Several Opinions on Providing Judicial Safeguard and legal Services for Upholding State Financial Security and Comprehensive, Concerted, Sustainable Development of the Economy

The Supreme People's Court promulgated the Several Opinions on Providing Judicial Safeguard and legal Services for Upholding State Financial Security and Comprehensive, Concerted, Sustainable Development of the Economy with a view to address the judicial issues emerged in the current shifting economic environment.

The Opinions said forming a series of essential technologies and branded products with self-reliant IPRs through science advancement and innovation is an important guarantee to safeguard comprehensive, concerted and sustainable development of national economy.  People's courts shall further understand the strategic meaning of the policy of making the country prosperous with science and technology, respect knowledge, talents, intensify IPR judicial protection, strengthen judicial protection in the phases of technical solution formation and commercialization, protect IPRs of companies firmly and promote growth of wealth.

(China IP News)
