
  • 2013-07-17 980 At press time, foreign entities have established 980 R&D centers in China.  China has become the third largest recipient of foreign investment.
  • 2013-07-17 1.45 trillion According to a report of the National Development and Reform Commission, the earnings of the Chinese high-tech industry will exceed $1.45 trillion by 2010.
  • 2013-07-17 130,000 In 2006, Beijing filed 50,000 applications for trademark registration.  The city has 130,000 living registered trademarks in its repository, fifty-fivefold the number of 20 years before.
  • 2013-07-17 3,393 In 2006, mainland users had 3,393 trademarks registered in Hong Kong.  The percentage of applications filed from mainland grew from 4.4% in 2003 to 14.8% in 2006.
  • 2013-07-17 8,030 In the second quarter, offices against pornographic and illegal publications nationwide handled 8,030 cases, 7,820 of which were imposed administrative sanctions and 210 were imposed criminal ones.
  • 2013-07-17 500 billion The total production value of the Chinese bioindustry galloped towards 500 billion yuan in a broad sense after years of development.
  • 2013-07-17 480 billion The Chinese software industry achieved revenue of 480 billion yuan and $6.06 billion in exports in 2006.  The average annual growth of the industry exceeded 40%.
  • 2013-07-17 4.6 billion China has spent 4.6 billion yuan since 2006 in the first batch of S&T projects to combat global warming.
  • 2013-07-17 80 million Guangzhou would invest 80 million yuan to establish a public tech support center for software and appropriate 30 million yuan per annum to train software, cartoon and animation talents.
  • 2013-07-17 3,200 Under Yunnan's latest IP project, by 2010, average annual growth of its patent applications and patents granted are over 10%; average number of annual patent applications is over 3,200; number of incremental patent applications is over 16,000.
  • 2013-07-17 30 million A Jingmen-based(Hubei province) company was granted a loan of 30 million yuan for its five patents by the Hubei Branch of the China Development Bank, marking the first patent pledge loan granted in Hubei.
  • 2013-07-17 1,353 From April 11 to June 11, Guangxi had seized 1,353 illegal publications and printed materials with the content of hardcore horror, 209 of which were illegal books, 173 AV and e-publications and 971 printed materials.
  • 2013-07-17 24,542 France filed 3,614 patent applications in China in 2006, ranking the sixth among foreign countries.  Through the end of April, the cumulative number of applications to China filed by French users hit 24,542,  21,000 of which were for invention.
  • 2013-07-17 21,410 As of the end of 2006, China had registered 21,410 national standards and recorded 33,552 industrial standards and over 130 million enterprise standards.
  • 2013-07-17 193,332 After China's accession to the WTO, administrations for industry and commerce nationwide have handled 193,332 trademark infringement cases, 28,041 of which involved foreign parties.
  • 2013-07-17 428 In 2006, administrations for industry and commerce nationwide investigated 428 violations of the Olympic symbols with 2.59 million yuan in proceeds, imposed 1.72 million yuan in fines and transferred 6 suspects from 1 case to judicial authority for criminal sanctions.
  • 2013-07-17 2600 As of the end of 2006, there were more than 2,600 franchising chains with 200,000 outlets in China, 13% and 16% growth respectively.
  • 2013-07-17 200 Through now, courts of all layers have determined 200 well-known marks through trial.
  • 2013-07-17 40 In response to a lead provided by the 12312 tipping line, Wuhan Copyright Administration and Wuhan Market Inspection Team for Publications recently raided a bookstore in Guloudong, Yuemachang of Wuchang and seized over 40 copies of illegal and pirated publications.
  • 2013-07-17 73.3 billion As of the end of 2006, China had made $73.3 billions non-financial direct investment in 160 countries and regions.
  • 2013-07-17 15 Since the establishment of the National Nanotechnology Standard Commission in April 2005, China has released 15 standards of nanotechnology, 11 of which are national standards and 4 of which are sectoral ones.
  • 2013-07-17 36,471 According to the Summary of International Registration of Trademarks 2006, 36,471 applications were filed for the  international registration of trademarks in 2006, an 8.6% increase over the previous year.
  • 2013-07-17 31 According to Beijing Bureau of Commerce, there are 31 city-grade current intangible cultural assets.
  • 2013-07-17 550,000 Jiangxi has seized 550,000 copies of various illegal or pirated publications since the beginning of the year, 1,150 of which were those abetting ethnic separation and 8,300 of which were pornographic.
  • 2013-07-17 14,076 Zhejiang filed 14,076 agriculture-related applications for trademarks in 2006, a 31.6% increase over the previous year and adding the province's aggregate to 52,447.
  • 2013-07-17 904 Large and medium industrial enterprises in Wuxi, Jiangsu filed 904 patent applications in 2006, 217 or 31.6% increase over the previous year, inter alia, 228 of which were invention applications, a 70.1% increase.
  • 2013-07-17 20 billion

    As of the end of 2006, sales revenue of the Chinese digital publishing industry amounted to 20 billion yuan.

    Some of the breakdown are: Internet ads, 4.6 billion; Internet magazines, 400 million; e-books, 150 million; online music, 100 million.

  • 2013-07-17 1 million The Measures of Invention Patent Award of Beijing, to be effective from 1 January 2008, provides for maximum 1 million yuan for invention patents with significant contribution.
  • 2013-07-17 42,754,000

    In the first four months of the year instant, China had seized 42,754,000 pirated publications.

    The breakdown is: books, 4,585,000; AV products, 34,041,000; textbooks and study aids, 2,032,000; software and e-publications, 2,096,000.

  • 2013-07-17 11,000

    As of the end of 2006, Beijing's Haidian District had filed 11,000 patent applications, accounting for 42.6% of the city aggregate.

    In term of the tech-rich invention patent, Haidian paced all city districts and counties with 7,414 applications or 52.1% of the city total.

  • 2013-07-17 7,200 Since 2001, courts of all layers have heard 7,200 civil disputes over trademarks.
  • 2013-07-17 90 Since the implementation of a upscale provincial tech project, breeding of  new varieties of major plants in July 2006, Henan has bred 90 new varieties of plants.
  • 2013-07-17 171,500 Between January to April, SIPO received 171,500 applications of the three kinds of patents, a 10.1% growth year on year; granted 110,000 patents, a 46.4% growth.
  • 2013-07-17 10% The latest survey of IDC, an IT market study institue reveals that China's piracy rate dropped four percentage points for the second year in a row and has dropped ten prcentage points in the last three years.  By reducing China's piracy rate by ten percentage points over the past three years, $864 million in losses were saved.
  • 2013-07-17 22 Through 2006, the duration for substantive examination of an invention patent application by SIPO was curtailed to 22 months.  Durations for the complete examination of a utility model and design are 9 and 6 months respectively.
  • 2013-07-17 12,000 Sichuan Culture Enforcement Team stepped up monitoring and inspection of a transportation company, Guangzhou Xiongdi Cargo which operated between Guangzhou and Chengdu, and seized 12,000 copies of illegal AV products in 33 boxes during a surprise raid to the company's warehouse.
  • 2013-07-17 176 billion

    An OECD report says counterfeit and pirated items which were traded internationally account for about USD 176 billion in 2006.

    The report displays the aggravated spread of counterfeit and pirated products, mostly luxury watches, bags and film optical disks throughout the world and the growing production of those goods in developing countries.

  • 2013-07-17 3 The 2007 edition of World Competitiveness Yearbook, published by  Lausanne, Switzerland-based International Institute for Management and Development (IMD)  displays that China climbs 3 berths to the 15th from the 18th of the previous year.
  • 2013-07-17 11 SIPO had received 11 PCT applications via Internet by May 11 since the WIPO international patent e-filing system became operational on May 1.
  • 2013-07-17 50 Chinese publishers have established copyright cooperation with over 50 magazines from France, the United States, the United Kingdom and other countries, said Liu Binjie, Minister of General Administration of Press and Publication at the 36th FIPP World Magazine Congress.
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