Intellectual Property has its Place in the Great Project of the Belt and Road
发布时间:2024-09-13 信息来源:China IP News

China is a good and trustworthy friend and partner of Serbia. Under the strategic leadership and personal concern of the leaders of the two countries, the hardcore friendship between China and Serbia has been everlasting and new, especially in the framework of the Belt and Road, the practical cooperation on intellectual property is expanding continuously and positive results have been achieved. During the Third Belt and Road High-Level Conference on Intellectual Property, China Intellectual Property News interviewed Vladimir Maric, Director General of the Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia, to review the important cooperation, look forward to the results of the conference, and talk about the new conception of intellectual property.

CIPN reporter

What has impressed you most so far about intellectual property cooperation between the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) and the Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia within the framework of the Belt and Road?

Vladimir Maric

It never comes quickly or easily to build an efficient and effective national system of intellectual property protection. This task requires great human and material resources, and it takes time. For any country in transition, like Serbia, it is important to cooperate with other countries, to learn from them as much as possible and to share our practical experiences with others as well.

At the first Belt and Road High-Level Conference on Intellectual Property in 2016, China clearly demonstrated that the protection of intellectual property has taken an important place in its economic and cultural development. In my report of the event, I remembered writing that Serbia should endeavor to integrate into the Belt and Road cooperation on intellectual property, which could lead to the exchange of intellectual property knowledge, experiences and good practices with other countries from the Asian, European and African continents.

In March of this year, our Office had the pleasure of hosting a high-ranking delegation from CNIPA. Out of multiple great ideas shared, we were particularly impressed by the future strategy of CNIPA, which refers to the so-called "revitalization of patent stock". Once a right is protected, it must not remain a collection of papers collecting dust in a drawer, but must live on the market. China takes care to ensure this, and helps the rights holders find a way to market their inventions. China has the capacity to ensure the high level of support to innovators in this way, and we are certain that our own innovation infrastructure is also ready to provide such support as well.

CIPN reporter

How do you evaluate the supportive role of intellectual property work in promoting China-Serbia economic and trade cooperation, industrial chain and infrastructure construction? What types of IP cooperation and exchanges do you think should be further deepened to better promote the modernization process of the two countries?

Vladimir Maric

For several years now, we have witnessed the increasing presence of Chinese companies in Serbia, coming from various fields of industry. We also hope that our expertise in certain areas of industry as well as our products will have a greater share in the economic exchange with China. It is noticeable that a large number of Serbian companies has started to focus on China as one of their target markets. All of this means that the field of intellectual property protection will become increasingly active. Therefore, the cooperation of our Offices is becoming increasingly more important.

Both in China and Serbia, the central Offices that oversee the intellectual property protection are national institutions. Those institutions are capable to maintain and improve the intellectual property system in their country, and not only that, but also to take on an "educational" function. The Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia has been doing this for almost fifteen years. Through direct communication with our stakeholders we can see very clearly where the weaknesses and shortcomings of our system are. I believe that our two Offices can cooperate well in this, especially in questions related to education about intellectual property.

CIPN reporter

How do you evaluate the Belt and Road cooperation on intellectual property? What are your expectations for the Third Belt and Road High-Level Conference on Intellectual Property?

Vladimir Maric

Chinese President Xi Jinping's 2013 Belt and Road Initiative is far more comprehensive than intellectual property. Intellectual property is but one small segment of the whole of the interstate cooperation project on the Euro-Asian continent. My Government supports this initiative wholeheartedly, since it promotes the orderly and free flow of economic goods between our countries, the efficient and easy deployment of economic resources and the stronger connection between national markets. Intellectual property also has its place in this great project as an important lever of economic progress in the modern world.

My biggest expectation for the conference is to even further strengthen the cooperation between Serbia and China in the domain of intellectual property, as well as to affirm our friendship. As always, I also expect to hear experiences with my colleagues and friends from other countries, to hear about the dilemmas and issues they might face, as well as what solutions they might employ. It is also significant that China and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) are working together to promote green development issues at this conference. (by Li Yangfang/Xue Peiwen)