2020 China IP Publicity Week Events Advocates Healthy China


Nearing the 20th World IP Day, China announces its week-long (April 20-26) events to promote IP, featuring IP and Healthy China, according to a circular of the events' organizing committee. 

In a bid to create a sound climate for accelerating building China into an IP power house, the circular requires adhering to Xi Jinping's Thoughts on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guiding ideology, fully carrying out the spirit of the 19th National Congress, the second, third and fourth plenary sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee, coordinating promotion of epidemic control of COVID-2019 and IP publicity work, spreading the Party and state’s decision and deployment on IP, highlighting the role of IP in the course of building a healthy China and facilitating IP cultural construction featuring respecting knowledge, encouraging innovation and fostering honesty. 

The event focuses on how local administrations bring their role into active play to prevent epidemic and step up COVID-2019 research, promote innovative development of health undertaking, implement IP-related policies and measures in response to the epidemic, orderly improve key IP tasks for the year, guide the public to intelligent use of IP system, thus making progress while maintaining stability and high quality in IP work. It also requires local authorities to spare no efforts in making advantages of IP talents, intelligence and information to ensure famers to benefit from trademarks, geographical indications, patents, copyrights and new varieties of plants, so as to bolster industrial development with local characteristics and boost local socio-economic development, while centering on key tasks of building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects and realizing poverty-targeted alleviation. The circular also puts forward that local administrations should combine with actual epidemic prevention situation and strengthen directing instructions and efficiency to popularize IP to diverse groups including innovators, governmental officials, youngsters and the general public by actively using Internet and new media platform.

This year's events are the 12th of its kind launched in China, which will play an important role in implementing IP strategy, beefing up IP protection, optimizing innovation and business environment, embracing innovation and creation energy and supporting high-quality development of economy, said an expert. (Translated from CNIPA Website Chinese Version)
