Waiver of power of attorney: | CNY 2,100 |
Additional search fee (PCT Rule 40.2): | CNY 2,100 |
Fee for copies of documents cited in the international search report (PCT Rule 44.3): | CNY 2 per page |
Conditions for refund and amount of refund of the search fee: | Money paid by mistake, without cause, or in excess, will be refunded. |
Protest fee (PCT Rule 40.2(e)): | CNY 200 |
Late furnishing fee (PCT Rule 13ter.1(c)): | CNY 200 |
Languages accepted for international search: | Chinese, English |
Requirements concerning nucleotide and/or amino acid sequence listings (PCT Rule 13ter.1): | Electronic form required |
Subject matter that will not be searched: | The subject matter specified in items (i) to (vi) of PCT Rule 39.1 with the exception of subject matter which is searched in Chinese national applications |
Waiver of power of attorney: |
Has the Authority waived the requirement that a separate power of attorney be submitted? | No |
Has the Authority waived the requirement that a copy of a general power of attorney be submitted? | No |