IP5 Heads Hold Their 13th Annual Meeting Via Videoconference
Updated: 7 23,2020

Source: China IP News

On July 21, the IP5 offices, namely the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA), the European Patent Office (EPO), the Japan Patent Office (JPO), the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), held their 13th annual meeting via videoconference for the first time. The videoconference was chaired by CNIPA Commissioner Dr. Shen Changyu, attended by EPO President António Campinos, JPO Commissioner Kasutani Toshihide, KIPO Commissioner Park Wonjoo and USPTO Director Andrei Iancu.

The IP5 heads discussed the strategic responses by their respective office to the COVID-19 pandemic, took stock of recent progress in advancing cooperation in the areas of new emerging technologies and artificial intelligence; enhancing harmonization of practices and procedures; strengthening work-sharing efforts; improving the quality and efficiency of examination, and further enhancing access to patent information. They agreed to continue work on IP5 initiatives in these key areas. The heads of office also highlighted the swift actions taken by the five offices to maintain IP5 business continuity and cooperation momentum, which demonstrates the resilience, responsiveness and continuous improvement of the IP5 framework.

CNIPA Commissioner Dr. Shen Changyu

In terms of IP5 cooperation amid pandemic and in post-pandemic era, Shen pointed out that ensuring the stable and efficient operation of business is a common challenge faced by all offices in this crucial period. CNIPA has adopted a number of measures to ensure high-quality patent protection for global users, including providing relief and assistance to those affected by the outbreak, accelerating the digital transformation of external and internal businesses, facilitating access to relevant patent information by offering online patent search platforms and patent information analysis reports, to support scientific  research and innovation in tackling the pandemic. Shen stressed that as the five largest IP offices in the world, we should further strengthen the cooperation in IP protection during this special time, and jointly tackle the pandemic challenges, so as to create an enabling IP ecosystem for innovators and businesses around the world. The five offices shall focus on using new emerging technologies to improve cooperation efficiency and enhancing the role of IP system in tackling global challenges. Shen also emphasized the importance of the industry's engagement in IP5 cooperation, and welcomed efforts of IP5 Industry to work actively with the five offices.

EPO President António Campinos

António Campinos stressed the historical significance of this meeting to IP5 cooperation. He proposed to jointly enhance digital capacity and promote closer IP cooperation via new technologies.

JPO Commissioner Kasutani Toshihide

Overcoming the obstacles caused by the pandemic, the five offices hold this successful videoconference, which send a positive message of facilitating cooperation and innovation to the world. I expect to strengthen collaboration to cope with pandemic with other offices, according to Kasutani Toshihide.

KIPO Commissioner Park Wonjoo

The IP5 carry on effective and fruitful discussion in an innovative manner of videoconference, which can be seen as important bellwether for the public across the globe. The five offices will achieve the vision of our cooperation through joint efforts, said Park Wonjoo.

USPTO Director Andrei Iancu

Andrei Iancu said the meeting is quite efficient and productive. IP5 significantly contributes to enhance the role of IP in enabling the innovation to combat the pandemic. We should seize the opportunities presented in the crisis and further strengthen our cooperation.

WIPO Director General Francis Gurry

The World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) Director General Francis Gurry attended the meeting as an observer. He spoke highly of the meeting.

CNIPA Deputy Commissioner Gan Shaoning

CNIPA Deputy Commissioner Gan Shaoning attended the meeting briefed the recent progress in advancing cooperation in the areas of new emerging technologies and artificial intelligence; enhancing harmonization of practices and procedures; strengthening work-sharing efforts; improving the quality and efficiency of examination, and further enhancing access to patent information.

The 2020 Joint Statement of the IP5 Offices was adopted at the videoconference. The five offices emphasized that IP system has been contributing significantly to human health and socio-economic. Especially in times of crisis, IP plays a key role in boosting economic recovery and creating employment. They reiterated their joint commitment to "provide better services to users and the public, so as to enhance the role of intellectual property in stimulating innovation and promoting socio-economic development". The five offices will develop initiatives and share best practices to spur and incentivize innovation, so as to support innovators and the international IP community in their contributions to the recovery of our economies and societies, and pursue IP5 initiatives to promote an efficient, cost-effective and user-friendly international patent landscape.

The next IP5 heads of office meeting will be hosted by the JPO in 2021.

The IP5 cooperation started in 2007, aiming to jointly improve the quality and efficiency of IP examination. The latest statistics show that in 2019, the five offices together handles about 85% of the world's patent applications, and 93% of all work carried out under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). This year, the offices have adopted a series of effective measures to ensure business continuity, reduce the impact of the pandemic, and maintained close communication with IP5 industry associations in the five countries/regions to keep them informed about measures in response to COVID-19 and progress on IP5 projects, which have been appreciated by the IP5 industry.