China-Argentina Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) Pilot Program to be Launched on September 2, 2019

ccording to the Joint Statement of Intent of State Intellectual Property Office of China and the National Institute of Industrial Property of Argentina on Cooperation in Patent Prosecution Highway , the PPH pilot program between CNIPA and INPI will be launched on September 2, 2019, with a period of two years, and will be terminated on September 1, 2021. This PPH pilot program will apply only to patent applications submitted after 2009. The two offices will accept at most 300 PPH requests respectively, among which the number submitted to INPI shall not exceed 70 in the designated field of electrics.

After the launch of the Pilot Program, applicants can file a request for PPH to CNIPA according to the Procedures to File a Request to the CNIPA (China National Intellectual Property Administration) for Patent Prosecution Highway Pilot Program between the CNIPA and the INPI (The National Institute of Industrial Property of Argentina) , or to INPI according to the Procedures and Requirements for Filing a Request for Patent Prosecution Highway Pilot Program (PPH) at the National Institute of Industrial Property of the Argentine Republic (INPI) . (Translated from CNIPA Website Chinese Version)

Related reading: Guidelines for China- Argentina PPH
