CNIPA Delegation Visiting Poland and Moldova


Recently, CNIPA Deputy Commissioner Liao Tao led a delegation to PPO and AGEPI on their invitation.

During the visit to Poland, Liao Tao had talks with PPO President Edyta Demby Siwek. Liao Tao First extended congratulations to Mrs. Edyta on being the new president of PPO. According to Liao Tao, PPO is an important partner of CNIPA in Central and Eastern Europe, and both sides have maintained long-term friendly partnership and carried out a series of fruitful cooperation. He hoped that both sides could continue to expand and deepen cooperation. At the meeting, the two sides exchanged ideas on such topics as the latest progress of work made by both sides, revision of patent law and trademark law as well as IP promotion. President Edyta hoped that the two sides could build an enterprise service liaison mechanism to serve the innovators and main market players of the two countries better.

CNIPA delegation visiting PPO

During the visit to Moldova, Liao Tao had bilateral talks with AGEPI Acting Director General Andrei Popa. According to Liao Tao, China and Moldova share extensive common interests and Moldova is an important partner of China along the “Belt and Road”. In recent years, Moldova has extensively participated in China’s “Belt and Road” activities in the field of IP and anticipated achievements have been made in their cooperation. Mr. Andrei Popa appreciated the IP-related achievements China has made in recent years, expecting that both sides could strengthen experience and practice sharing in formulating IP-related strategies, raising public awareness, education and training, and information-based systems. After the meeting, the two sides signed the updated Memorandum of understanding on cooperation between CNIPA and AGEPI.

Liao Tao and Andrei Popa signing the MoU

Besides, Liao Tao also visited other IP-related organizations of Moldova on invitation and had field survey on two universities of Poland and Moldova to learn about their work in IP degree education and talent cultivation and share the Chinese experience. (Translated from CNIPA Website Chinese Version)
