Guidelines for Examination

Crowned as one of the Top 100 Publishing House in China, Intellectual Property Publishing House is sponsored and governed by the State Intellectual Property Office. As an official publication unit of patent documents, IPPH is the unified export of SIPO for patent information services. This publishing house boasts of a staff of nearly 1000 in the eight subordinate enterprises such as Beijing Zhong Xian Dian Zi Technology Development Center.


The patent information service team of IPPH, has been committed to provide a quality comprehensive, and systematic application of specialized patent information services for international intellectual property government agencies, enterprises, and research institutions during the past three decades.


Our product line:

System integration: Industrial thematic patent database construction,
        customized system integration,
        Patent information system structuring,
        Managed patent information system.

Patent information Products: Patent information Service Platform,
             Patent information Analyzing Platform,
             Patent information Management Platform,
             Patent Watching System,
             Chinese Pharmaceutical patent Database,
             Graphic Retrieval System for Design Patent.

Patent information Consulting Services: Patent investigation,
                patent information analysis,
                professional training,
                specialized patent translations.

Patent Search