Guiding Opinion on Strengthening IPR Work in Central State-Owned Enterprises

State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council issued the Guiding Opinion on Strengthening IPR Work in Central State-Owned Enterprises, requiring them to invoke IPR as an important tool to turn crisis to opportunity, upgrade technology and product, create own brand names, possess core competitiveness with self-reliant IPRs, enhance their risk-resistance capacity and materialize sustainable development. 

Central SOEs shall place design of their own corporate IPR strategy top on their IPR work list.  Some 53 large SOEs and other qualifying enterprises shall design and begin implementation of their own corporate IPR strategy before the end of 2009.  Other requirements include: enhance creation and use of IPRs, promote ownership of self-reliant IPRs in key areas and essential technologies; create famous brands to meet demand of domestic and international competition; promote combined approach of use of IPRs and standard setting and strive for a say in international standard setting activities; establish and refine management and protection mechanism of IPRs in central SOEs.

(China IP News)
