Principles of Asset Appraisal-Intangible Asset effective from July

The new principles for appraisal of IP assets- Principles of Asset Appraisal-Intangible Asset became effective from July. 

It defines intangible assets which include recognizable ones, such as patent right, trademark right, copyright, know-how, sales network, client list, franchising right, contract interests, and unrecognizable ones such as business reputation.  Among them, sales network and client list are newly added.  The new principles require evaluators to choose one or several methods of evaluation (analysis of return, market or cost) based on objective of evaluation, objects of evaluation, types of value and collected materials.

The two aforementioned provisions of China's Anti-monopoly Law, the Procedural Provisions for Industrial and Commercial Authorities Handling Cases Involving Monopoly Agreements or the Abuse of a Dominant Position and the Procedural Provisions for Industrial and Commercial Authorities Restricting Activities that Limit Free Competition by Abusing Their Powers, have became effective since July 1.

(China IP News)
