National IP Publicity Week Events This Year to Be Launched Online


After the theme poster was officially published, events of the National IP Publicity Week 2020 are being unveiled recently. 2020 turned out to be a year unlike any other, so how will the publicity week events be launched this year? It is learnt from the events' organizing committee today that most of them will be launched online, covering the launch ceremony, the open day, guest speeches and information release.

Like former years, publicity week events this year will also include the launch ceremony, press conference on China's IP development status and other important contents. Latest progress and data in the IP field of common concern will also be published on schedule.

But different from former years, there are diversified online events this year. At the launch ceremony for example, in addition to guest speeches of the events' organizing committee, WIPO Director General Mr. Francis Gurry will also send his sincere regards to people fighting against and being affected by the epidemic and call for green development; academicians, experts, medical workers and news reporters at the frontline fighting against the epidemic, IP workers, enterprise representatives, primary and secondary school students and other guests from various fields nationwide are going to share their viewpoints on the theme "Intellectual Property and Healthy China".

In this "cloud" era, everyone can participate and interact on the same screen. We believe that through this mode, we will break the limitations of time and space and meet more people online from all walks of life who care for and support China's IP cause to contribute more to China's IP cause! (Translated from CNIPA Website Chinese Version)
