Guiding Opinions on Accelerating Developing Modern Agricultural Seed Industry

Presided by Premier Wen Jiabao, an executive meeting of the State Council issued the Guiding Opinions on Accelerating Developing Modern Agricultural Seed Industry, aiming to advance the development of Modern Agricultural Seed Industry. According to the opinions, China will cultivate numbers of improved variety with independent IPR and of major marketing prosperity, will establish a group of standardized and mechanized seed production bases of large scale and intensification.

The meeting pointed out that efforts should be striven to improve legal system, reform the old-dated systems and integrate the agricultural variety resources on the basis of independent innovation to enhance the industry innovation capacity, boost business competiveness, guarantee the seed supply and improve the market supervising capacity. All these will contribute to establish an oriented agricultural variety system for technological innovation, in which enterprises play the leading role and which combines the efforts of enterprises, universities and research institutes.

(China IP News)
