The 10th Meeting of China-ASEAN Heads of Intellectual Property Offices Held


On the afternoon of September 2, the 10th Meeting of China-ASEAN Heads of Intellectual Property Offices was held in Hangzhou and CNIPA Commissioner Shen Changyu chaired the meeting and gave a speech. Li Yulin, Chair of ASEAN Working Group on Intellectual Property Cooperation (AWGIPC), attend the meeting and gave a speech. Director-general Foo Kwong Chong of Economic Integration Bureau of the ASEAN Secretariat, CNIPA Deputy Commissioner Gan Shaoning and heads of intellectual property offices of ASEAN members were present.

Shen Changyu remarked in his speech that the friendship between China and ASEAN and ASEAN member countries has a long history and pointed out that for a long time, China and ASEAN have maintained vital fruitful interaction and exchanges in the field of IP. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on China-ASEAN Cooperation in Intellectual Property . Over the ten years, both sides have made great progress in IP, which has strongly supported scientific and technological innovation as well as social and economic development of China and ASEAN members. In the past year, China has made historic reconstruction in its intellectual property management system and operating mechanism, and made new and remarkable achievements in IP creation, protection, application, service and management. CNIPA hopes that through this meeting, both sides will continue to work together to make new progress in IP cooperation, thus making contributions to the balanced and inclusive development of international rules on IP.

Li Yulin fully recognized the achievements made in IP cooperation between China and ASEAN and appreciated the important progress China made in IP institutional reform and IP-related work. He pointed out that under the framework of the China-ASEAN Strategic Partnership, both sides have made fruitful results in IP cooperation, boosting broad prospects. He hoped that both sides could join hands to respond to various challenges and deepen practical cooperation of the China-ASEAN IP cooperation mechanism.

The meeting listened to the report on the implementation of the China-ASEAN IPR Cooperation Plan for 2018-2019 , and deliberated and approved the China-ASEAN IPR Cooperation Plan for 2019-2020 . According to the new work plan, the two sides will further expand and deepen cooperation in improving quality and efficiency of IP examination and personnel training and interaction. The two sides agreed that the 11th Meeting of China-ASEAN Heads of Intellectual Property Offices would be held by NOIP of Vietnam in Da Nang in 2020.  (Translated from CNIPA Website Chinese Version)
