Shen Changyu Meeting JPO’s Newly-Appointed Commissioner Matsunaga Akira and His Delegation


Shen Changyu (second from the left) welcomed the first visit of JPO’s newly appointed Commissioner Matsunaga Akira and his delegation in Beijing

On November 13, CNIPA Commissioner Shen Changyu welcomed the first visit of JPO’s newly appointed Commissioner Matsunaga Akira and his delegation in Beijing. The two sides exchanged opinions on future cooperation and international issues of common concern. Shen Changyu said that the meetings and talks between leaders of the two countries in recent years have pointed out the direction for the continuous improvement and development of bilateral relations, which has strongly guided and promoted the pragmatic cooperation between the two countries in IP field. Over the years, the two sides have conducted fruitful cooperation in various fields, which has provided strong support for bilateral exchanges. This year, the two sides have had new cooperation in the fields of trademarks and geographical indications and he hoped that they could further strengthen cooperation and exchanges to provide stronger support for innovation and economic and social development of the two countries. According to Mr. Matsunaga Akira, the Japanese side is deeply impressed that China has been committed to improving the IP legal system in recent years and the state leaders have repeatedly laid emphasis on strengthening IP protection. CNIPA is an important partner of JPO and the two offices have launched quite inspiring and new cooperation this year. He hoped that they could further their cooperation in the future and carry out more in-depth cooperation and mutual learning to serve the industries and users of the two countries in a better way. (Translated from CNIPA Website Chinese Version)
