CNIPA Deploys the Following Novel Coronavirus Prevention and Control work and Raises Six Requirements on Practical Implementation


CNIPA convened a meeting of the CNIPA Leading Group for Novel Coronavirus Prevention and Control on February 02, 2020. Shen Changyu, Commissioner and Secretary of the Leading Party Members’ Group of CNIPA, and the Leader of the CNIPA Leading Group for Novel Coronavirus Prevention and Control, chaired the meeting and delivered a speech.

The meeting further conveyed and studied the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions and the decisions and deployments mad by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, listened to the reports from the working groups of the CNIPA Leading Group for Novel Coronavirus Prevention and Control, and studied the following work for epidemic prevention and control.

As pointed out by Shen Changyu, the entire staff of CNIPA have earnestly studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions and the decisions and deployments made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and actively worked well on the epidemic prevention and control since the outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia. The CNIPA Leading Group for Novel Coronavirus Prevention and Control has been immediately established, to comprehensively arranged and coordinated the overall epidemic prevention and control, successively printed and distributed a number of documents to work well on the epidemic prevention and control and strengthen the patent and trademark service window business management during the epidemic outbreak, and issued in the form of announcements the policies and measures to facilitate the handling of services of patent, trademark and layout designs of integrated circuit affected by the epidemic. All the work has been carried out in an orderly manner.

As for the following epidemic prevention and control work of CNIPA, Shen Changyu has made a clear deployment: First, continue to attach great importance to the epidemic prevention and control, persist in taking it as the most important task at present, further unify the ideas and actions to the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions, and implement strictly the decisions and deployments of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. Second, firmly grasp the basic principles and key points of the epidemic prevention and control, give top priority to the lives and health of cadres and staff members, and strengthen the responsibility, to ensure that the organizational leadership, the personnel, the prevention and control measures, the responsibilities, the publicity and mobilization, and the request for instructions are all in place. Third, based on the actual work of epidemic prevention and control in CNIPA, focus on the current epidemic prevention and control of cadres and staff members during the return journey to work, as well as the information statistics, epidemic investigation, and isolation and protection of them to minimize the risk of epidemic. Fourth, strive to minimize the impact of the epidemic on business operations, and arrange the patent and trademark acceptance window services during the epidemic outbreaks on the premise of good epidemic prevention and control, to promote the safe and orderly implementation of various tasks.

The attendees of the meeting included all the members of the Leading Party Members’ Group of CNIPA, the relevant responsible comrades from the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Administration of Supervision at the State Administration for Market Regulation, and the responsible comrades from the Patent Office of CNIPA, as well as the relevant members of the CNIPA Leading Group for Novel Coronavirus Prevention and Control.(Translated from CNIPA Website Chinese Version) 
