Circular on Administration of Publication Numbers of Audio-Visual Products and E-Publications

The Publication Administration Department of the General Administration of Press and Publication promulgated the Circular on Administration of Publication Numbers of Audio-Visual Products and E-Publications.  The Circular identifies the Department as a new governing body for administration of audio-visual products and e-publications instead of the former Audio-Visual, Electronic and Internet Publication Administration Department under after organizational restructuring.  

From 2009, publication numbers of audio-visual products and e-publications shall be requested on the actual name basis.  The specific rules are that the new numbers are issued based on the annual selection of titles of the publication houses, amounts of publications distributed in previous years.  The requests shall be submitted from December of the previous year to January of the year instant.  Any additional requests shall follow specific rules.  Special request for projects assigned by the state or provinces will go through green channel.

(China IP News)
