Several Opinions on Promoting Economic Development with Financial Policies

At 2008 end, in response to the impact of the international financial crisis, the State Council issued the Several Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Promoting Economic Development with Financial Measures. 

Under the Opinions, monetary policies, credit policies and industry policies will work together.  Credit support will be lent to projects concerning people's livelihood, agriculture, large projects, post-disaster reconstruction, energy conservation and emission reduction, innovation, technological upgrade, merger and acquisition and coordinated development of different regions.  Support high tech industries.  Keep check of loan to common manufacturing; limit loan to high-energy-consuming, high-emission and over-invested industries.  Encourage financial institutions to lend export credit.  Extend preferential interest rate for export seller's credit to self-reliant IPRs, brands and high value added products.  Allow financial institutions to perform export buyer's credit.  Make export credit insurance play an active role in export financing.

(China IP News)
