Premier Li Keqiang Vows to Beef up IP Protection in All Areas


Source: China IP News

The Second Session of the Thirteenth National People's Congress opened at the Great Hall of People in Beijing, on March 5,and President Xi Jinping, jointed with other party and state leaders, attended the meeting. Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council, delivered the Report on the Work of the Government at the meeting. In the report, he calls for increasing support for basic research and application-oriented basic research, stepping up original innovation, and working harder to achieve breakthroughs in core technologies in key fields. In addition, China will build up an enterprise-led mechanism to gather firms, universities, and research institutes in innovative activities. Innovation cooperation with other countries will be expanded. China will strengthen intellectual property protection across the board, enlist punitive damages in remedies of IP infringements, and promote invention and creation and their commercialization.

Li stressed that China will, in accordance with laws, crack down on violations of law including manufacturing and distribution of counterfeit and shoddy quality goods, making the prices of violations too high to even think about. China will use impartial regulation to ensure a fair, efficient, and dynamic market.

Li pointed out that China will speed up reform and innovation in agricultural technologies, endeavor to develop a modern seed industry, implement programs to protect agricultural products with geographical indications, and advance mechanization in entire agricultural production processes.

Li reviewed works in 2018 in eight aspects. First, China developed new ways to improve macro regulation and ensured a generally stable economic performance. Second, China took solid action in the three critical battles and made good progress in carrying out key tasks. Third, China deepened supply-side structural reform and steadily unleashed the dynamism of the real economy. Fourth, China continued to implement the innovation-driven development strategy and further increased innovation capacity and performance. Fifth, China intensified reform and opening up and continued to strengthen the momentum of development. Sixth, China pursed balanced development across rural and urban areas and regions and sped up the formation of a pattern of positive interplay. Seventh, China continued to ensure and improve living standards in the course of pursuing development and enable the people to share more fully and fairly in the benefits of reform and development. Eighth, China made a progress in building government run by the rule of law and pursuing innovation in governance and ensured social harmony and stability. 
