Policy Leans on IP Front Runners Among Universities


Source: China IP News

The China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA), along with the Ministry of Education (MOE), announced the Working Plan for IP Pilot and Template Universities (dry-run version), aiming to shape 50 template universities with a broad skillset in IP and a number of pilot ones with a specific skillset. The ultimate objective is to position universities to serve the economy and society better and contribute to the country's innovation-driven development strategy and the plan in establishing itself as a force among top IP countries.  

With a multitude of policy aids, these universities are encouraged to generate their high-valued IP portfolios in some essential technological fields and groom top-caliber professionals adept at managing both R & D and IP.  

The template universities are expected to tweak their skills in IP management, creation, use and protection, and eventually establish an edge covering the entire line of work. The pilot universities shall recognize their own strength and establish their own one trick in quality, efficiency or protection. Their specific tasks are: elevate IP management, improve IP management coordination system, enhance IP management covering the whole procedure and define an IP-centered result appraisal system; elevate capacity in generating high quality IPs, establish a patent navigation mechanism, shape a number of high-valued IP portfolios, establish a mechanism of quality control and commercialization; elevate capacity in using IP with high efficiency, explore a new model for acquiring and transferring IP, improve compensation mechanism, establish an efficiency-centered IP classification system; elevate the capacity in protecting IP with high standard, regulate by-the-book use of IPs at universities, mange IP assets of universities efficiently and upgrade their capacity in defending IP risks.  

The deadline for applying for the two types of honors is set at the end of April each year. CNIPA and MOE will organize an expert evaluation to decide the pilots and templates, both titles of which will expire in three years. 
