China Intellectual Property Statistical Yearbook 2022 

1-2 Annual Patent Applications of Three Kinds Originated from Home and Abroad
(Unit: piece)
Invention Utility Model Industrial Design
Total 1985-2016 7696363 8101960 5919782
2017 1381594 1687593 628658
2018 1542002 2072311 708799
2019 1400661 2268190 711617
2020 1497159 2926633 770362
2021 1585663 2852219 805710
2022 1619268 2950653 794718
Domestic 1985-2016 6058575 8045003 5698457
2017 1245709 1679807 610817
2018 1393815 2063860 689097
2019 1243568 2259765 691771
2020 1344817 2918874 752339
2021 1427845 2845318 787149
2022 1464605 2944139 777663
Foreign 1985-2016 1637788 56957 221325
2017 135885 7786 17841
2018 148187 8451 19702
2019 157093 8425 19846
2020 152342 7759 18023
2021 157818 6901 18561
2022 154663 6514 17055
Note: In the first section,statistics for 2016 and before refer to those of received patent filings, while statistics for 2017 and after  refer to those of patent applications.

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