Measures of People's Republic of China for the Examination and Approval of Entry and Exit and Foreign-Related Cooperative Research and Utilization of Livestock and Poultry Genetic Resources

Measures of People's Republic of China for the Examination and Approval of Entry and Exit and Foreign-Related Cooperative Research and Utilization of Livestock and Poultry Genetic Resources will come into effect on October 1, 2008.


The Measures indicates that cooperation with overseas institutes and individuals within China in researching and utilizing the livestock and poultry genetic resources in the List of Livestock and Poultry Genetic Resource Protection should be based on clear IPR ownership and reasonable plans of research fruit sharing. In case where the research goals and scopes, cooperation terms, IPR ownership, research fruit sharing plans or the state benefit sharing plans need modification during the process of foreign-related cooperation, research and utilization, the units that cooperate with overseas institutes and individuals in researching and utilizing the livestock and poultry genetic resources in the List of Livestock and Poultry Genetic Resource Protection within China should go through the examination and approval procedures according to the original application process again.


(China IP News)
