China Intensifies Fight Against Food, Drug-Related Crimes


Source: Xinhua

China has intensified the fight against crimes in areas of food, drugs, wildlife and intellectual property rights to support work resumption amid the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, said a recent statement from the Ministry of Public Security (MPS).

The MPS called for a strict fight against producing and selling fake and inferior seeds, pesticides, fertilizers and other materials to safeguard the spring plowing.

Police organs should focus on cracking down on the production and sale of toxic and harmful food in the name of epidemic containment to ensure food safety on campus, said the MPS, stressing that producing and selling counterfeit and substandard COVID-19 vaccines, testing kits, disinfectants, and protective clothing would be investigated.

The MPS vowed to crack down on infringement and piracy in the fields of film, television and online training, adding that the police would launch a campaign to strengthen copyright protection in cooperation with other departments.

The police would also focus on fighting against illegal hunting and killing of rare and endangered wild animals to control public health risks with all-out efforts, according to the MPS.
