General Implementing Plan for the State Technological Innovation Project

In an effort to bolster innovation capacity of enterprises and to shape a market-oriented technological innovation system with enterprises at the lead and supported by manufacture, universities and research institutes, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, All China Federation of Trade Unions and China Development Plan jointly issued the General Implementing Plan for the State Technological Innovation Project.

The general objectives of implementing technological innovation project are to shape a market-oriented technological innovation system with enterprises at the lead and supported by manufacture, universities and research institutes, to significantly elevate innovation capacity of enterprises, to lower key sectors and industries’ dependency on foreign technologies, to stimulate enterprises to lead technological innovation and to enable tighter ties between technology and economy. 

The main tasks of the Plan include promotion of formation and development of technological innovation strategic alliance, construction and improvement of service platform of technological innovation, construction of R & D based enterprises, provision of technological resources of universities and research institutes to enterprises, promotion of talent training of enterprises and guidance of enterprises to make full use of international technological resources.

(China IP News)
