Trial and Appeal Expert Exchange in Design Patent between CNIPA and EUIPO held online
Updated: 10 11,2022

Recently, Trial and Appeal Expert Exchange in Design Patent between China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) and European Union Intellectural Property Office (EUIPO) was held by video conference. Chen Wei, Director-General of the Reexamination and Invalidation Department of the Patent Office (PRD) CNIPA led a delegation to attend. Ma Hao, Inspector and other relevant personnel of PRD also participated.


This first online exchange between design patent experts from CNIPA PRD and EUIPO BoA was presided by João Negrão, President of the Boards of Appeal of European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). At the Exchange, the two parties introduced their patent reexamination and invalidation mechanism respectively, and discussed related issues of Internet evidence, especially the determination of new-type Internet evidence.


Through the Exchange, the two parties found that long-term in-depth exchanges are necessary due to similar challenges they both face in terms of patent reexamination and invalidation mechanism. Going forward, they will discuss in more fields including the metaverse to deepen mutual understanding on their business and promote common development.


(The Patent Reexamination and Invalidation Department Reported and photographed by Tian Lili)