Law on Intangible Cultural Heritage of P.R.C. Released

Law on Intangible Cultural Heritage of People's Republic of China which will take effect on June 1, 2011, was recently approved by voting at the 19th Session of the 11th Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), China's top legislature, and was promulgated by way of the No.42 presidential order signed by President Hu Jintao. The six chapter and 45 article law covers the general rules, requirement of survey on intangible cultural heritage, list of intangible cultural heritage protection projects, inheritage and propagation of intangible cultural heritage, legal liability and the supplementary articles.

Legislators were also quoted saying that the law clearly defines legal status of intangible cultural heritage in China for the first time, which offers legal ground for the intangible cultural heritage protection. According to the law, government should take primary responsibility for the protection.

(China IP News)
