
  • 2013-07-17 4 million During the 25 days between April 12 and May 7, China seized 4 million copies of inferior taste and illegal AV products in a special campaign targeting them.
  • 2013-07-17 2.5 billion The National Development and Reform Commission announces 2.5 billion yuan will be injected this year to support 10 major energy-saving projects, cycle economy and pollution correction of key rivers.
  • 2013-07-17 581 The 105th Canton Fair received 581 IPR infringement complaints alleging 748 companies, 446 of which were ruled positive in infringement.  None of the complaints were filed in the import area.  Cases received, companies alleged and positive infringers in the export area dropped 9.4%, 17.5% and 10.4% respectively.
  • 2013-07-17 7.3 million On May 12, 347 Sanlu and related defensive trademarks were sold 7.3 million yuan in package.  The 347 trademarks include 180 registered trademarks including Sanlu and 167 trademark applications.
  • 2013-07-17 150 million The World Bank Board of Executive Directors approved two new loans to China, totaling US$150 million, to support the effort to increase income generation for the ethnic minority people while protecting cultural and natural heritage in Guizhou Province (US$ 60 million), and improve water resources management in Yunnan Province (US$ 90 million).
  • 2013-07-17 44 The project of building a high-speed train connection between Beijing and Shanghai has fully begun.  Domestic and foreign research institutes, universities and companies have contributed to 44 technologies that are intended to be tested in the project.
  • 2013-07-17 496 As of March 31, China has registered 496 geographical indications, up 103 over last July and 465 of which were from home.
  • 2013-07-17 5,000 The first state engineering lab on TFT-LCD technique and technology landed in BOE Technology Group, which owned 5,000 Chinese and foreign patents.
  • 2013-07-17 10,000 From January 1994 to March 2009, Shanghai courts took 10,893 first and second instance IPR civil cases and resolved 10,293 while taking another 695 first instance IPR criminal cases.
  • 2013-07-17 120,000 In 2008, Jiangsu reached its historic high in patenting, climbing the 100,000 plateau for the first time to 128,002 and raking No.1 in the country.
  • 2013-07-17 10,000 On top of use of licensed software in government agencies, 10,000 large enterprises in China have gone legit in software use.
  • 2013-07-17 29 Hunan's key project, electric vehicle and its essential parts, developed by Nanche Electric Vehicle Company, has produced 29 patents including 16 invention ones; generated 170 million yuan revenue and 27 million yuan taxes.
  • 2013-07-17 8.6 million From 2008 to last March, Shanghai seized 8.6 million pieces of pirated and other kinds of illegal publications and uncovered 120 cases of seizure of over 10,000 AV products or 5,000 books.
  • 2013-07-17 6 Approved by the Supreme People's Court, Shijingshan People's Court establishes an IPR tribunal, mounting the number of the city's grassroots courts with IPR tribunals to 6.
  • 2013-07-17 1 million At the First Beijing Invention Patent Awarding Ceremony, Tsinghua University and Nuctech's vehicle-mounted mobile container scan system garnered the top prize of 1 million yuan.
  • 2013-07-17 23.7 million In 2008, customs nationwide seized 23.7 million pieces of goods in 553 batches of cargo infringing IPRs of domestic companies, which were worth around 45.2 million yuan.
  • 2013-07-17 100 On April 24, the State Council announced the Plan to Adjust and Rejuvenate Textile Industry, under which 100 powerful brand name domestic companies are to be nurtured in the next three years and 20% of future exported products will carry domestic brand names.
  • 2013-07-17 30 million On April 22, Silk Street Market in Beijing organized an activity attending to the issue of IPR protection and change of consuming habits, added 100 million yuan to the current 30 million yuan IPR protection fund, invoked a series of measures to help shops to offset the impact of economic downturn.
  • 2013-07-17 600 Sichuan Changhong Group, which lived through the earthquake last year, made a major breakthrough in flat screen technology in China.  On April 22, its plasma TV hits store, representing the inaugural mass production of A-line plasma screens with self-reliant IPRs.
  • 2013-07-17 100 million On April 22, Silk Street Market in Beijing organized an activity attending to the issue of IPR protection and change of consuming habits, added 100 million yuan to the current 30 million yuan IPR protection fund, invoked a series of measures to help shops to offset the impact of economic downturn.
  • 2013-07-17 150 The 13th China East Meets West Investment and Trade Fair was held in Xi'an.  As one of the organizers, Shaanxi IP Office gathered 150 patented technologies on display in the hall of science, technology and patent.
  • 2013-07-17 1,600 Customs in Ningbo, Zhejiang conducted a collective destruction of 1,600 cartons of infringing goods with the value of 640,000 yuan, including Nike sandals, Armani belts and LV bags.
  • 2013-07-17 15.458 million During the first phase of actions against pornographic and illegal publications, year to date, authorities nationwide have seized 15.458 million pieces of pirated publications and investigated 2,024 cases.
  • 2013-07-17 5 million As of March 16, patent applications filed in China surpassed the 5 million mark.  In 2008, China received 698,000 applications for trademark registration and examined 750,000.  This was the first time the annual number of trademark registration applications examined in excess of applications filed.  Registrations of software were 49,000.  Registrations of copyright contract were 12,000.
  • 2013-07-17 130 As of the end of 2008, number of countries and regions filing for trademark registration had increased to 130 from 20 in 1979.  A cumulative total of 530,000 trademarks had been registered, up over 100 times.  In 2008, State Administration for Industry and Commerce processed 17,000 applications for the extension of international registration under the Madrid system, amounting to 130,000 cumulative applications.
  • 2013-07-17 1,324 On April 15, the 105th China Import and Export Fair was launched in Guangzhou, opening its door to home-market-oriented traders for the first time.  A total of 22,104 companies from all over the world attended this Canton Fair.  Brand stands maintained the scale of the last event with 1,324 companies.
  • 2013-07-17 115 Tianjin Commerce Commission announced its evaluation results of the first group of 115 local companies with long history for public review.  Goubuli, Hongqi Restaurant and China Opera House are among them.
  • 2013-07-17 100 From March to October, Hunan waged province-wide census of intangible cultural assets, covering 16 kinds of 100 classes of ethnic languages, folklore literature, folklore music, manufacture and trade custom, consumer custom, etiquettes, traditional holidays, local beliefs, local knowledge, games, traditional sports and competition.
  • 2013-07-17 80,000 As of the end of 2008, Shenzhen owned 82,534 registered trademarks.  In 2008, Shenzhen added 5 well-known marks, making its total to 30.
  • 2013-07-17 83 National Development and Reform Commission announced the first group of 83 pilot automated projects including the ones from Haier and Zhejiang China Tobacco.  Among the 83 projects, 11 are relating to IT, 41 to e-commerce and 31 to development for public interest of information resources.
  • 2013-07-17 20,000 The IPR Tribunal with Guangdong High People's Court has taken 20,307 IPR cases since establishment 15 years ago, representing 1/5 of the nation's total.  Intermediate courts within the province all established own specialized tribunals.
  • 2013-07-17 200,000 City and district cultural authorities in Shanghai seized 200,000 pirated disks and weeded off five violating businesses in three days during a special campaign, Embrace Expo, Protect IPR.  In addition, the authorities signed the declarations of responsibility with newspapers/magazines retailers to guarantee their compliance.
  • 2013-07-17 20 billion Under the contract on nurturing export-oriented key cultural companies and projects co-signed by the Ministry of Culture and China Import and Export Bank, the Bank will offer loans equivalent to 20 billion yuan to cultural companies in the next five contract years to make them grow.
  • 2013-07-17 124 SIPO published the list of the first group of districts and counties included in the strong county project, identifying 124 districts and counties including Haidian (Beijing).
  • 2013-07-17 2,720 In 2008, Sichuan made great progress in patent use and commercialization.  According to an incomplete statistics, Sichuan implemented 2,720 new patent projects, up 18.06%; earned 42.726 billion yuan, up 19.12%; paid 5.398 billion yuan in taxes, up 13.02%.
  • 2013-07-17 10 From 2009 to 2013, allied with SIPO in establishing a model province in implementing the National Intellectual Property Strategy, Jiangsu will establish 10 state-level model cities and 50 province-level model counties.
  • 2013-07-17 1 million Yibin (Sichuan) issued 11 opinions on promoting smooth and fast development of industry and economy, earmarking 1 million yuan annually for commercialization of patented projects, aiding companies and organizations to research, formulate and implement IPR strategy.
  • 2013-07-17 20,000 As of 2008 end, Shijiazhuang (Hebei) filed over cumulative 20,000 patent applications.  The city climbed the 2,000 plateau for the first time last year.
  • 2013-07-17 7,000 PetroChina's Baoji Oilfield Machinery Company's 7,000 meter oil rig with alternating current electric drive mode and the "one-to-two" control mode is en route to Libya.  The new member of the domestic 7,000m oil rig club is the first such product exported overseas.
  • 2013-07-17 57,077 The Certification and Accreditation Commission of China has issued 57,077 certificates to food and agricultural products.
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