
  • 2013-07-17 23 As of now, Beijing IP office has received 23 patent infringement cases, concluded 15, handled 3 patent counterfeiting cases, and launched 2 campaigns to examine patented goods, 942 work staff have been dispatched to examine 4,963 types of goods with patent identification.
  • 2013-07-17 83 On May 18, 83 IP staff from Beijing IPR system were awarded the city’s first certificate of administrative enforcement of laws concerning patents on the Thunderstorm and Net sky campaign mobilization meeting.
  • 2013-07-17 14.8 million From 2006 to 2009, Liaoning province has earmarked cumulative 14.8 million yuan on filing 19,611 invention patent applications, up 20% year-on-year, which enhanced the core competitiveness of  local enterprises.
  • 2013-07-17 87 million The project of financing for IP pledging was jointly operated by Shanxi IP office and Patent Administration Department of SIPO, helping the first group of six companies acquiring 87 million yuan of loan by pledging their patents.
  • 2013-07-17 10.6 billion Some 200 projects with a total value of 10.6 billion yuan were inked at the 6th China Hangzhou International Cartoon and Animation Festival. Letters of intent were signed for over 10,000 episodes, or 132,754 minutes of animated films or TV series, representing 77.3% of Chinese animated production in 2009, 40.7% of which was bought by overseas institutions.
  • 2013-07-17 25% The 107th China Import and Export Fair sealed the value of export contracts to 34.3 billion USD. In terms of IPR protection, the number of enterprises caught infirngement reduced by over 25%.
  • 2013-07-17 1,400 It is learnt from Anhui Folk Cultural Festival that China will announce the third list of intangible cultural heritage in June, which will include almost 300 state-level entries to bring the total to about 1,400 pieces.
  • 2013-07-17 600 Nearly 600 inventions from France, China, Poland and other countries and regions were presented in the 109th Paris International Invention Fair recently. China garnered a total of 17 medals, including 8 golds, 9 slivers,6 bronzes, and 4 medals of honor in participation.
  • 2013-07-17 39 In 2010, Shandong added 39 more Chinese well-known trademarks, up 28.9%. As of now, the province owns 174 well-known trademarks, ranking No.2 in the country. It registered a cumulative 210,000 trademarks.
  • 2013-07-17 7,231 As of the end of 2009, the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) and State Forestry Administration received 7,231 applications for new variety of plants from home and aboard, 3,278 of which were granted. In 2009, MOA granted 1,119 new varieties of plants, up 145% from 2008.
  • 2013-07-17 211 211 patent applications filed in the second half of 2009 were funded with 72,000 yuan by Xiangfan IP Office (Hubei), 41, 109 and 61 of which were for inventions, models and designs, representing for 20%, 51% and 29% respectively.
  • 2013-07-17 35,195 In 2009, the international trademark applications under the Madrid system dropped from 42,075 in 2008 to 35,195. In the same year, the member states of the system received a cumulative 303,344 registrations, down 20% from 2008.
  • 2013-07-17 950 billion In 2009, sales revenue of China's software industry reached 950 billion yuan, up 26% over 2008. Box office of the film industry earnings hit 6.2 billion yuan, up 40%.
  • 2013-07-17 75 Eight-nine vehicles made their global premiere at the 2010 Beijing International Auto Show 75 of which were China's own brands.
  • 2013-07-17 6.011448 million According to the latest statistics from SIPO, China has received 6,011,448 patent filings by March 2009. 2,005,779 of which were for inventions, 2,073,596 were utility models and 1,932,073 were industrial designs. As of March 2010, SIPO has granted 3,230,677 patents.
  • 2013-07-17 55 million The Bank of Nanchang, the Agriculture Bank of China (Jiangxi Branch) and the China Merchants Bank signed an agreement with Nanchang IP Office recently. The above three banks also signed an agreement of loan of 55 million yuan, and 90 million yuan of intent with Jiangxi Hengda Hi-Tech Company.
  • 2013-07-17 36.3893 million On April 22, 36.3893 million illegal publications were crashed in a centralized destruction of pirated and illegal publications which held in 31 provinces and cities across the nation. Over one million illegal publications were destroyed in Beijing, Guangdong, Hebei and  Jiangsu respectively.
  • 2013-07-17 1.35 billion In 2009, Beijing filed 50,000 patent applications and granted 20,000 patents; registered 974 technological contracts, up 15.13%, inked 11.813 billion yuan, up 98.97%. As of 2009, Beijing had granted cumulative loan of 1.35 billion in 108 IPR pledge cases.
  • 2013-07-17 209,700 During the campaign against piracy for Expo, local administrations dispatched 209,700 enforcement officer/times, checked 65,500 music stores, banned 3,238 illicit booths.
  • 2013-07-17 83,997 As of the end of 2009, China had received 83,997 agriculture-related patent applications and granted 12,475 inventions; Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) had received cumulative 6,632 applications for new varieties of plants and granted 2,984.
  • 2013-07-17 1 million 25 Sichuan-located companies which boast Chinese well-known marks for the first time in 2009 were rewarded 1 million yuan respetively by the province's government.
  • 2013-07-17 203 32 IP messengers were awarded certificates at the first local training course for IPR strategy. In 2009, the local messengers have sent a total of 203 reports, 43 of which were adopted.
  • 2013-07-17 20,000 Shanghai Customs seized 20,000 labels with 2010 Shanghai Expo symbols, which is the first ever infringing case seized by the Customs in the nation.
  • 2013-07-17 210% In a campaign targeting infringing goods via post and express channel waged by Guangzhou Customs in 2009, the customs handled 2,100 infringement cases, up 210%, seized 436,000 infringing goods in 12,000 cargos.
  • 2013-07-17 278 In 2009, Chengdu (Sichuan) added 68 famous trademarks to its repository, making the cumulative to 278, up 33% year on year. In 2010, Chengdu will make efforts to support some important brands, and struggle to add 2 or 6 GIs and 1 or 3 collective trademarks.
  • 2013-07-17 55% In 2009, companies in Beijing Zhongguancun Science Park filed 14,668 patent applications, representing 55% of the total filed by companies in the city, obtained 6,362 patents, up 47.8%.
  • 2013-07-17 10.3% In 2009, invention applications receive by SIPO from aboard saw a decrease of 10.3%, which is the first time in nearly 10 years. Among that, the applications via PCT was 52,549, representing 61.5% of the total applications received from aboard. SIPO granted 63,098 invention patents, up 33.9%.
  • 2013-07-17 79.4 SIPO users acknowledged the national patent authority’s performance for 2009 by giving 79.4 points to its patent examination quality, a rise of 2.1 points from 2008, according to SIPO.
  • 2013-07-17 23,400 Among the 314,573 invention applications received by China in 2009, 23,400 of which were in the field of telecom, ranking No.1 in the country, up 27.5%; 21,878 of which were in electrical machine, electrical equipment and power, up 10.4%; 16,009 were in the field of PC technology, ranking the third position, down 2.9%.
  • 2013-07-17 674,000 In 2009, 674,000 patent applications were received by the receiving branches of SIPO, representing 70% of all applications filed, up 16.4%.
  • 2013-07-17 15.44 billion The export value of solar energy product has been increased by 10 times during the past 5 years, registering 15.44 billion USD, up 147.8%.
  • 2013-07-17 60 billion With a financial injection of 4 billion yuan per year from central and local government, the core electronics, high-end general-purpose chips and basic software products, a special grand national science-technology project, will be allocated amount of 60 billion yuan in the next 15 years.
  • 2013-07-17 15 Some 15 illegal online game companies have been revealed by the General Administration of Press and Publication (GAPP), which started their operations before the GAPP's approval, the 18 online game including NANA MIMI, Storm Gaming.
  • 2013-07-17 110 million With a total of 110 million yuan of procurement of licensed software in Chongqing, 115 large and medium-sized enterprises fared well in running only licensed software, among which, 34 million yuan materialized in domestically innovated software, 3,200 pirate software have been uninstalled.
  • 2013-07-17 1.4147 million The Trademark Office under the State Administration for Industry & Commerce examined 1,414,700 trademark registration applications, up 88.69%. It received record-high 830,500 trademark registration applications in 2009.
  • 2013-07-17 312 According to the statistics of Shanghai Development and Reform Commission, Shanghai's S&T progress contributed 63.8% to the economic development in the city in 2009, while 312 pieces of patent granted per million residents, up 38.7% over 2008.
  • 2013-07-17 210% In a campaign targeting infringing goods via post and express channel waged by Guangzhou Customs in 2009, the customs handled 2,100 infringement cases, up 210%, seized 436,000 infringing goods in 12,000 cargos.
  • 2013-07-17 58.89 million Statistics from the State Administration of Radio Film and Television showed that China has exported films and television programs with more than 10,000 hours,  worth 58.89 million USD in 2009, up 44.2%.
  • 2013-07-17 10,000 Heilongjiang IP office recently determined that efforts should be striven to improve their competitiveness through IPR in 2010, and more than 10,000 patents will be filed, of which, 3000 will be contributed by companies.
  • 2013-07-17 10 million Staff members in Silk Street rencently launched a campaign, investing 10 million yuan  on regulating the booth owners,and 70% of the owners will not be inviting suspicion of selling counterfeit goods for the first time.
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