China Intellectual Property Statistical Yearbook 2022 

1-1 Patent Grants, and Patents in Force of Three Kinds Originated from Home and Abroad (2022)
(Unit: piece)
Invention Utility Model Industrial Design
Number % Number % Number %
Total Application 1619268 30.2% 2950653 55.0% 794718 14.8%
Grant 798347 18.5% 2804155 64.9% 720907 16.7%
In Force 4212188 23.6% 10835261 60.6% 2831512 15.8%
Domestic Application 1464605 28.2% 2944139 56.8% 777663 15.0%
Grant 695591 16.6% 2796049 66.6% 709563 16.9%
In Force 3351453 19.9% 10781169 64.0% 2708070 16.1%
Foreign Application 154663 86.8% 6514 3.7% 17055 9.6%
Grant 102756 84.1% 8106 6.6% 11344 9.3%
In Force 860735 82.9% 54092 5.2% 123442 11.9%
* Statistics on patents in force refer to the number of patents which are still in force at the time of data collection, which include patents for invention, utility model and industrial design. Unlike the number of patent applications or grants, the number of patents in force is not flowing data but stocking data. 

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