Opinions on Mobilizing Scientists and Engineers to Serve Enterprises

The Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Academy of Engineering, National Natural Science Foundation and China Association for Science and Technology released the Opinions on Mobilizing Scientists and Engineers to Serve Enterprises, organizing scientists and engineers to serve enterprises, helping enterprises, in particular SMEs to solve difficult developmental issues, elevating innovative capacity, enhancing core competitiveness and contributing to steady and relatively fast development of economy. 

Scientists and engineers are encouraged to do the followings: bring technologies and findings to enterprises to accelerate promotion of advanced technologies and commercialization; participate in solution of essential technologies and promote technology renovation and product upgrade; constantly improve management of technological innovation; guide enterprises to improve managerial skills, consult economic and legal issues, help companies to attain financing and marketing opportunities, offer effective support for healthy development of companies. 

(China IP News)
