The Patent Reexamination and Invalidation Department held the 8th Joint Experts Group for Trial and Appeal (JEGTA) among CNIPA, JPO and KIPO
Updated: 12 01,2021

On November 18th, the 8th Joint Experts Group for Trial and Appeal (JEGTA) among CNIPA, JPO and KIPO Video-conference was hosted by CNIPA. The conference was attended by delegations led respectively by Mr. Chen Wei, Director-General of the Reexamination and Invalidation Department of the Patent Office (PRD) CNIPA, Mr. KATSURA Masanori, Director-General, Trial and Appeal Department (TAD)  JPO, and Mr. YOON Byoung-soo, Director of the Trial Policy Division of the Intellectual Property Trial and Appeal Board (IPTAB) KIPO.

Amid the meeting, the three parties efficiently conducted comparative study on the “The Legal Effect of the Invalidation decision”and “The Claim Construction”. Besides, they discussed Online Oral Proceedings, statistical data exchange and how to provide users with curated trial and appeal decisions in English. A comparative study report was determined to be compiled and released as a communication result, so as to provide a valuable information reference for global users.

The trilateral exchanges among trial and appeal boards of CNIPA, JPO and KIPO began in 2013. Since then, the three parties have discussed patent reexamination and invalidation system in depth and achieved fruitful results, offering significant reference on law and regulation amendment related to patent reexamination and invalidation, examination policy and standard determination, as well as the process optimization.

(The Patent Reexamination and Invalidation Department Reported and photographed by TianLili)