China Registers 4.18 Million+ Copyrights in 2019


Source: China IP News

In 2019, a total of 4,186,549 copyrights were registered, up 21.09% over 3,457,338 in 2018, according to the Circular on China's Copyright Registration in 2019 issued by the National Copyright Administration of China on March 25.

In terms of works registration, there were 2,701,564 on works in 2019, up 14.86% over 2,351,952 in 2018. China's works registration witnessed a steady upward trend. The front runners were Beijing (1,003,091), Shanghai (291,803), China Copyright Protection Center (282,541), Jiangsu (246,607), Sichuan (171,060) and Chongqing (157,692), accounting for a combined 79.69% of the total in China. Tianjin, Guizhou, Gansu and Inner Mongolia all saw a growth of over 100% in registration of works. In terms of works type, the art works attracted the most, standing at 1,288,139, accounting for 47.68% of the total. 

In terms of software registrations, a total of 1,484,448 examples were registered in 2019, up 34.36%. in terms of registration distribution, a total of 1.04 million examples were registered in the eastern part of the country, devouring 70.2% of the total. Top performer Guangdong contributed 250,000+ (17.2%) of the total. The northeastern area grew at the fastest rate with 57.7%, 23 percentage points higher than the nation's average growth rate.

In terms of copyright pledges, in 2019, there were 537 copyright pledges registered, down 1.83%, involving 381 contracts, up 0.26%; 1,600 works, up 16.96%, 7.64312 billion yuan of primary debt, down 4.0% and 7.30088 billion yuan of warranted value, down 12.74%, according to the statistics released by China Copyright Protection Center.

The circular reveals that the local copyright administrations and copyright registration authorities across the nation should follow the development of such work, further improve submission system, beef up team construction and constantly enhance work efficiency by making full use of the national copyright supervision platform. 
