The 5th UK-China Intellectual Property Symposium Held in Beijing


On November 1, the 5th UK-China Intellectual Property Symposium was held in Beijing. CNIPA Commissioner Shen Changyu and UKIPO CEO Tim Moss attended the opening ceremony and delivered remarks. CNIPA Deputy Commissioner Gan Shaoning also attended and addressed the closing ceremony. 

According to Shen Changyu, the IP system is faced with unprecedented opportunities and challenges with the further development of economic globalization. China is more and more open to the world and the future and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the State Council have given ever-increasing priority to China’s IP work. As a result, the whole society has got deeper understanding of IP, IP-related legal system has been continuously improved, IP management system has been continuously optimized and IPR protection effect and management efficiency has also been continuously enhanced, all of which have been highly recognized by all parties. It was also underlined by Shen Changyu that China respects and values IP and strictly protects IPRs in accordance with the law. China has always attached great importance to IP cooperation and exchange with various countries and international organizations and has been committed to promoting to build open, inclusive, balanced and effective international rules on IP to promote global scientific and technological innovation, business contact and cultural exchanges. China and the UK are important partners of each other and CNIPA is looking forward to working with the British side to keep pushing their IP cooperation to a new level.

In the speech by Tim Moss, as a Chinese proverb goes, “the fire burns high when everybody adds wood to it”, and innovation is not only vital to a country's economic development, but also of great global significance. IP is a core element in global economic development as well as an important part of the international innovation system. As two major countries in innovation, the UK and China have the responsibility to further deepen their IP cooperation to jointly promote more efficient development of global intellectual property cause. The UK attaches great importance to IP cooperation with China and is willing to learning more about China's IP development through this Symposium to share the useful experience of both sides in tackling challenges under the global IP system and promote economic prosperity and development of the two countries and the world. UKIPO will also continue to carry out high-quality IP-related service to allow more innovators to benefit from the outcomes of IP cooperation between the two countries.

According to Gan Shaoning in his speech at the closing ceremony, the Symposium has provided new ideas and reference for the government departments of the two countries to adopt effective means to stimulate innovation better and protect IPRs strictly. It has also provided tangible help to innovators, industry and IPR users in both countries. CNIPA is willing to work together with UKIPO to further promote and deepen more practical IP cooperation between the two countries.

As is learned, China and the UK keep good cooperative relationship in IP. Since both sides signed the cooperation MOU in 1996, CNIPA and UKIPO have carried out effective cooperation in terms of high-level mutual visit, joint holding of symposiums, exchanges of views and personnel on examination procedures as well as corporate service, which has brought tangible benefits to and got highly affirmed by the industry and innovators of both countries. 

The symposium aimed to implement progress achieved by the meetings of the two nations’ leaders and the 10th China-UK Economic and Financial Dialogue. At the symposium, over 130 representatives from the two countries in the IP authorities, industrial associations, academic and industrial circles discussed and exchanged views on four topics, including recent IP development of China and the UK, IPR protection, IP-driving innovation and IP under new technical revolution. (Translated from CNIPA Website Chinese Version)
