first time and up 73.42%.  Among the applications, 3,041 were for invention, up 66.90%.  Companies contributed 6,525, up 150.58% and accounting for 54.76% of all applications.
  • 2013-07-17 1,335 Most of the companies nurtured by Hunan government saw 30% hike in patenting last year, some even over 50%.  The 47 companies of this type filed 1,335 patent applications, representing 20% of the total filed by companies in the province.
  • 2013-07-17 80,000 Yunnan announced it will sponsor technology projects with self-generated IPRs acquired overseas.  Those invention patents acquired from the US, Japan and Europe as well as international technological standards approved by international standard setting organizations will be offered 80,000 yuan.
  • 2013-07-17 69.3% Since 2008, receiving branches of SIPO took 579,000 patent applications, representing 69.3% of all applications to SIPO.
  • 2013-07-17 12,656

    The 16th Beijing International Book Fair was held from September 3 to 7 Traders from both China and overseas sealed 12,656 copyright letters of intent (11,264) and agreements (1,392), up 10.52%.  The ratio of inbound and outbound agreements is 1:1.29.

  • 2013-07-17 53 Every 100 companies own nation-leading 53 trademarks in Fujian, according to the province's meeting on famous trademark protection.
  • 2013-07-17 42 Guangdong IP Office and three other local agencies certified the fourth group of 42 schools IPR education trial schools, adding the province's total to 149.
  • 2013-07-17 4.8 million Heavy industry database developed by Sichuan IP Office is formally running for the public on the Sichuan Patent Information Service Platform.  The database covers 15 categories of over 100 classes of patent information, which includes 650,000 items of Chinese patent data and 4.8 million items of foreign patent data.
  • 2013-07-17 240 million Henan police and tobacco authorities jointly have uncovered multiple networks of making and selling counterfeit cigarettes since earlier this year.  Thirteen of the cases involve proceeds of at least one million yuan.  The total value of goods seized is 240 million yuan, spanning in one 100 million yuan case, five 10 million yuan cases and four 5 million yuan cases.  Both total value and number of major cases are in excess of those of last year.
  • 2013-07-17 5.7 billion According to Shanghai Commerce Commission, the city's import and export of cultural products is very strong in economic downturn.  The total revenue of import and export of cultural products and services in 2008 was 15.601 billion US dollars, 4.941 billion US dollars of which were for import and 10.66 billion US dollars for export, presenting a surplus of 5.719 billion US dollars.
  • 2013-07-17 10 Yangpu District Court in Shanghai helped settled 10 copyright disputes including Music Copyright Society of China, Beijing Tianyu Tongsheng Information Technolgoy vs. Shanghai Lefantian Entertainment.
  • 2013-07-17 30 million Inspur Group acquired the research and development (R&D) center of German chipmaker Qimonda in Xi'an with the cost of 30 million yuan.  Appraisal shows the center is worth over 100 million yuan with its world-class equipments and many intangible assets.  Inspur plans to develop own chip products in the center and to further purchase the 16,000 patents owned by Qimonda headquarters when appropriate.
  • 2013-07-17 2.703 billion The five-day China Shijiazhuang International Cartoon and Animation Expo concluded on August 24 with 27 projects inked.  Among the 2.703 billion yuan sealed, 1.52 billion yuan is invested on space century cartoon and animation city and 350 million yuan is for licensing projects of Little Horse Crossing River.
  • 2013-07-17 30 billion Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce signed an agreement with Bank of Beijing and Beijing Branch of Bank of Communications on financing with trademarks as collaterals.  The two banks promise to finance 30 billion yuan in the next five years to SMEs in the city which provide qualifying trademarks as collaterals.  Bank of Beijing is willing to offer 20 billion yuan.
  • 2013-07-17 521.7 billion China's goods exports edged ahead those of the world's largest exporter, Germany, for the first time ever during the first half of 2009, according to World Trade Organization data given on August 24.  Chinese goods exports reached 521.7 billion dollars over the first six months of the year, while Germany's reached 521.6 billion dollars.
  • 2013-07-17 5,231 In the first half, Ministry of Public Security investigated 5,231 vice and criminal cases of making and distributing pirated and illegal publications, apprehended 11,000 criminal suspects.  Customs nationwide seized 106 batches of cargo suspected of infringing self-generated IPRs.
  • 2013-07-17 7 Ministry of Culture announces the first list of seven key products for reinforced protection, Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, Blue Cat, Rainbow Cat Blue Rabbit, Nezha, Tencent QQ, Wuloom Familiy and Zhiyin Manke.
  • 2013-07-17 10,200 According to the China Automobile Electronics Patenting Trend released by Shanghai Silicon IP Trade Center, as of December 31, 2008, 10,200 applications of the field for invention and utility model were filed in China with most of the applications featuring essential technologies from overseas  companies.
  • 2013-07-17 189 In its special campaign on unfair competition, Tianjin handled 189 unfair competition cases, imposed 793,400 yuan in fines and seized 140,000 pieces of illegal goods.
  • 2013-07-17 23 The first group of 23 work stations for academy fellows are established in enterprises in Nanjing, Jiangsu.  Thirty-five science or engineering fellows along with their teams will provide R & D support to key industries such as electronic information and key projects such as subway construction.
  • 2013-07-17 28.402 billion Cultural innovation industry in Zhejiang (Hangzhou) created 28.402 billion yuan in added value in the first half, up 15.2% in comparable price (8.6% over GDP growth in the city).
  • 2013-07-17 56 billion China's energy consumption to produce a unit of gross domestic product (GDP) dropped 3.35 percent year on year in the first half.  The decrease compared with 2.88 percent in the first half of last year.  China has invested 56 billion yuan directly on energy saving and emission reduction.
  • 2013-07-17 30% China Brand Show 2009 and the Press Conference of the 106th Session of the Canton Fair was held in Las Vegas Exhibition Center on August 10 with 161 Chinese enterprises attending the exhibition with name brand products in goods of light industry and consumer electronics.
  • 2013-07-17 8,063 According to SIPO, Henan filed 8,063 patent applications in the first half, up 16.3%.  Service ones exceeded non-service ones for the first time, accounting for 50.7% of all applications.
  • 2013-07-17 161 China Brand Show 2009 and the Press Conference of the 106th Session of the Canton Fair was held in Las Vegas Exhibition Center on August 10 with 161 Chinese enterprises attending the exhibition with name brand products in goods of light industry and consumer electronics.
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