Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China (2019 Amendment)
Updated:2022 09 09
En 中文

  (1982年8月23日第五届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议通过 根据1993年2月22日第七届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三十次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国商标法〉的决定》第一次修正 根据2001年10月27日第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国商标法〉的决定》第二次修正 根据2013年8月30日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第四次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国商标法〉的决定》第三次修正 根据2019年4月23日第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国建筑法〉等八部法律的决定》第四次修正)

  第一章 总  则

  第一条 为了加强商标管理,保护商标专用权,促使生产、经营者保证商品和服务质量,维护商标信誉,以保障消费者和生产、经营者的利益,促进社会主义市场经济的发展,特制定本法。

  第二条 国务院工商行政管理部门商标局主管全国商标注册和管理的工作。


  第三条 经商标局核准注册的商标为注册商标,包括商品商标、服务商标和集体商标、证明商标;商标注册人享有商标专用权,受法律保护。




  第四条 自然人、法人或者其他组织在生产经营活动中,对其商品或者服务需要取得商标专用权的,应当向商标局申请商标注册。不以使用为目的的恶意商标注册申请,应当予以驳回。


  第五条 两个以上的自然人、法人或者其他组织可以共同向商标局申请注册同一商标,共同享有和行使该商标专用权。

  第六条 法律、行政法规规定必须使用注册商标的商品,必须申请商标注册,未经核准注册的,不得在市场销售。

  第七条 申请注册和使用商标,应当遵循诚实信用原则。


  第八条 任何能够将自然人、法人或者其他组织的商品与他人的商品区别开的标志,包括文字、图形、字母、数字、三维标志、颜色组合和声音等,以及上述要素的组合,均可以作为商标申请注册。

  第九条 申请注册的商标,应当有显著特征,便于识别,并不得与他人在先取得的合法权利相冲突。


  第十条 下列标志不得作为商标使用:










  第十一条 下列标志不得作为商标注册:





  第十二条 以三维标志申请注册商标的,仅由商品自身的性质产生的形状、为获得技术效果而需有的商品形状或者使商品具有实质性价值的形状,不得注册。

  第十三条 为相关公众所熟知的商标,持有人认为其权利受到侵害时,可以依照本法规定请求驰名商标保护。



  第十四条 驰名商标应当根据当事人的请求,作为处理涉及商标案件需要认定的事实进行认定。认定驰名商标应当考虑下列因素:










  第十五条 未经授权,代理人或者代表人以自己的名义将被代理人或者被代表人的商标进行注册,被代理人或者被代表人提出异议的,不予注册并禁止使用。


  第十六条 商标中有商品的地理标志,而该商品并非来源于该标志所标示的地区,误导公众的,不予注册并禁止使用;但是,已经善意取得注册的继续有效。


  第十七条 外国人或者外国企业在中国申请商标注册的,应当按其所属国和中华人民共和国签订的协议或者共同参加的国际条约办理,或者按对等原则办理。

  第十八条 申请商标注册或者办理其他商标事宜,可以自行办理,也可以委托依法设立的商标代理机构办理。


  第十九条 商标代理机构应当遵循诚实信用原则,遵守法律、行政法规,按照被代理人的委托办理商标注册申请或者其他商标事宜;对在代理过程中知悉的被代理人的商业秘密,负有保密义务。




  第二十条 商标代理行业组织应当按照章程规定,严格执行吸纳会员的条件,对违反行业自律规范的会员实行惩戒。商标代理行业组织对其吸纳的会员和对会员的惩戒情况,应当及时向社会公布。

  第二十一条 商标国际注册遵循中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的有关国际条约确立的制度,具体办法由国务院规定。

  第二章 商标注册的申请

  第二十二条 商标注册申请人应当按规定的商品分类表填报使用商标的商品类别和商品名称,提出注册申请。



  第二十三条 注册商标需要在核定使用范围之外的商品上取得商标专用权的,应当另行提出注册申请。

  第二十四条 注册商标需要改变其标志的,应当重新提出注册申请。

  第二十五条 商标注册申请人自其商标在外国第一次提出商标注册申请之日起六个月内,又在中国就相同商品以同一商标提出商标注册申请的,依照该外国同中国签订的协议或者共同参加的国际条约,或者按照相互承认优先权的原则,可以享有优先权。


  第二十六条 商标在中国政府主办的或者承认的国际展览会展出的商品上首次使用的,自该商品展出之日起六个月内,该商标的注册申请人可以享有优先权。


  第二十七条 为申请商标注册所申报的事项和所提供的材料应当真实、准确、完整。

  第三章 商标注册的审查和核准

  第二十八条 对申请注册的商标,商标局应当自收到商标注册申请文件之日起九个月内审查完毕,符合本法有关规定的,予以初步审定公告。

  第二十九条 在审查过程中,商标局认为商标注册申请内容需要说明或者修正的,可以要求申请人做出说明或者修正。申请人未做出说明或者修正的,不影响商标局做出审查决定。

  第三十条 申请注册的商标,凡不符合本法有关规定或者同他人在同一种商品或者类似商品上已经注册的或者初步审定的商标相同或者近似的,由商标局驳回申请,不予公告。

  第三十一条 两个或者两个以上的商标注册申请人,在同一种商品或者类似商品上,以相同或者近似的商标申请注册的,初步审定并公告申请在先的商标;同一天申请的,初步审定并公告使用在先的商标,驳回其他人的申请,不予公告。

  第三十二条 申请商标注册不得损害他人现有的在先权利,也不得以不正当手段抢先注册他人已经使用并有一定影响的商标。

  第三十三条 对初步审定公告的商标,自公告之日起三个月内,在先权利人、利害关系人认为违反本法第十三条第二款和第三款、第十五条、第十六条第一款、第三十条、第三十一条、第三十二条规定的,或者任何人认为违反本法第四条、第十条、第十一条、第十二条、第十九条第四款规定的,可以向商标局提出异议。公告期满无异议的,予以核准注册,发给商标注册证,并予公告。

  第三十四条 对驳回申请、不予公告的商标,商标局应当书面通知商标注册申请人。商标注册申请人不服的,可以自收到通知之日起十五日内向商标评审委员会申请复审。商标评审委员会应当自收到申请之日起九个月内做出决定,并书面通知申请人。有特殊情况需要延长的,经国务院工商行政管理部门批准,可以延长三个月。当事人对商标评审委员会的决定不服的,可以自收到通知之日起三十日内向人民法院起诉。

  第三十五条 对初步审定公告的商标提出异议的,商标局应当听取异议人和被异议人陈述事实和理由,经调查核实后,自公告期满之日起十二个月内做出是否准予注册的决定,并书面通知异议人和被异议人。有特殊情况需要延长的,经国务院工商行政管理部门批准,可以延长六个月。




  第三十六条 法定期限届满,当事人对商标局做出的驳回申请决定、不予注册决定不申请复审或者对商标评审委员会做出的复审决定不向人民法院起诉的,驳回申请决定、不予注册决定或者复审决定生效。


  第三十七条 对商标注册申请和商标复审申请应当及时进行审查。

  第三十八条 商标注册申请人或者注册人发现商标申请文件或者注册文件有明显错误的,可以申请更正。商标局依法在其职权范围内作出更正,并通知当事人。


  第四章 注册商标的续展、变更、转让和使用许可

  第三十九条 注册商标的有效期为十年,自核准注册之日起计算。

  第四十条 注册商标有效期满,需要继续使用的,商标注册人应当在期满前十二个月内按照规定办理续展手续;在此期间未能办理的,可以给予六个月的宽展期。每次续展注册的有效期为十年,自该商标上一届有效期满次日起计算。期满未办理续展手续的,注销其注册商标。


  第四十一条 注册商标需要变更注册人的名义、地址或者其他注册事项的,应当提出变更申请。

  第四十二条 转让注册商标的,转让人和受让人应当签订转让协议,并共同向商标局提出申请。受让人应当保证使用该注册商标的商品质量。




  第四十三条 商标注册人可以通过签订商标使用许可合同,许可他人使用其注册商标。许可人应当监督被许可人使用其注册商标的商品质量。被许可人应当保证使用该注册商标的商品质量。



  第五章 注册商标的无效宣告

  第四十四条 已经注册的商标,违反本法第四条、第十条、第十一条、第十二条、第十九条第四款规定的,或者是以欺骗手段或者其他不正当手段取得注册的,由商标局宣告该注册商标无效;其他单位或者个人可以请求商标评审委员会宣告该注册商标无效。



  第四十五条 已经注册的商标,违反本法第十三条第二款和第三款、第十五条、第十六条第一款、第三十条、第三十一条、第三十二条规定的,自商标注册之日起五年内,在先权利人或者利害关系人可以请求商标评审委员会宣告该注册商标无效。对恶意注册的,驰名商标所有人不受五年的时间限制。



  第四十六条 法定期限届满,当事人对商标局宣告注册商标无效的决定不申请复审或者对商标评审委员会的复审决定、维持注册商标或者宣告注册商标无效的裁定不向人民法院起诉的,商标局的决定或者商标评审委员会的复审决定、裁定生效。

  第四十七条 依照本法第四十四条、第四十五条的规定宣告无效的注册商标,由商标局予以公告,该注册商标专用权视为自始即不存在。



  第六章 商标使用的管理

  第四十八条 本法所称商标的使用,是指将商标用于商品、商品包装或者容器以及商品交易文书上,或者将商标用于广告宣传、展览以及其他商业活动中,用于识别商品来源的行为。

  第四十九条 商标注册人在使用注册商标的过程中,自行改变注册商标、注册人名义、地址或者其他注册事项的,由地方工商行政管理部门责令限期改正;期满不改正的,由商标局撤销其注册商标。


  第五十条 注册商标被撤销、被宣告无效或者期满不再续展的,自撤销、宣告无效或者注销之日起一年内,商标局对与该商标相同或者近似的商标注册申请,不予核准。

  第五十一条 违反本法第六条规定的,由地方工商行政管理部门责令限期申请注册,违法经营额五万元以上的,可以处违法经营额百分之二十以下的罚款,没有违法经营额或者违法经营额不足五万元的,可以处一万元以下的罚款。

  第五十二条 将未注册商标冒充注册商标使用的,或者使用未注册商标违反本法第十条规定的,由地方工商行政管理部门予以制止,限期改正,并可以予以通报,违法经营额五万元以上的,可以处违法经营额百分之二十以下的罚款,没有违法经营额或者违法经营额不足五万元的,可以处一万元以下的罚款。

  第五十三条 违反本法第十四条第五款规定的,由地方工商行政管理部门责令改正,处十万元罚款。

  第五十四条 对商标局撤销或者不予撤销注册商标的决定,当事人不服的,可以自收到通知之日起十五日内向商标评审委员会申请复审。商标评审委员会应当自收到申请之日起九个月内做出决定,并书面通知当事人。有特殊情况需要延长的,经国务院工商行政管理部门批准,可以延长三个月。当事人对商标评审委员会的决定不服的,可以自收到通知之日起三十日内向人民法院起诉。

  第五十五条 法定期限届满,当事人对商标局做出的撤销注册商标的决定不申请复审或者对商标评审委员会做出的复审决定不向人民法院起诉的,撤销注册商标的决定、复审决定生效。


  第七章 注册商标专用权的保护

  第五十六条 注册商标的专用权,以核准注册的商标和核定使用的商品为限。

  第五十七条 有下列行为之一的,均属侵犯注册商标专用权:








  第五十八条 将他人注册商标、未注册的驰名商标作为企业名称中的字号使用,误导公众,构成不正当竞争行为的,依照《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》处理。

  第五十九条 注册商标中含有的本商品的通用名称、图形、型号,或者直接表示商品的质量、主要原料、功能、用途、重量、数量及其他特点,或者含有的地名,注册商标专用权人无权禁止他人正当使用。



  第六十条 有本法第五十七条所列侵犯注册商标专用权行为之一,引起纠纷的,由当事人协商解决;不愿协商或者协商不成的,商标注册人或者利害关系人可以向人民法院起诉,也可以请求工商行政管理部门处理。



  第六十一条 对侵犯注册商标专用权的行为,工商行政管理部门有权依法查处;涉嫌犯罪的,应当及时移送司法机关依法处理。

  第六十二条 县级以上工商行政管理部门根据已经取得的违法嫌疑证据或者举报,对涉嫌侵犯他人注册商标专用权的行为进行查处时,可以行使下列职权:







  第六十三条 侵犯商标专用权的赔偿数额,按照权利人因被侵权所受到的实际损失确定;实际损失难以确定的,可以按照侵权人因侵权所获得的利益确定;权利人的损失或者侵权人获得的利益难以确定的,参照该商标许可使用费的倍数合理确定。对恶意侵犯商标专用权,情节严重的,可以在按照上述方法确定数额的一倍以上五倍以下确定赔偿数额。赔偿数额应当包括权利人为制止侵权行为所支付的合理开支。





  第六十四条 注册商标专用权人请求赔偿,被控侵权人以注册商标专用权人未使用注册商标提出抗辩的,人民法院可以要求注册商标专用权人提供此前三年内实际使用该注册商标的证据。注册商标专用权人不能证明此前三年内实际使用过该注册商标,也不能证明因侵权行为受到其他损失的,被控侵权人不承担赔偿责任。


  第六十五条 商标注册人或者利害关系人有证据证明他人正在实施或者即将实施侵犯其注册商标专用权的行为,如不及时制止将会使其合法权益受到难以弥补的损害的,可以依法在起诉前向人民法院申请采取责令停止有关行为和财产保全的措施。

  第六十六条 为制止侵权行为,在证据可能灭失或者以后难以取得的情况下,商标注册人或者利害关系人可以依法在起诉前向人民法院申请保全证据。

  第六十七条 未经商标注册人许可,在同一种商品上使用与其注册商标相同的商标,构成犯罪的,除赔偿被侵权人的损失外,依法追究刑事责任。



  第六十八条 商标代理机构有下列行为之一的,由工商行政管理部门责令限期改正,给予警告,处一万元以上十万元以下的罚款;对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员给予警告,处五千元以上五万元以下的罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:







  第六十九条 从事商标注册、管理和复审工作的国家机关工作人员必须秉公执法,廉洁自律,忠于职守,文明服务。


  第七十条 工商行政管理部门应当建立健全内部监督制度,对负责商标注册、管理和复审工作的国家机关工作人员执行法律、行政法规和遵守纪律的情况,进行监督检查。

  第七十一条 从事商标注册、管理和复审工作的国家机关工作人员玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊,违法办理商标注册、管理和复审事项,收受当事人财物,牟取不正当利益,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予处分。

  第八章 附  则

  第七十二条 申请商标注册和办理其他商标事宜的,应当缴纳费用,具体收费标准另定。

  第七十三条 本法自1983年3月1日起施行。1963年4月10日国务院公布的《商标管理条例》同时废止;其他有关商标管理的规定,凡与本法抵触的,同时失效。


Area of Law General Provisions on Trademark Optimization of Doing Business

Level of Authority Laws

Date Issued04-23-2019

Effective Date11-01-2019

Issuing Authority Standing Committee of the National People's Congress

Status Effective

2013-2019 Annotation Version 2001-2013 Annotation Version 1993-2001 Annotation Version 1982-1993 Annotation Version 

Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China
(Adopted at the 24th Session of the Standing Committee of the Fifth National People's Congress on August 23, 1982; amended for the first time according to the Decision on Amending the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China as adopted at the 30th Session of the Standing Committee of the Seventh National People's Congress on February 22, 1993; amended for the second time according to the Decision on Amending the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China as adopted at the 24th Session of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress on October 27, 2001; amended for the third time according to the Decision on Amending the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China as adopted at the 4th Session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress on August 30, 2013; and amended for the fourth time in accordance with the Decision to Amend Eight Laws Including the Construction Law of the People's Republic of China adopted at the 10th Session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on April 23, 2019)
Table of Contents
Chapter I General Provisions
Chapter II Application for Trademark Registration
Chapter III Trademark Registration Examination and Approval
Chapter IV Renewal, Modification, Assignment and Licensing of Registered Trademarks
Chapter V Declaration of Invalidation of Registered Trademarks
Chapter VI Administration of the Use of Trademarks
Chapter VII Protection of the Right to Exclusively Use a Registered Trademark
Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1 This Law is formulated for the purposes of strengthening trademark administration, protecting the right to exclusively use a trademark, urging producers and dealers to guarantee the quality of goods and services, maintaining the reputation of trademarks, protecting the interests of consumers, producers and dealers, and promoting the development of the socialist market economy.

Article 2 The Trademark Office of the administrative department for industry and commerce under the State Council shall take charge of trademark registration and administration across the country.
The administrative department for industry and commerce under the State Council shall establish a Trademark Appeal Board responsible for resolving trademark disputes.

Article 3 Registered trademarks are trademarks approved to be registered by the Trademark Office, including goods trademarks, service trademarks, collective marks, and certification marks. A trademark registrant shall have the right to exclusively use the registered trademark, which is protected by law.
For the purposes of this Law, “collective mark” means a mark registered in the name of a group, an association, or any other organization for the members of the organization to use in commercial activities to indicate their memberships in the organization.
For the purposes of this Law, “certification mark” means a mark controlled by an organization with supervising power over certain kind of goods or services but used by entities or individuals other than the organization on their goods or services to certificate the origins, raw materials, manufacturing methods, quality, or other specific characteristics of the goods or services.
Special matters concerning the registration and administration of collective marks and certification marks shall be provided for by the administrative department for industry and commerce under the State Council.

Article 4 Any natural person, legal person, or other organization needing to acquire the right to exclusively use a trademark on the goods or services thereof in the course of business operations shall apply to the Trademark Office for trademark registration. A bad faith application for trademark registration for a purpose other than use shall be rejected.
The provisions of this Law regarding goods trademarks are applicable to service trademarks.

Article 5 Two or more natural persons, legal persons, or other organizations may jointly apply to the Trademark Office for the registration of the same trademark, and jointly own and exercise the right to exclusively use the registered trademark.

Article 6 Where a registered trademark must be used on the goods prescribed by any law or administrative regulation, trademark registration must be applied for, and such goods may not be marketed without approval of trademark registration.

Article 7 In the application for registration or use of a trademark, the principle of good faith shall be followed.
The user of a trademark shall be responsible for the quality of the goods on which the trademark is used. The administrative departments for industry and commerce at all levels shall, through trademark administration, interdict consumer frauds.

Article 8 Any sign capable of distinguishing the goods of a natural person, a legal person, or any other organization from those of others, including but not limited to word, design, letter, numeral, three-dimensional symbol, combination of colors, and sound, as well as a combination of the above, may serve as a trademark for registration application.

Article 9 The trademark for registration shall be distinctive for easy identification, and may not be in conflict with any prior legal rights acquired by others.
A trademark registrant shall have the right to use the words “registered trademark” or a sign standing for registration.

Article 10 The following signs may not be used as trademarks:
(1) A sign identical with or similar to the name, national flag, national emblem, national anthem, military flag, military emblem, military anthem, or decorations, among others, of the People's Republic of China or identical with the name or symbol of a central state organ, the name of specific place where it is located, or the name or design of its landmark building.
(2) A sign identical with or similar to the name, national flag, national emblem, or military flag, among others, of a foreign country, except as permitted by the government of the foreign country.
(3) A sign identical with or similar to the name, flag, or emblem of an international intergovernmental organization, except as permitted by the organization or except that it will usually not mislead the public.
(4) A sign identical with or similar to an official sign or an inspection mark which indicates control or provides guarantee, except as authorized.
(5) A sign identical with or similar to the name or sign of the Red Cross or the Red Crescent.
(6) A sign bearing ethnic discrimination.
(7) A sign which is deceptive and easily misleads the public regarding the quality or origin of goods.
(8) Signs detrimental to socialist morality or mores or having any other adverse effect.
The name of any administrative division at or above the county level or the name of any foreign place known by the public may not be used as a trademark, except that the place name has other meanings or is used as a part of a collective mark or certification mark. Existing registered trademarks using place names shall continue to be valid.

Article 11 The following signs may not be registered as trademarks:
(1) A sign only bearing the generic name, design, or model of the goods.
(2) A sign only directly indicating the quality, main raw materials, functions, uses, weight, quantity, or other features of goods.
(3) Other signs lacking distinctiveness.
If a sign listed in the preceding paragraph has obtained distinctiveness through use and can be easily identified, it may be registered as a trademark.

Article 12 Where the registration of a three dimensional trademark is applied for, it shall not be registered if it is only a shape resulting from the nature of the goods, a shape of the goods necessary for achieving a technical effect, or a shape to add a substantive value to the goods.

Article 13 The holder of a trademark well known by the relevant public may file a request for well-known trademark protection under this Law if believing that there is any infringement upon its rights.
Where a trademark for registration to be used on identical or similar goods is a copy, imitation, or translation of a well-known trademark of another party which has not been registered in China and may easily cause confusion, it shall not be registered and shall be prohibited from use.
Where a trademark for registration to be used on different or dissimilar goods is a copy, imitation, or translation of a well-known trademark of another party which has been registered in China, misleads the public, and may cause damage to the interests of the registrant of the well-known trademark, it shall not be registered and shall be prohibited from use.

Article 14 Whether a trademark is a well-known trademark shall be determined upon request of a party as a fact to be found in the handling of a trademark case. The following factors shall be taken into account in the determination of a well-known trademark:
(1) Reputation of the trademark to the relevant public.
(2) Duration of the use of the trademark.
(3) Duration, extent, and geographical area of any publicity of the trademark.
(4) Records of protection of the trademark as a well-known trademark.
(5) Other factors relevant to the determination of a well-known trademark.
Where a party files a claim under Article 13 of this Law in the process of trademark registration examination or in the process of investigation of a trademark violation case by the administrative department for industry and commerce, the Trademark Office may determine whether the trademark is a well-known trademark if it is necessary for examination or handling the case.
Where a party files a claim under Article 13 of this Law in the process of resolution of a trademark dispute, the Trademark Appeal Board may determine whether the trademark is a well-known trademark if it is necessary for handling the case.
Where a party files a claim under Article 13 of this Law in the trial of a civil or administrative case involving trademark, the people's court designated by the Supreme People's Court may determine whether the trademark is a well-known trademark if it is necessary for trying the case.
Producers and dealers may not use the words “well-known trademark” on their goods and the packages or containers of their goods or for advertisements, exhibitions, and other commercial activities.

Article 15 Where an agent or a representative applies for registration of a trademark of the principal or the represented party in the agent's or the representative's own name without authorization, the trademark shall not be registered and shall be prohibited from use upon opposition from the principal or the represented party.
Where an applicant for registration of a trademark identical with or similar to an unregistered trademark in prior use by another party on identical or similar goods has any contractual, business or other relationship except the relationship described in the preceding paragraph with the other party and knows the existence of the unregistered trademark, the trademark shall not be registered upon opposition from the other party.

Article 16 Where a trademark contains a geographic indication of the goods but the goods do not originate from the region indicated thereon, thus misleading the public, the trademark shall not be registered and shall be prohibited from use; however, those that have been registered in good faith shall continue to be valid.
The geographic indication as mentioned in the preceding paragraph means a sign that indicates the region where the goods originate and the natural or human dimensions of which primarily decide the specific quality, reputation, or other features of the goods.

Article 17 Where a foreign national or a foreign enterprise applies for trademark registration in China, it shall be handled in accordance with an agreement concluded between the applicant's country and the People's Republic of China or an international treaty acceded to by both countries or according to the principle of reciprocity.

Article 18 An applicant may apply for trademark registration and handle other trademark-related matters by itself or through a legally formed trademark agency authorized by it.
A foreign national or a foreign enterprise intending to apply for trademark registration and handle other trademark-related matters in China shall authorize a legally formed trademark agency to do so.

Article 19 Trademark agencies shall follow the principle of good faith, abide by laws and administrative regulations, handle trademark registration applications and other trademark-related matters as authorized by clients, and maintain confidential clients' trade secrets known in acting for clients.
Where the trademark registration applied for by a client may be denied for any circumstances as described in this Law, a trademark agency shall clearly notify the client thereof.
Where a trademark agency knows or should have known that a client's trademark registration application falls under any circumstances as described in Articles 4, 15 and 32 of this Law, it may not accept the client's authorization.
Trademark agencies may not apply for registration of trademarks other than those applied for in acting for clients.

Article 20 A trademark agency association shall, according to its bylaws, strictly implement the membership conditions, and take disciplinary actions against members violating the self-regulatory rules of the sector. A trademark agency association shall disclose information on its new members and the disciplinary actions taken against its members to the public in a timely manner.

Article 21 International registration of trademarks shall comply with the rules established by the relevant international treaties concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China, and the specific measures shall be developed by the State Council.

Chapter II Application for Trademark Registration

Article 22 A trademark registration applicant shall, according to the prescribed classification of goods, enter the class and designation of goods on which the trademark is to be used, and file an application for registration.
A trademark registration applicant may, in a single application, apply for registration of the same trademark on goods of different classes.
Trademark registration applications and other relevant documents may be filed in written or data message form.

Article 23 Where a registered trademark needs to be exclusively used on any goods beyond the approved scope of use, a separate application for registration shall be filed.

Article 24 Where any sign of a registered trademark needs to be modified, a new application for registration shall be filed.

Article 25 Where, within six months from the day when a trademark registration applicant firstly filed an application for registration of a trademark in a foreign country, it applies for registration in China of the same trademark to the used on identical goods, it may enjoy priority according to an agreement concluded between the foreign country and the People's Republic of China or an international treaty acceded to by both countries, or on the principle of mutual acknowledgement of the right of priority.
To claim priority under the preceding paragraph, the applicant shall file a written declaration when filing an application for trademark registration and, within three months, submit a duplicate of the application documentation firstly filed; an applicant failing to file the written declaration or failing to submit the duplicate of application documentation within the prescribed time limit shall be deemed to have not claimed priority.

Article 26 Where a trademark is used for the first time on the goods displayed at an international exhibition sponsored or acknowledged by the Chinese Government, the user as an applicant for registration of the trademark may enjoy priority within six months from the date of display of the goods.
To claim priority under the preceding paragraph, the applicant shall file a written declaration when filing the application for trademark registration and, within three months, submit certification documents on the name of the exhibition in which the goods were displayed, the evidence of using the trademark on the displayed goods, and the date of exhibition, among others; an applicant failing to file the written declaration or failing to submit the certification documents within the prescribed time limit shall be deemed to have not claimed priority.

Article 27 Matters declared and materials provided for an application for trademark registration shall be authentic, accurate, and complete.

Chapter III Trademark Registration Examination and Approval

Article 28 For a trademark registration application, the Trademark Office shall complete examination within nine months after receiving the application documents and, if the application complies with the relevant provisions of this Law, preliminarily approve and publish it.

Article 29 Where, in the course of examination, the Trademark Office deems it necessary to require an explanation or amendment of a trademark registration application, it may require the applicant to provide an explanation or amendment. The applicant's failure to provide such an explanation or amendment shall not affect the decision of the Trademark Office upon examination.

Article 30 Where the trademark for registration does not comply with the relevant provisions of this Law or is identical with or similar to another party's trademark which has been registered or preliminarily approved for use on identical or similar goods, the Trademark Office shall reject the application and shall not publish the trademark.

Article 31 Where two or more trademark registration applicants apply for registration of identical or similar trademarks to be used on identical or similar goods, the trademark, the registration of which is applied for first, shall be preliminarily approved and published; or if the applications are filed on the same day, the trademark which is used first shall be preliminarily approved and published, while the applications of the others shall be rejected without publication.

Article 32 No application for trademark registration may infringe upon the existing prior rights of others, and bad-faith registration by illicit means of a trademark with a certain reputation already used by another party shall be prohibited.

Article 33 For a preliminarily approved and published trademark, within three months from the date of publication, a prior rights holder or an interested party which believes that paragraph 2 or 3 of Article 13, Article 15, paragraph 1 of Article 16, Article 30, Article 31, or Article 32 of this Law is violated or any person that believes that Article 4, Article 10, Article 11, Article 12, or paragraph 4 of Article 19 of this Law is violated may file an opposition with the Trademark Office. If no opposition has been filed upon expiry of the publication period, the registration shall be approved, a certificate of trademark registration shall be issued, and a publication shall be made.

Article 34 Where a trademark registration application is rejected or publication is denied, the Trademark Office shall notify the applicant in written form. The applicant may apply to the Trademark Appeal Board for a review within 15 days after receiving the notice. The Trademark Appeal Board shall make a decision within nine months after receiving the application, and notify the applicant of its decision in written form. Under special circumstances, the time limit may be extended by three months with the approval of the administrative department for industry and commerce under the State Council. Against the decision of the Trademark Appeal Board, the party concerned may institute an action in a people's court within 30 days after receiving the notice.

Article 35 Where an opposition is filed against a trademark which has been preliminarily approved and published, the Trademark Office shall hear the facts and reasons from both the opponent and the applicant, investigate and verify them, make a decision to approve or disapprove the registration within 12 months upon expiry of the publication period, and notify the opponent and the applicant of its decision in written form. Under special circumstances, the time limit may be extended by six months with the approval of the administrative department for industry and commerce under the State Council.
In the case of approval of registration, the Trademark Office shall issue a certificate of trademark registration, and publish the registered trademark. The opponent may, under Article 44 and 45 of this Law, request the Trademark Appeal Board to declare the trademark registration to be invalid.
In the case of disapproval of registration, the applicant may apply to the Trademark Appeal Board for a review within 15 days after receiving the notice. The Trademark Appeal Board shall make a decision upon review within 12 months after receiving the application, and notify the opponent and the applicant in written form. Under special circumstances, the time limit may be extended by six months with the approval of the administrative department for industry and commerce under the State Council. Against the decision of the Trademark Appeal Board, the applicant may institute an action in a people's court within 30 days after receiving the notice. The people's court shall notify the opponent to participate in the action as a third party.
Where, in a review conducted according to the preceding paragraph, the Trademark Appeal Board must determine the involved prior rights based on the results of another case being tried by a people's court or handled by an administrative agency, it may suspend the review. After the cause of suspension is eliminated, the review process shall be resumed.

Article 36 Where, upon expiry of the statutory time limit, the party concerned fails to apply for a review of a decision of the Trademark Office to reject a trademark registration application or deny registration or fails to institute an action in a people's court against a decision of the Trademark Appeal Board upon review, the decision to reject a trademark registration application or deny registration or the decision upon review shall take effect.
Where trademark registration is approved after all oppositions are determined as unfounded upon examination, the time of the applicant obtaining the right to exclusively use the trademark commences from the date of expiry of the three-month preliminary approval publication period. The right to exclusively use the trademark is not retrospective to another party's use of a mark identical with or similar to the trademark on identical or similar goods during the period from the date of expiry of the publication period to the date of decision to approve registration; however, such other party shall compensate the trademark registrant for any losses caused by its use in bad faith.

Article 37 An application for trademark registration or an application for trademark review shall be examined in a timely manner.

Article 38 A trademark registration applicant or a trademark registrant which discovers that there is any evident error in the trademark application documents or registration documents may apply for correction. The Trademark Office shall make correction within its functions according to the law, and notify the party concerned.
The correction of errors as mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall not involve any substantive content of the trademark application documents or registration documents.

Chapter IV Renewal, Modification, Assignment and Licensing of Registered Trademarks

Article 39 The period of validity of a registered trademark shall be ten years, commencing from the date of approval of registration.

Article 40 A trademark registrant intending to continue to use the registered trademark upon expiry of the period of validity shall undergo the renewal formalities within 12 months before expiry according to the relevant provisions. If failing to do so, the trademark registrant may be granted a six-month grace period. The period of validity of each renewal is ten years, commencing from the day after the expiry date of the last period of validity. If the renewal formalities are not undergone within the grace period, the registration of the trademark shall be cancelled.
The Trademark Office shall publish renewed registered trademarks.

Article 41 Where the name or address of registrant or any other registered matter of a registered trademark needs to be modified, an application for modification shall be filed.

Article 42 Where a registered trademark is assigned, the assignor and the assignee shall enter into an assignment agreement, and jointly file an application with the Trademark Office. The assignee shall guarantee the quality of goods on which the registered trademark is used.
A trademark registrant intending to assign the registered trademark shall concurrently assign all its similar registered trademarks on identical goods or all its identical or similar registered trademarks on similar goods.
Where any assignment may easily cause confusion or have any other adverse effect, the Trademark Office shall disapprove it, and notify the applicant of disapproval in written form with an explanation of reasons.
After the assignment of a registered trademark has been approved, it shall be published. The assignee shall have the right to exclusively use the registered trademark from the date of publication.

Article 43 A trademark registrant may, by entering into a trademark licensing contract, license another party to use its registered trademark. The licensor shall supervise the quality of the goods on which the licensee uses the licensor's registered trademark. The licensee shall guarantee the quality of the goods on which the registered trademark is used.
In the licensed use of another party's registered trademark, the name of licensee and the origin of goods must be indicated on the goods on which the registered trademark is used.
Where another party is licensed to use a registered trademark, the licenser shall report the license to the Trademark Office for recordation, and the Trademark Office shall publish it. An unrecorded license may not be used as a defense against a third party in good faith.

Chapter V Declaration of Invalidation of Registered Trademarks

Article 44 Where a registered trademark violates Article 4, Article 10, Article 11, Article 12, or paragraph 4 of Article 19 of this Law, or its registration was acquired by fraud or any other illicit means, the Trademark Office shall declare invalidation of the registered trademark; and any other organization or individual may petition the Trademark Appeal Board to declare invalidation of the registered trademark.
The Trademark Office shall notify the party concerned in written form of its decision to declare invalidation of the registered trademark. Against the decision of the Trademark Office, the party concerned may apply to the Trademark Appeal Board for a review within 15 days after receiving the notice. The Trademark Appeal Board shall make a decision within nine months after receiving the review application, and notify the party concerned of its decision in written form. Under special circumstances, the time limit may be extended by three months with the approval of the administrative department for industry and commerce under the State Council. Against the decision of the Trademark Appeal Board, the party concerned may institute an action in a people's court within 30 days after receiving the notice.
Where any other organization or individual petitions the Trademark Appeal Board to declare invalidation of a registered trademark, the Trademark Appeal Board shall, after receiving the application, notify the party concerned in written form, and specify a time limit for submission of defense. The Trademark Appeal Board shall make a ruling to sustain the registered trademark or declare invalidation of the registered trademark within nine months after receiving the application, and notify the party concerned of its decision in written form. Under special circumstances, the time limit may be extended by three months with the approval of the administrative department for industry and commerce under the State Council. Against the ruling of the Trademark Appeal Board, the party concerned may institute an action in a people's court within 30 days after receiving the notice. The people's court shall notify the opposite party in the trademark ruling proceedings to participate in the action as a third party.

Article 45 Where a registered trademark violates paragraph 2 or 3 of Article 13, Article 15, paragraph 1 of Article 16, Article 30, Article 31, or Article 32 of this Law, a prior rights holder or an interested party may petition the Trademark Appeal Board for declaration of invalidation of the registered trademark within five years from the date of trademark registration. If the registration is acquired in bad faith, a well-known trademark holder shall not be subject to the five-year time limit.
After receiving a petition for declaring invalidation of a registered trademark, the Trademark Appeal Board shall notify the party concerned in written form, and specify a time limit for submission of defense. The Trademark Appeal Board shall make a ruling to sustain the registered trademark or declare invalidation of the registered trademark within 12 months after receiving the petition, and notify the party concerned of its decision in written form. Under special circumstances, the time limit may be extended by six months with the approval of the administrative department for industry and commerce under the State Council. Against the ruling of the Trademark Appeal Board, the party concerned may institute an action in a people's court within 30 days after receiving the notice. The people's court shall notify the opposite party in the trademark ruling proceedings to participate in the action as a third party.
Where, in reviewing a petition for declaration of invalidation of a registered trademark under the preceding paragraph, the Trademark Appeal Board must determine the involved prior rights based on the results of another case being tried by a people's court or handled by an administrative agency, it may suspend the review process. After the cause of suspension is eliminated, the review process shall be resumed.

Article 46 Where, upon expiry of the statutory time limit, the party concerned fails to apply for a review of a decision of the Trademark Office to declare invalidation of a registered trademark or fails to institute an action in a people's court against the Trademark Appeal Board's decision upon review or ruling to sustain a registered trademark or declare invalidation of a registered trademark, the decision of the Trademark Office or the Trademark Appeal Board's decision upon review or ruling shall take effect.

Article 47 The Trademark Office shall publish registered trademarks declared to be invalid under Article 44 or 45 of this Law, and the right to exclusively use such a registered trademark shall be deemed void at the inception.
A decision or ruling to declare invalidation of a registered trademark is not retrospective to a judgment, ruling, or consent judgment made and enforced by a people's court, a trademark infringement case decision made and enforced by an administrative department for industry and commerce, or a trademark assignment contract or license contract executed before the trademark is declared to be invalid. However, the trademark registrant shall compensate others for losses caused by its bad faith.
Trademark infringement damages, trademark assignment fees, and trademark royalties which are not returned under the preceding paragraph shall be all or partially returned if the principle of fairness is evidently violated otherwise.

Chapter VI Administration of the Use of Trademarks

Article 48 For the purposes of this Law, “use of a trademark” means using a trademark on goods, on the packages or containers of goods, in the trade documents of goods, or for advertisements, exhibitions, and other commercial activities for the purpose of identifying the origin of goods.

Article 49 Where, in using a registered trademark, the trademark registrant changes the registered trademark, the name or address of the registrant, or any other registered matter without approval, the local administrative department for industry and commerce shall order the registrant to make correction within a prescribed time limit; and if the registrant fails to do so within the time limit, the Trademark Office shall cancel the registered trademark.
Where a registered trademark becomes a common name of goods on which it is approved to be used or the use of the registered trademark has ceased for three consecutive years without good reasons, any entity or individual may apply to the Trademark Office for cancellation of the registered trademark. The Trademark Office shall make a decision within nine months after receiving the application. Under special circumstances, the time limit may be extended by three month with the approval of the administrative department for industry and commerce under the State Council.

Article 50 Where a registered trademark is cancelled, declared to be invalid, or not renewed upon expiry, the Trademark Office shall, during one year from the date of cancellation, declaration of invalidation, or expiration, approve no application for registration of a trademark identical with or similar to the trademark.

Article 51 Where any party violates Article 6 of this Law, the local administrative department for industry and commerce shall order the party to apply for registration within a certain time limit, and may impose a fine of not more than 20% of the illegal business revenues if the amount of illegal business revenues reaches 50,000 yuan or impose a fine of not more than 10,000 yuan if there is no illegal business revenue or the amount of illegal business revenues is less than 50,000 yuan.

Article 52 Where any party intentionally uses an unregistered trademark as a registered one or uses an unregistered trademark in violation of Article 10 of this Law, the local administrative department for industry and commerce shall stop the use of the trademark and order the party to make correction within a prescribed time limit, may circulate a notice thereon, and may impose a fine of not more than 20% of the illegal business revenues if the amount of illegal business revenues reaches 50,000 yuan or impose a fine of not more than 10,000 yuan if there is no illegal business revenue or the amount of illegal business revenues is less than 50,000 yuan.

Article 53 Any party violating paragraph 5, Article 14 of this Law shall be ordered to make correction and fined 100,000 yuan by the local administrative department for industry and commerce.

Article 54 Against a decision of the Trademark Office to cancel or not to cancel a registered trademark, the party concerned may, within 15 days after receiving a notice of the decision, apply to the Trademark Appeal Board for a review. The Trademark Appeal Board shall make a decision within nine months after receiving the application, and notify the party concerned of the decision in written form. Under special circumstances, the time limit may be extended by three months with the approval of the administrative department for industry and commerce under the State Council. Against the decision of the Trademark Appeal Board, the party concerned may institute an action in a people's court within 30 days after receiving the notice.

Article 55 Where, upon expiry of the statutory time limit, the party concerned fails to apply for a review of a decision of the Trademark Office to cancel a registered trademark or fails to institute an action in a people's court against a decision of the Trademark Appeal Board upon review, the decision to cancel the registered trademark or the decision upon review shall take effect.
The Trademark Office shall publish registered trademarks which are cancelled, and the right to exclusively use such a registered trademark shall be terminated from the date of publication.

Chapter VII Protection of the Right to Exclusively Use a Registered Trademark

Article 56 The right to exclusively use a registered trademark shall be limited to the trademark approved for registration and the goods on which the trademark is approved to be used.

Article 57 Any of the following conduct shall be an infringement upon the right to exclusively use a registered trademark:
(1) Using a trademark identical with a registered trademark on identical goods without being licensed by the trademark registrant.
(2) Using a trademark similar to a registered trademark on identical goods or using a trademark identical with or similar to a registered trademark on similar goods, without being licensed by the trademark registrant, which may easily cause confusion.
(3) Selling goods which infringe upon the right to exclusively use a registered trademark.
(4) Forging or manufacturing without authorization the labels of a registered trademark of another party or selling the labels of a registered trademark forged or manufactured without authorization.
(5) Replacing a registered trademark without the consent of the trademark registrant and putting the goods with a substituted trademark into the market.
(6) Intentionally providing facilitation for infringement upon others' right to exclusively use a registered trademark or aiding others in committing infringement upon the right to exclusively use a registered trademark.
(7) Otherwise causing damage to the right to exclusively use a registered trademark of others.

Article 58 Where any entity uses a registered trademark or an unregistered well-known trademark of others as a trade name in its enterprise name to mislead the public, if any unfair competition is constituted, it shall be handled in accordance with the Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the People's Republic of China.

Article 59 The holder of the right to exclusively use a registered trademark shall have no right to preclude others from legitimately using the common name, design or model of goods on which the trademark is used, the direct indications of the quality, main raw materials, functions, uses, weight, quantity, and other features of goods, or the place name in the trademark.
Where a three dimensional registered trademark comprises a shape resulting from the nature of the goods, a shape of the goods necessary for achieving a technical effect, or a shape to add substantive value to the goods, the holder of the right to exclusively use the registered trademark shall have no right to preclude others from legitimately using such a shape.
Where, before a trademark registrant applies for trademark registration, another party has used an identical or similar trademark with a certain reputation on identical or similar goods prior to the trademark registrant, the holder of the right to exclusively use the registered trademark shall have no right to preclude such other party from continuing to use the trademark for original purposes, but may require such other party to add a distinctive mark.

Article 60 Where any dispute arises from any of infringements upon the right to exclusively use a registered trademark as set out in Article 57 of this Law, the parties concerned shall resolve the dispute through negotiation; and if they are reluctant to resolve the dispute through negotiation or the negotiation fails, the trademark registrant or an interested party may institute an action in a people's court or request the administrative department for industry and commerce to handle the dispute.
If the administrative department for industry and commerce handling the dispute determines that an infringement is constituted, it shall order immediate cessation of infringement and confiscate and destroy the infringing goods and the tools mainly used for manufacturing the infringing goods and counterfeiting the labels of the registered trademark, and may impose a fine of not more than five times the illegal business revenues if the amount of illegal business revenues reaches 50,000 yuan or a fine of not more than 250,000 yuan if there is no illegal business revenue or the amount of illegal business revenues is less than 50,000 yuan. If trademark infringement has been committed twice or more within five years or there are other serious circumstances, a heavier punishment shall be imposed. If goods infringing the right to exclusively use a registered trademark are sold without knowledge of such infringement, and the seller is able to prove that the goods are legally acquired and provide the supplier, the administrative department for industry and commerce shall order cessation of sale.
Where any dispute arises regarding the amount of damages for infringement upon the right to exclusively use a registered trademark, the parties concerned may request the administrative department for industry and commerce handling the dispute to conduct mediation or institute an action in a people's court in accordance with the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China. If the parties concerned fail to reach an agreement upon mediation by the administrative department for industry and commerce or fail to fulfill a mediation agreement after being executed, the parties concerned may institute an action in a people's court in accordance with the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China.

Article 61 The administrative department for industry and commerce shall have the authority to investigate and punish according to the law any infringement upon the right to exclusively use a registered trademark; and those suspected of a crime shall be transferred to the judicial authority in a timely manner according to the law.

Article 62 The administrative departments for industry and commerce at or above the county level may exercise the following powers based on evidence of suspected illegal acts or any reports when investigating suspected infringement upon the right to exclusively use a registered trademark of others:
(1) Questioning the party concerned and investigating information on infringement upon the right to exclusively use a registered trademark of others.
(2) Consulting and copying the contracts, invoices, account books, and other materials of the party concerned relating to infringement.
(3) Conducting on-site inspection of the place where the party concerned is suspected of engaging in activities which infringe upon the right to exclusively use a registered trademark of others.
(4) Examining items relating to infringement; or seizing or impounding items infringing upon the right to exclusively use a registered trademark of others as proved by evidence.
The party concerned shall assist and cooperate with the administrative department for industry and commerce exercising the powers prescribed in the preceding paragraph, and may not refuse assistance or cooperation or impede the exercise of such powers.
Where, in investigating a trademark infringement case, there is any dispute over the ownership of the trademark or a right holder institutes a trademark infringement action in a people's court, the administrative department for industry and commerce may suspend the investigation. After the cause of suspension is eliminated, it shall resume or terminate the investigation procedure.

Article 63 The amount of damages for infringement upon the right to exclusively use a registered trademark shall be determined according to the actual losses suffered by the right holder from the infringement; where it is difficult to determine the amount of actual losses, the amount of damages may be determined according to the benefits acquired by the infringer from the infringement; where it is difficult to determine the right holder's losses or the benefits acquired by the infringer, the amount of damages may be a reasonable multiple of the royalties. If the infringement is committed in bad faith with serious circumstances, the amount of damages shall be the amount, but not more than five times the amount, determined in the aforesaid method. The amount of damages shall include reasonable expenses of the right holder for stopping the infringement.
Where the right holder has made its best efforts to adduce evidence but the account books and materials related to infringement are mainly in the possession of the infringer, in order to determine the amount of damages, a people's court may order the infringer to provide such account books and materials; and if the infringer refuses to provide the same or provide any false ones, the people's court may determine the amount of damages by reference to the claims of and the evidence provided by the right holder.
Where it is difficult to determine the actual losses suffered by the right holder from the infringement, the profits acquired by the infringer from the infringement, or the royalties of the registered trademark, a people's court may award damages of not more than five million yuan according to the circumstances of the infringement.
The people's court that tries a trademark dispute case shall, at the request of the right holder, order destruction of goods on which a registered trademark is falsely used, except under special circumstances; order destruction of materials and tools primarily used for the manufacture of such goods without compensation; or under special circumstances, order prohibition of the said materials and tools from entering commercial channels without compensation.
Goods on which a registered trademark is falsely used may not enter commercial channels even if the registered trademark so used is removed only.

Article 64 Where the holder of a right to exclusively use a registered trademark claims damages, and the alleged infringer argues that the right holder has never used the registered trademark, a people's court may require the holder of the right to exclusively use a registered trademark to provide evidence of its actual use of the registered trademark in the last three years. If the holder of the right to exclusively use a registered trademark is neither able to prove its actual use of the registered trademark in the last three years nor able to prove that it has suffered other losses from the infringement, the alleged infringer shall not be liable for damages.
Where any goods infringing a right to exclusively use a registered trademark are sold without knowledge of such infringement, and the seller is able to prove that the goods are legally acquired and provide the supplier, the seller shall not be liable for damages.

Article 65 Where a trademark registrant or an interested party has evidence that another party is committing or will commit an infringement upon the right to exclusively use the registered trademark, and irreparable damage will be caused to its lawful rights and interests if the infringement is not stopped in a timely manner, it may apply to a people's court for an order of cessation of relevant acts and property preservation before instituting an action in the people's court.

Article 66 In order to stop infringement, a trademark registrant or an interested party may apply to a people's court for preservation of evidence before instituting an action if any evidence may be destroyed or lost or difficult to obtain at a later time.

Article 67 Where, without being licensed by the trademark registrant, a party uses a trademark identical with the registered trademark on identical goods, if any crime is constituted, the party shall be subject to criminal liability according to the law in addition to compensating the victim for losses.
Where a party forges or manufactures without authorization the labels of a registered trademark of another party or sells the labels of a registered trademark forged or manufactured without authorization, if any crime is constituted, the party shall be subject to criminal liability according to the law in addition to compensating the victim for losses.
Where a party knowingly sells goods on which a registered trademark is falsely used, if any crime is constituted, the party shall be subject to criminal liability according to the law in addition to compensating the victim for losses.

Article 68 Where a trademark agency commits any of the following conduct, the administrative department for industry and commerce shall order it to make correction within a prescribed time limit and impose a warning and a fine of but not less than 10,000 yuan but not more than 100,000 yuan on it; its directly liable person in charge and other directly liable personnel shall be fined not less than 5,000 yuan but not more than 50,000 yuan; and if any crime is constituted, criminal liability shall be investigated:
(1) Forging or altering any legal document, seal, or signature or using any forged or altered legal document, seal, or signature in handling trademark-related matters.
(2) Acquiring trademark agency business by defaming other trademark agencies or disturbing the trademark agency market order by other illicit means.
(3) Violating Article 4 or paragraph 3 or 4 of Article 19 of this Law.
For a bad faith application for trademark registration, administrative punishment such as warning and fine shall be imposed according to the circumstances; and for a bad faith suit over a trademark, the people's court shall impose punishment according to the law.
Where a trademark agency commits any conduct mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the administrative department for industry and commerce shall record it into its credit file; and if the circumstances are serious, the Trademark Office and the Trademark Appeal Board may also decide to stop accepting its trademark agency business, and publish it.
A trademark agency which, in violation of the principle of good faith, infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of clients shall assume civil responsibility in accordance with the law, and the trademark agency association shall, according to its bylaws, take disciplinary actions against it.

Article 69 The staff members of state organs who engage in trademark registration, administration, and review must enforce laws impartially, have integrity and self-discipline, be devoted to their duties, and provide services with manners.
The Trademark Office, the Trademark Appeal Board, and staff members of state organs who engage in trademark registration, administration, and review may not engage in trademark agency and goods production and trading activities.

Article 70 The administrative departments for industry and commerce shall establish and improve their internal supervision rules, and conduct supervisory inspections on the enforcement of laws and administrative regulations and compliance with disciplines by the staff members of state organs who are responsible for trademark registration, administration, and review.

Article 71 Where any staff members of a state organ engaging in trademark registration, administration, or review neglect duties, abuse powers, practice favoritism, make falsehood, illegally handle any trademark registration, administration, or review matters, accept any property from the parties concerned, or seek any improper benefits, if any crime is constituted, they shall be subject to criminal liability according to the law; or if no crime is constituted, disciplinary actions shall be taken against them according to the law.

Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions

Article 72 Fees shall be charged for a trademark registration application and the handling of other trademark matters, and the specific fee rates shall be prescribed separately.

Article 73 This Law shall come into force on March 1, 1983. The Regulation on Trademark Administration issued by the State Council on April 10, 1963, shall be repealed concurrently; and any other provisions on trademark administration in conflict with this Law shall expire concurrently.
Trademarks registered before this Law comes into force shall continue to be valid.

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