CNIPA Holds the 2021 Open Day Event

On April 26, the 21st World Intellectual Property Day, CNIPA held its 2021 Open Day. CNIPA Commissioner Shen Changyu and deputy commissioners Gan Shaoning and Liao Tao attended, and Gan Shaoning presided over the event.

Shen Changyu spoke at the main venue and exchanged ideas with representatives invited to the event focusing on the key word "open". He pointed out that over the past 40 years, CNIPA has been growing stronger with an open mind. So far, it has established a matrix-type media platform composed of the one IP newspaper, four magazines, one official website, one WeChat official account, one Weibo official account and one Douyin official account. Besides, a routine press conference is held quarterly, and news outlets from home and abroad are also invited to visit CNIPA from time to time to report the latest progress in IP work.

Shen said that China's IP cause was established and developed along with the great historical process of reform and opening-up, and has provided strong support for reform and opening-up. So far, China has established a comprehensive IP legal system covering extensive fields in line with national conditions, joined almost all the major international conventions on IPRs, and established IP partnerships with more than 80 countries and regions as well as international organizations, forming a new pattern for international IP cooperation covering multilateral, neighboring, minilateral and bilateral cooperation.

As the "rigid demand" for innovation-driven development and "standard configuration" for international trade, Shen said, IP protection plays a crucial role in encouraging innovation and promoting opening-up and is a strong support for ensuring smooth flow of domestic circulation and the mutual reinforcement between the domestic and international circulations. Local IP authorities will earnestly put into practice the guiding principles in the important speeches made by General Secretary Xi Jinping, actively participate in global IP governance and enhance international cooperation in IP protection to build China into an IP powerhouse at faster paces and provide a strong support for fully building a modern socialist China, he added.

Having been held for 16 consecutive years, the event this year featured more novel forms and richer content as activities were carried out simultaneously online and offline at 11 places of 10 cities, in a bid to allow more citizens to learn about and support China's IP cause.

At the event, CNIPA issued the typical cases of administrative IP protection in 2020 and top 10 patent reexamination & invalidation cases in 2020. Chen Wei, Vice-president of Nuctech, spoke on behalf of the innovation entities.

During the event, audiences were also invited to visit the achievement exhibition of China's IP development during the 13th Five-Year Plan period and interacted with examiner representatives. IPR commissioners of relevant countries to China, representatives of SMEs, reporters and social media influencers attended the main venue, and diversified activities were carried out at local sub-venues.(Translated from CNIPA Website Chinese Version)