Circular of the China National Intellectual Property Administration on the Application Scope of Relief in Relation to Time Limits for Handling Affairs Regarding Patents , Trademarks and Layout-Designs of Integrated Circuits during the COVID-19 Epidemic
Updated: 4 07,2020

Under the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, and in order to effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of interested parties to patents, trademarks, and layout-designs of integrated circuits, the China National Intellectual Property Administration has issued Notice No. 350 on January 28th, 2020, clarifying relief measures for parties exceeding the time limits for handling affairs in relation to patents, trademarks and layout-designs of integrated circuits as a result of the epidemic. This Notice applies to all interested parties in countries and regions affected by the COVID-19 epidemic. Parties affected by the epidemic may complete relevant formalities in accordance with the requirements stipulated in Notice No. 350. (Translated from CNIPA Website Chinese Version)

Annex: Notice on Time Limits for Handling Affairs Regarding Patents, Trademarks and Layout-Designs of Integrated Circuits under the Impact of the COVID-19 epidemic (Notice No. 350)

China National Intellectual Property Administration

March 27th, 2020