" Patent Database on the Prevention and Treatment of SARS" Developed Successfully
Updated: 6 17,2003

e SIPO has successfully developed the Patent Database on the Prevention and Treatment of SARS in order to support the SARS-related R&D activities led by the Chinese government and to facilitate patent examination of SARS-related applications.  Recently, the access to the database was granted to the 863 SARS Task Force administered by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the two Chemistry Examination Departments of Patent Office of SIPO.  A portion of the database merely recording Chinese patents will be open to the public for free use on the web of Chinese IP ( www.cnipr.com) in the near future.

The database aims at the demands of R&D activities. It was developed through repeated and meticulous searching and data filtration in accordance with the patent database in the world.  In order to make it convenient for researchers to search, a proprietary background searching strategy and searching guidance was provided.

The database consists of five parts: relevant research and diagnosis and treatment of SARS, treatment by herbalist doctor/Chinese traditional medicine, prevention and control of the epidemic/contagion, medical defense and rescue facilities and environment disinfecion and disposal of rejectamenta. It contains 42,575 pieces of Chinese patents and 50,722 pieces of patents from the rest of the world.
