CNIPA Commissioner Shen Changyu and KIPO Commissioner Park Won-joo Having a Video Conference on Jointly Coping with the COVID-19 and Strengthening Cooperation in Patent Information Services


On April 9, CNIPA Commissioner Shen Changyu and KIPO Commissioner Park Won-joo had a video conference. The two sides exchanged opinions on strengthening patent information services during the COVID-19 epidemic, postponing the meeting of IP5 heads of office, deepening bilateral IP cooperation and some issues of common concern.

According to Shen Changyu, the COVID-19 is spreading worldwide and the whole world is faced with a severe challenge in fighting against the epidemic. This high-level video conference delivers the sincere wish of both sides for strengthening IP cooperation. In order to support scientific researches related to the epidemic prevention and control and help enterprises resume work, CNIPA has organized related experts to launch the patent information sharing platform in such key fields as chemical medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, biologics, vaccine, test methods, detecting instrument and surgical masks, and released a number of patent information analysis reports, with positive feedbacks being received. He hoped that the two sides could strengthen cooperation in patent information to contribute more to the fight against the COVID-19 epidemic.

Park Won-joo said that since the outbreak of the epidemic, the two countries have maintained close cooperation and provided each other with medical supplies such as masks and drugs to jointly fight against the epidemic. KIPO has recently launched a patent information navigation website against the COVID-19 to announce to users the latest inventions and potentially effective therapeutic methods against the COVID-19, which is a big help for the epidemic prevention and control. He hoped that the two sides could have closer cooperation in patent information sharing to provide a strong support for jointly fighting against the virus.

The two sides also exchanged ideas on IP5 cooperation and bilateral cooperation. (Translated from CNIPA Website Chinese Version)
