JPO Deputy Commissioner Shimano Kunihiko Leading a Delegation to CNIPA


Recently, CNIPA Deputy Commissioner Gan Shaoning met JPO Deputy Commissioner Shimano Kunihiko and his delegation in Beijing. The two sides exchanged their opinions on cooperation in patent classification in the field of semiconductor, AI international conference and other issues.

According to Gan, the two countries have long maintained a good partnership in IP. CNIPA and JPO have carried out extensive and in-depth exchanges in the fields of personnel cultivation, legal system, examination operation, patent documentation and classification, information construction and reexamination, and have made fruitful achievements. He hoped that both sides could make joint efforts to further deepen IP exchanges and cooperation.

Shimano Kunihiko spoke highly of the IP cooperation between China and Japan and hoped that both sides could continue to deepen exchanges and share IP-related experience.

Principals of International Cooperation Department, Patent Documentation Department and Trademark Office of CNIPA attended the meeting. (Translated from CNIPA Website Chinese Version)
