
  • 2016-04-27 805 In 2015, Shanghai IP Court handled 805 cases related to technological innovation, involving patent, computer software etc., representing 97.81% of the total.
  • 2016-04-27 22.9% In 2015, Beijing Zhongguancun innovative demonstration zone filed 39,900 inventions applications, up 22.9%, 15,600 were granted, up 35.3%.
  • 2016-04-27 27,000

    As of the end of 2015, 27,000 candidates have been licensed certificates of patent agent. Total number of patent agents reaches to 12,000.

  • 2016-04-27 10,000

    Chinese Academy of Sciences recently initiated an acting plan to promote commercialization of research findings, aiming to license 10,000 patents during the 13th Five-Year Plan period, quadrupled than that during 12th Five-Year Plan period.

  • 2016-04-27 14

    Executive meeting of the State Council recently approved another three new national independent innovative demonstration zones on basis of current 11 zones, total amount reaches 14.

  • 2016-03-23 1,865

    Based on a report on Top 50 universities owning the invention patents released by Ministry of Education of P.R.C., Zhejiang University ranks the top with 1,865 inventions.

  • 2016-03-23 170 million yuan

    Latest numbers from Music Copyright Society of China show that in 2015, 170 million yuan of music copyright license fee has been charged, up 24%.

  • 2016-03-23 64.9%

    Latest statistics from Ministry of Commerce of P.R.C., total import and export volume on service amounted to 713 billion US dollar. It is worth noting that license fee on IPR export has increased by 64.9% than the previous year.

  • 2016-03-23 120,000

    In 2015, the courts at all levels nationwide have concluded 120,000 IPR cases in the first-instance decision. Among which, 1,802 are unfair competition and anti-monopoly cases.

  • 2016-03-23 107

    In 2015, SIPO has successfully implemented 107 proposals raised by National People's Congress delegates and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference members during 2015 NPC and CPPCC meeting. Among which, 58 raised by the NPC delegates and 49 raised by CPPCC members.

  • 2016-03-23 12

    According to the plan for national economic and social development during the 13th Five-Year plan period, patents owned by each 10,000 persons should increase to 12 from 6.3 in 2015.

  • 2016-02-24 8,758 In 2015, Beijing Intellectual Property Court accepted and heard 8,758 IP cases, and concluded 4,128 cases.
  • 2016-02-24 1,187 By the press time, China' s national certified enterprise technology center reached to 1,187.
  • 2016-02-24 1,153 By the end of 2015, China newly increased 1,153 products of geographical indication trademarks, up 130.6% yearly.
  • 2016-02-24 1,793 By the end of 2015, China newly increased 1,793 rights of the new plant variety, with a year-on-year growth of 37.92%.
  • 2016-02-24 20,000 Recently, the Management Information System of National Forestry Technology Popularization Achievement Database set up by State Forestry Administration of China opened to the public. Over 20,000 patents were included in the database.
  • 2016-02-24 7.27% Recently, NCAC released an investigation report about economic contribution of copyright industry. According to the report, the economic contribution of copyright industry to China's national economy reached to 7.27%.
  • 2016-02-24 34,000 Latest data from SAIC shows that, in 2015, industrial and commercial administrations nationwide dealt with 34,000 infringement cases.
  • 2016-02-24 56 Recently, SIPO published the list of the first batch of registered IP associations, including 56 associations like Beijing Smart Card Industry Association.
  • 2016-01-13 74.4% In 2015, Guizhou Province has dealt with 1,346 patent cases, an increase of 74.4%.
  • 2016-01-13 66 66 companies in Beijing were awarded as demonstration ones on selling licensed products, according to a conference on selecting those companies in 2015.
  • 2016-01-13 4 At present, China has set up four Free Trade Zones( FTZ) in Shanghai, Guangdong, Tianjin, Fujian, signed 14 free trade agreements involving 22 countries and regions.
  • 2016-01-13 1,946 By the end of 2015, China has obtained more than 1,946 geographical indications of original products, and more than 6,000 businesses and organizations have been approved to use special signs of geographical indication products.
  • 2016-01-13 4,000 From January to November in 2015, China's IP organs at all level handled nearly 4,000 patent infringement and counterfeiting cases in e-commerce.
  • 2016-01-13 6 Since January 1, 2016, annualfee reduction period of patent from the current limit from first 3 years, extends to first 6 years.
  • 2016-01-13 4.27 trillion yuan Recently, China's latest survey on the economic contribution of copyright industries shows that the contribution rate of copyright-based industries to the national economy reached 7.27 percent, creating 4.27 trillion yuan of added value.
  • 2016-01-13 10.86 million yuan According to the statistics of the AQSIQ, the top quality watchdog handled 440 illegal cases with value of 10.86 million yuan within three months during the special compaign against IPR infringement and sales of counterfeit and shoddy goods.
  • 2016-01-13 2.287million According to SAIC, China received 2.287million applications for trademark registration in the first 10 months. As of October 2015, China had a cumulative number of 17.81 million trademark applications, 11.93 million registered trademarks and 10.07 million valid registered trademarks.  
  • 2016-01-13 74.9% The latest data of China's Ministry of Commerce showed that from January to October this year, China's service export reached $ 187.72 billion, up 8.5%, among which IP royalties increased by 74.9%.
  • 2016-01-13 93.24% According to the statistics of SIPO, China's monthly average rate of E-filing patent was 93.24%. The rate in Sichuan, Chongqing and other 19 provinces and cities were higher than 90%.
  • 2016-01-13 149.3 billion yuan Data from SIPO showed the 17th session of China Patent Award honored 25 gold items which added 149.3 billion yuan in sales, 33.4 billion yuan in profits and 10.4 billion yuan in exports.
  • 2016-01-13 12.5% According to a latest report of WIPO, China's patent filings for inventions kept an annual growth rate of 12.5% in the past five years, ranking second in the world.
  • 2016-01-13 900 According to statistics of Shandong APPRFT, in the past five years, Shandong Province has handled a total more than 900 administrative copyright infringement cases, 63 of them were transferred to criminal cases,  more than 110 internet piracy cases were investigated and  more than 160 infringing websites were closed .
  • 2016-01-13 25% Latest report of WIPO shows that Chinese applicants accounted for more than 25% of the number of patents on 3D printing and robotics field, which is the highest proportion of all countries. In nanotechnology field, Chinese applicants accounted for nearly 15% in global filings, China becomes the third largest patent source country.
  • 2016-01-13 11,337 According to data from SIPO, from January to September in 2015, Guangdong submitted 11,337 PCT applications, ranking the first position in China, followed by Beijing (2895) and Jiangsu (1403).
  • 2016-01-13 21,242 According to data from SIPO, In September 2015, China granted 21,242 invention patents. Jiangsu ranked the first position with 2,981, followed by Beijing (2,793) and Guangdong (2,505).
  • 2016-01-13 709,426 According to data from SIPO, from January to September in 2015, China has received 709,426 patent applications, including 610,527 from domestic and 98,899 from abroad.
  • 2016-01-13 91.67% In October, 2015, China monthly patent E-filing rate among provinces and cities exceeded 91.67%, 18 of which were higher than 90%, 5 of which were between 85% and 88.99%.
  • 2016-01-13 100.38 billion During the 10th China Beijing International Cultural & Creative Industry Expo, agreements on product trade, art work trade and bank –enterprise cooperations totaled 100.38 billion yuan.
  • 2016-01-13 33 billion According to data of SAPPRFT of China, in the first three quarters of 2015, movie box office revenue across the country has exceeded 33 billion yuan and is expected to reach to 40 billion yuan throughout the year.
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