White Paper: Intellectual Property Development and Protection of Nanjing in 2020

On April 21, Deputy Director He Huaying of Nanjing Intellectual Property Office released a white paper on the status of IP development and protection of the city in 2020 at the opening ceremony of the 2021 IP Publicity Week of Jiangsu Province & Nanjing City.

In 2020, in line with the decision of the Municipal Party Committee and People's Government to "build an innovative city of global influence", Key tasks and special assignments saw significant progress; a system where creation, protection, utilization, service and talent development concerning IP rights work in synergy was built up.

Nanjing Municipal Party Committee and People's Government introduced the Policies and Measures for Further Intensifying Efforts to Build An Innovative City and Enhancing Industrial Basic Capacity and Industrial Chain Level and Measures for Optimizing Business Environment of Nanjing. A series of policies were also released, including the Action Plan for Supporting High-quality Development of Industries through Intellectual Property Rights (2021-2023), Management Measures of Nanjing City for the Linkage of Litigation and Mediation of Intellectual Property Disputes, and Several Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Intellectual Property Protection System in Nanjing Area of China (Jiangsu) Pilot Free Trade Zone.

In 2020, Nanjing led the province in the number of invention patents per 10,000 people, number of invention patents granted, number of valid invention patents with a holding time of 16-20 years, and number of international trademark registration applications under the Madrid System. Patent applications in Nanjing amounted to 120,938, a year-on-year growth of 17.39%. More specifically, there were 49,977 applications for invention patents. A total number of 76,323 patents were granted, and the city registered 82.86 invention patents per 10,000 citizens. Last year, Nanjing recorded 350,726 valid trademark registrations, and there were 491 new international trademark registrations under the Madrid System. "Nanjing Salted Duck" was identified as Euro-China GI product. There were 17 applications for new agricultural plant species. 39,083 copyright registrations were made for general works. The city developed 21 High-Value Patent Centers at city level or above and formed 10 high-value patent portfolios. 3.42 billion yuan was obtained through intellectual property pledge by 799 IPR holders, increased by 44% and 36% compared with that in 2019, respectively. The year also saw 41 training sessions given with an attendance of 6,159.

In 2020, relevant authorities investigated and settled 2,175 infringement and counterfeiting cases involving 240 million yuan of illegal gains, fines and forfeitures of 21.88 million yuan and 95 sites for manufacturing and selling counterfeit goods were destroyed. Nanjing public security system investigated 199 IP infringement cases and the money involved amounted to 250 million yuan. Procuratorial organs in Nanjing accepted arrest warrant applications to arrest 102 suspects involved in 50 IP infringement cases and prosecuted 343 people in 130 cases. 5,827 cases were accepted and 5,579 cases were concluded by courts of the city. In 2020, Nanjing Arbitration Commission accepted 140 IP-related cases.

In 2020, Nanjing IP Dispute Mediation Committee mediated 24 IP dispute cases and 16 mediation agreements were reached. A model where governmental and nongovernmental entities join forces was developed, and the the Intellectual Property Protection Alliance for Gold and Jewelry Industry and the Intellectual Property Protection Alliance for Bio-pharmaceutical Industry were guided to enhance IP protection. Relevant authorities cooperated in creating a pioneering model in China where IP aid sub-centers were set up in local places. In this way, a three-tier network of national IP protection centers and provincial and municipal IP aid centers was established. Last year, Nanjing also worked on an overseas intellectual property public service platform, developed an overseas IP aid mechanism and stepped up efforts to help enterprises "go global".

In 2020, Nanjing created a platform featuring "One Core, Two Wings and Multiple Platforms", forming an IP operation system integrating technological innovation, operations and transactions and financial capital, with capital appropriated from the national treasury up to 146 million yuan. With a total number of IP pledge financing projects exceeding 1,000 and a financial inclusion rate of over 96%, inclusive finance was realized in the real sense. Moreover, the "Nanjing Model" was listed as a pilot program of national reforms in trade service by the Ministry of Commerce, and was recognized as an innovation pacesetter by CNIPA and promoted to the whole country.(Translated from CNIPA Website Chinese Version)