Announcement on Annual Fee of Design Patent and Individual Designation Fee Issued by CNIPA

According to "Announcement on Annual Fee of Design Patent and Individual Designation Fee issued by National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China " (NDRC [2022] No. 465) and "Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs"(hereinafter referred to as the Hague Agreement) related regulations, CNIPA will implement a new annual fee of design patent and individual designation fee standards from May 5, 2022. The relevant matters are announced as follows:

1. The annual fee from 11th to 15th years of design patent is CNY 3000 per year.

2. The individual designation fee (CNY standard) is: CNY 4100 for the first phase (1-5 years), CNY 7600 for the second phase (6-10 years), and CNY 15000 for the third phase (11-15 years). According to the relevant provisions of Hague Agreement, in respect of the designation of China and the renewal of such a designation through the Hague Agreement,applicant should pay the individual designation fee determined by CNIPA and WIPO in Swiss francs. The Swiss francs conversion price will be notified separately on the website of CNIPA.

It is hereby announced.


April 25, 2022