
  • 2013-07-17 171 Shandong announced the second group of 171 provincial intangible cultural heritages, Yang Mingzhi and 127 other inheritors received honor medals and certificates.
  • 2013-07-17 303,525 According to China Copyright Protection Center, the voluntary registration has reached 303,525 in 2009, surpassing the 300,000 milestone, among which, Mr. Han Meilin, the author of the mascots of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, on one occasion, registered 3,000 pieces including sculpture, handwriting and paintings.
  • 2013-07-17 600 million Tianjin received 600 trademarks registration for planting, breeding and agricultural products in 2009, up 43.7%. Based on enterprise size, the 600 trademarks registration would bring in 600 million yuan on the assumption that one registration could bring one million yuan per year.
  • 2013-07-17 150 billion The Manufacturing Equipment of ultimate-large-scale integrated circuit and its complete sets, one of the important national sci-tech specific projects, has been launched recently. The implementation of project will facilitate generation of revenue of 150 billion yuan on related industries in 2011.
  • 2013-07-17 59,253 As of December 15, 2009, 59,253 calls had been received by 55 centers since the 12330 hotline for IPR became operational.
  • 2013-07-17 2283 A new record of 2,283 booths are rented at the 2010 Beijing Book Order Fair, which is usually deemed as a indicator for publishing business. As of the end of this week, 663 publishers form mainland have joined this event.
  • 2013-07-17 85% Jiangsu filed 144,863 patent applications during January and November in 2009, up 35.37% and obtained 74,843 patents, up 85.04%, ranking top in the country for patents filing and granting, second for invention filing.
  • 2013-07-17 210,000 Remarkable progress was made for Hei longjiang's concentrated campaign against pornographic and illegal publications in 2009. 210,000 law enforcement person times were mobilized and 11,000 publication market and owners were examined, 380,000 copies of pirated and illegal publications were detained , 65 administrative penalty conducted, 4 cases were handover to judicial authority and 13 people were sentenced criminal punishment.
  • 2013-07-17 87,080,000 As of the end of December 2009, 87,080,000 times of illegal games blocked and 219 illegal online games were handled by internet cultural market computer supervising platform during the special campaign by national cultural administrations and law enforcement department.
  • 2013-07-17 70% As of September 2009, China had housed 1,422,787 living patents of which 1,107,371 from home. Among the domestic living patent 776,481 from eastern China, 96,162 from middle region, 53,710 from western part and Hongkong and Macao contributed 77,546, representing 70.1%, 8.7%, 9.3%, 4.9% and 7% respectively.
  • 2013-07-17 62 In an effort to construct an communication platform and promote an healthy growth of Internet content industry, the Internet Copyright Commission of China Internet Society in Beijing was established by 62 members including internet information and content providers, copyright collective management organizations, financial information service institutions , government departments etc.
  • 2013-07-17 200 The 2009 Top IT Inventions was released on December 28. Among that, some 200 domestic and foreign patent applications were filed in the commercialization project of organic light-emitting material and equipment, over 70 were granted.
  • 2013-07-17 80.8% A technological research project of energy-saving recirculation aquaculture equipment was approved in Fujian recently. It could improve the recovery of aquaculture water to 80.8% and reduce the energy consumption by 64.7%
  • 2013-07-17 2,000 Shanghai Customs handled two cases infringing trademarks of 2010 South Africa World Cup, and seized 2,000 Norway and Mauritius-bound footballs exported by two companies in Guangdong.
  • 2013-07-17 400 More than 400 patent applications were filed in the 1,000 KV Jindongnan-Jingmen UHV AC transmission project, one of the national key model projects.
  • 2013-07-17 2,000 Shenzhen National High-Tech Industry Model Park has become the first approved model park in China. The park now houses 2,000 electronic information companies, 36 R & D centers, etc.
  • 2013-07-17 154 Shandong Haiyang Nuclear Power Plant, the largest of its kind in China, was kicked off on December 28. As of now, it has filed 154 domestic patent applications.
  • 2013-07-17 13 Yunnan Dayao Walnut GI has registered by the Trademark Office of State Administrations of Industry and Commerce, amounting the province's total  to 13.
  • 2013-07-17 40,000 On December 16, Dalian Customs held a centralized destruction of 40,000 infringement products. It has seized a cumulative 80,000 illegal books and AV products since 2007.
  • 2013-07-17 11,126 From January to November, Chongqing filed 11,126 patent applications, up 63.43% year-on-year; granted 6,173, up 43.36%. Among the patent applications, 3,196 of which were for inventions, up 90.92%, 710 were granted, up 53.02%.
  • 2013-07-17 22 SIPO authorized operation of two patent agencies in Sichuan, making the province's total to 22.
  • 2013-07-17 77 Industry and commercial administrations in Liaoning waged 77 operations against pornographic and illegal publications. In the enforcement actions, 6,328 officers/times were dispatched to seized 58,994 illegal publications like pirated disks and software.
  • 2013-07-17 985 As of September 30, 2009, Marco SAR received 985 invention, 92 utility model and 611 design applications, and filed cumulative 60,777 trademark registrations as well.
  • 2013-07-17 400 Over 400 suggestions were collected via the patent examination quality feedback system for serious consideration by relevant SIPO departments.
  • 2013-07-17 1,070 General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine(AQSIQ) recently approved 10 GI products, including Laiyang pear and Hutou rice noodle.  As of now, 1,070 GIs have been registered under the AQSIQ system, with 932 domestic GIs under protection.
  • 2013-07-17 129 129 demonstration areas of crop variety and practical-tech have been built by Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The area amounts to 61,067 hectares planted in grains, industrial crops, flowers, fruits and vegetables which yielded additional 5700 yuan per hectares.
  • 2013-07-17 33 Zhongguancun Copyright Alliance initiated by 33 organizations was set up on December 11, including the National Copyright Trade Base of RUC, RUC Press, the China Literary Works Copyright Society, Pearson Education Group.
  • 2013-07-17 181 A total of 181 litigations against 54 cyber bars in Guilin (Guangxi), were raised by two culture development Companies from Guangdong and Beijing for copyright infringement, which also sought 10 thousand yuan compensation per film. All 181 cases have been mediated recently.
  • 2013-07-17 3 trillion yuan Over 3 trillion yuan will be invested in environmental protection during the Twelfth Five-Year Plan period, according to a principal from the Ministry of Environment Protection, the environment protection industry characterized by its low-carbon volume would keep increasing by 15%-20% and the output value will reach 4.9 trillion yuan.
  • 2013-07-17 10,000,000 Total estimated value of 10 million yuan counterfeit electronic products of watch, mobile phones and MP3 digital player were destroyed in Zhong Guancun Technology and Science Park in Beijing recently. The exported goods are found  infringing more than 10 world-renowned brands. Since 2006, the park has seized 93.056 million yuan worth of 307,455 infringing goods in 6366 batch/times.
  • 2013-07-17 300 300 patent projects by Henan IP office showed up on the live promotion conference in Henan University of Finance and Economics recently to help students set up their own business. This is the ever first of the this kind in China helping students start business through joint efforts by universities and government, while all the patent projects, funds and sites be provided by the government.
  • 2013-07-17 3,000,000 Fan Zeng, recently donated 3 million yuan to Sichuan Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Inheritance and Exhibition Center to rescue and protect the Qiang ethnic intangible cultural heritage in Sichuan province.
  • 2013-07-17 205,500 Some 205,500 yuan was sponsored by Shijiazhuang (Hebei) to 209 projects applied for sponsorship this year, in accordance with Rules on Exclusive Fund for Patent and Fund Management.
  • 2013-07-17 34.7% More than 10,000 examinees, up 34.7% year on year, attended the National Patent Agent Exam from December 5 to 6 in 15 cities. New records were made in the number of examinee, candidate school record and the test location.
  • 2013-07-17 18 With 18 brands selected in the top 500 world brands by World Brand Lab, China ranked the 7th in the list. People's Daily, China Telecom, Tsingtao Beer and Huawei Technologies are the four newly selected Chinese brands.
  • 2013-07-17 300,000 Hubei Province's first case of copyright use by Karaoke TVs (KTV) was concluded in Wuhan's court. According to the agreement, Wuhan Gunshi International Entertainment Company is required to pay 120,000 yuan in damages, and some 300,000 yuan for 3 year's of copyright use to Beijing Tianyu Tongsheng Information Technology Company.
  • 2013-07-17 70,000 Shanghai newly added 70,000 registration trademarks in 5 years with an annual growth rate of 16% in trademark application. According to an incomplete statistics, companies with famous marks in the city generated 823.4 billion yuan in sales revenue, contributed 59.8 billion yuan in taxes in 2008.
  • 2013-07-17 4 million Dalian Customs fare well in IPR works since this year, evidenced by investigating 34 infringement cases, handling 80,000 infringing goods worth 4 million yuan.
  • 2013-07-17 1.308 billion As of now, Guangzhou has financed loans of cumulative 1.308 billion yuan to companies pledging their IPRs since its implementation of the policy last September.  With 123 million yuan already interjected in their operation, these companies are effectively relived of capital pressure.
  • 2013-07-17 1,200 Since the launch of registration and protection system on geographical indications (GIs) in the 1990s, China received cumulative total of some 1,200 GIs applications, 735 of which were granted.
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